International business books

19561 books were found.

Études sur la mondialisation

Études sur la mondialisation

Author: Dena Bateh
ISBN: 9786206916086
Format: Paperback

Les études sur la mondialisation sont nées de l'impact que la mondialisation a eu et continuera d'avoir sur les...  Read More >>

Исследования глобализации


Author: Дена Батех
ISBN: 9786206916062
Format: Paperback

Толчком к созданию программы Globalization Studies послужило влияние, которое глобализация оказала и будет оказывать...  Read More >>

Estudos de Globalização

Estudos de Globalização

Author: Dena Bateh
ISBN: 9786206916116
Format: Paperback

O ímpeto por detrás dos Estudos de Globalização resultou do impacto que a globalização teve e continuará a ter na...  Read More >>



Author: Dena Bateh
ISBN: 9786206916079
Format: Paperback

Der Anstoß zu den Globalisierungsstudien kam durch die Auswirkungen, die die Globalisierung auf die Migration, die...  Read More >>

Studi sulla globalizzazione

Studi sulla globalizzazione

Author: Dena Bateh
ISBN: 9786206916109
Format: Paperback

L'impulso degli studi sulla globalizzazione è nato dall'impatto che la globalizzazione ha avuto e continuerà ad...  Read More >>

Strategies to Grow Your Law Firm and Attract More Clients: Global Growth Strategies for Law Firms

Strategies to Grow Your Law Firm and Attract More Clients:...

Author: Ramiz Berisha
ISBN: 9798870948799
Format: Paperback

"Unlock the secrets to transforming your law firm into a thriving, client-attracting powerhouse with ""Strategies...  Read More >>

The importance of social media marketing in today's business world: How social media can take your business to the next level

The importance of social media marketing in today's...

Author: Arnold C Hoffman
ISBN: 9798870819327
Format: Paperback

Uncover the pivotal role of social media marketing in today's business landscape with 'The Importance of Social...  Read More >>

Marokkanische Praxis langfristiger Finanzentscheidungen

Marokkanische Praxis langfristiger Finanzentscheidungen...

Author: Inass El Farissi ,  Sofiane Tahi
ISBN: 9786206861393
Format: Paperback

In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie über die marokkanische Praxis langfristiger Finanzentscheidungen...  Read More >>

Prática marroquina das decisões financeiras a longo prazo

Prática marroquina das decisões financeiras a longo...

Author: Inass El Farissi ,  Sofiane Tahi
ISBN: 9786206861416
Format: Paperback

Este livro apresenta os resultados de um estudo empírico efectuado sobre a prática marroquina das decisões financeiras...  Read More >>

The Challenge of “Going Out”: Chinese Experiences in Outbound Investment

The Challenge of “Going Out”: Chinese Experiences in...

Author: Henry Huiyao Wang ,  Mabel Lu Miao
ISBN: 9789819933259
Format: Hardback

In an attempt to make sense of the complex process of adaptation that Chinese enterprises must go through in the...  Read More >>

A Guide to International Trading: Professional Tools and Practice Insights for Successful Operations

A Guide to International Trading: Professional Tools...

Author: Eun Sup Lee
ISBN: 9783031399763
Format: Hardback

This book offers a practical guide for successful international trade operations. Written for MBA students and professionals,...  Read More >>

Trade and Investment in East Africa: Prospects, Challenges and Pathways to Sustainability

Trade and Investment in East Africa: Prospects, Challenges...

Author: Binyam Afewerk Demena ,  Peter A.G. Van Bergeijk
ISBN: 9789811942136
Format: Paperback

This book provides a thorough understanding of the key policy debates on international trade and investment for...  Read More >>

The Korean Wave in a Post-Pandemic World: BTS, Cosmax and Squid Game

The Korean Wave in a Post-Pandemic World: BTS, Cosmax...

Author: Geon-Cheol Shin ,  Mark D. Whitaker
ISBN: 9789819936823
Format: Hardback

Since the Korean Wavecontinues to grow in popularity within a more exclusive digital socialization, future implications...  Read More >>

Virtual Teams Across National Borders

Virtual Teams Across National Borders

Author: Marin A. Marinov
ISBN: 9781032496016
Format: Hardback

This book is dedicated to offering a comprehensive outlook and analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects...  Read More >>

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International...

Author: Audra I. Mockaitis
ISBN: 9783031388859
Format: Hardback

Meanwhile, at the individual level, these issues are compounded for migrants having to cope with multiple work and...  Read More >>

I Am A Salesman

I Am A Salesman

Author: Yong Jing ,  Yi Xiao
ISBN: 9780228895862
Format: Paperback


Marketer of First-Class Resell Rights: Mazing Idea Gift for Marketers

Marketer of First-Class Resell Rights: Mazing Idea Gift...

Author: Sorana Dierfield
ISBN: 9787476961349
Format: Paperback


Concetti essenziali e applicazione pratica nel business internazionale

Concetti essenziali e applicazione pratica nel business...

Author: Masood Ahmed
ISBN: 9786206893127
Format: Paperback

Con la liberalizzazione delle economie, la privatizzazione che sostituisce i settori pubblici e la globalizzazione...  Read More >>

Grundlegende Konzepte und praktische Anwendung im internationalen Geschäft

Grundlegende Konzepte und praktische Anwendung im internationalen...

Author: Masood Ahmed
ISBN: 9786206893097
Format: Paperback

Mit der Liberalisierung der Volkswirtschaften, der Privatisierung anstelle des öffentlichen Sektors und der Globalisierung...  Read More >>

Concepts essentiels et application pratique dans les affaires internationales

Concepts essentiels et application pratique dans les...

Author: Masood Ahmed
ISBN: 9786206893110
Format: Paperback

Avec la libéralisation des économies, la privatisation qui remplace les secteurs publics et la mondialisation des...  Read More >>

Conceitos essenciais e aplicação prática nos negócios internacionais

Conceitos essenciais e aplicação prática nos negócios...

Author: Masood Ahmed
ISBN: 9786206893134
Format: Paperback

Com a liberalização das economias, a privatização que substitui os sectores públicos e a globalização dos recursos,...  Read More >>

Conto corrente della bilancia dei pagamenti indiana: il nuovo regime di politica economica

Conto corrente della bilancia dei pagamenti indiana:...

Author: Raghavender Raju ,  Vishwanath Pandit
ISBN: 9786206895077
Format: Paperback

Uno degli aspetti più riusciti delle riforme strutturali indiane è stata la forza e il dinamismo del settore estero....  Read More >>

Leistungsbilanz der indischen Zahlungsbilanz: Unter dem neuen wirtschaftspolitischen Regime

Leistungsbilanz der indischen Zahlungsbilanz: Unter...

Author: Raghavender Raju ,  Vishwanath Pandit
ISBN: 9786206895046
Format: Paperback

Einer der erfolgreichsten Aspekte der indischen Strukturreformen war die Stärke und Dynamik seines Außenhandelssektors....  Read More >>

Compte courant de la balance des paiements de l'Inde: sous le nouveau régime de politique économique

Compte courant de la balance des paiements de l'Inde:...

Author: Raghavender Raju ,  Vishwanath Pandit
ISBN: 9786206895053
Format: Paperback

L'un des aspects les plus réussis des réformes structurelles de l'Inde a été la force et le dynamisme de son secteur...  Read More >>

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