Jurisprudence & general issues books

297924 books were found.

Interventionsvorschlag f�r Biosicherheitsstandards

Interventionsvorschlag f�r Biosicherheitsstandards

Author: Misveide Fern�ndez Fuentes ,  Maybell P�rez Rdguez
ISBN: 9786207053377
Format: Paperback

Die Normen zur biologischen Sicherheit sollen das Risiko der �bertragung von Mikroorganismen aus anerkannten Infektionsquellen...  Read More >>

Fondamenti di finanza

Fondamenti di finanza

Author: Tanya Oropeza
ISBN: 9786207053063
Format: Paperback

Il processo decisionale, sia per un investitore che a livello aziendale, comporta una serie di ripercussioni che...  Read More >>

Fundamentos de finan�as

Fundamentos de finan�as

Author: Tanya Oropeza
ISBN: 9786207053070
Format: Paperback

A tomada de decis�es, seja para um investidor ou a n�vel empresarial, implica uma s�rie de repercuss�es que afectam...  Read More >>

Indagine sperimentale su calcestruzzo geopolimerico a base di polvere di vetro

Indagine sperimentale su calcestruzzo geopolimerico...

Author: Subhashish Dey
ISBN: 9786207053711
Format: Paperback

La presente indagine si � concentrata sull'individuazione di un legante alternativo al cemento nel calcestruzzo....  Read More >>

Experimentelle Untersuchung von Geopolymerbeton auf Glaspulverbasis

Experimentelle Untersuchung von Geopolymerbeton auf...

Author: Subhashish Dey
ISBN: 9786207053681
Format: Paperback

Die vorliegende Untersuchung konzentrierte sich darauf, die M�glichkeit eines alternativen Bindemittels anstelle...  Read More >>

Investiga��o experimental em concreto geopolim�rico � base de p� de vidro

Investiga��o experimental em concreto geopolim�rico...

Author: Subhashish Dey
ISBN: 9786207053667
Format: Paperback

A presente investiga��o centrou-se na identifica��o da possibilidade de um aglutinante alternativo em vez de cimento...  Read More >>

Proposta di intervento per gli standard di biosicurezza

Proposta di intervento per gli standard di biosicurezza...

Author: Misveide Fern�ndez Fuentes ,  Maybell P�rez Rdguez
ISBN: 9786207053407
Format: Paperback

Gli standard di biosicurezza hanno lo scopo di ridurre il rischio di trasmissione di microrganismi da fonti di infezione...  Read More >>

Grundlagen der Finanzierung

Grundlagen der Finanzierung

Author: Tanya Oropeza
ISBN: 9786207053032
Format: Paperback

Da das Hauptziel darin besteht, diesen Wert zu maximieren, ist die korrekte Anwendung der Finanzwissenschaft f�r...  Read More >>

Proposta de interven��o para as normas de biosseguran�a

Proposta de interven��o para as normas de biosseguran�a...

Author: Misveide Fern�ndez Fuentes ,  Maybell P�rez Rdguez
ISBN: 9786207053414
Format: Paperback

As normas de biosseguran�a destinam-se a reduzir o risco de transmiss�o de microrganismos a partir de fontes reconhecidas...  Read More >>

Effectiveness of Family Conciliation in the UCC Clinic

Effectiveness of Family Conciliation in the UCC Clinic...

Author: Romario Freire ,  Daniela Chac�n
ISBN: 9786207054459
Format: Paperback

In Colombia, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms have existed since the enactment of its Political Constitution...  Read More >>

Efic�cia da Concilia��o Familiar na Cl�nica UCC

Efic�cia da Concilia��o Familiar na Cl�nica UCC

Author: Romario Freire ,  Daniela Chac�n
ISBN: 9786207054473
Format: Paperback

Na Col�mbia, os mecanismos de resolu��o alternativa de lit�gios existem desde a promulga��o da sua Constitui��o...  Read More >>

Distruzione degli embrioni criocongelati

Distruzione degli embrioni criocongelati

Author: Mar�a Cecilia Gonz�lez ,  Facundo Rodrigo Gonz�lez Busquin
ISBN: 9786207054480
Format: Paperback

Il progresso delle tecnologie ha avuto un impatto su tutte le sfere sociali e, in particolare, sulla medicina. Con...  Read More >>

Destrui��o de embri�es crio-congelados

Destrui��o de embri�es crio-congelados

Author: Mar�a Cecilia Gonz�lez ,  Facundo Rodrigo Gonz�lez Busquin
ISBN: 9786207054497
Format: Paperback

O avan�o das tecnologias teve um impacto em todos os dom�nios sociais e, em particular, na medicina. Com isso, o...  Read More >>

Efficacia della conciliazione familiare nella clinica UCC

Efficacia della conciliazione familiare nella clinica...

Author: Romario Freire ,  Daniela Chac�n
ISBN: 9786207054466
Format: Paperback

In Colombia, i meccanismi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie esistono fin dalla promulgazione della Costituzione...  Read More >>

Effektivit�t der Familienschlichtung in der UCC-Klinik

Effektivit�t der Familienschlichtung in der UCC-Klinik...

Author: Romario Freire ,  Daniela Chac�n
ISBN: 9786207054428
Format: Paperback

In Kolumbien gibt es seit der Verabschiedung der politischen Verfassung im Jahr 1991, Artikel 116, Abs�tze 3 und...  Read More >>

Selbstbelastungskonflikte Des Organmitglieds Im Verhaltnis Zur Aktiengesellschaft

Selbstbelastungskonflikte Des Organmitglieds Im Verhaltnis...

Author: Marie-Therese Eble-Gluck
ISBN: 9783756014606
Format: Paperback

Verletzen Organmitglieder eine Pflicht gegenuber der Gesellschaft, stehen sie vor der Frage, inwieweit sie den Verstoss...  Read More >>

�valuation et traitement des risques dans le secteur bancaire

�valuation et traitement des risques dans le secteur...

Author: Abdalla Chebo
ISBN: 9786207051663
Format: Paperback

L'incertitude dans le monde d'aujourd'hui augmente en raison des changements �conomiques, politiques, technologiques...  Read More >>

Avalia��o e tratamento dos riscos no sector banc�rio

Avalia��o e tratamento dos riscos no sector banc�rio...

Author: Abdalla Chebo
ISBN: 9786207051649
Format: Paperback

A incerteza no mundo de hoje est� a aumentar devido �s mudan�as econ�micas, pol�ticas, tecnol�gicas e sociais. O...  Read More >>

Valutazione e gestione del rischio nel settore bancario

Valutazione e gestione del rischio nel settore bancario...

Author: Abdalla Chebo
ISBN: 9786207051656
Format: Paperback

L'incertezza nel mondo di oggi � in aumento a causa dei cambiamenti economici, politici, tecnologici e sociali....  Read More >>

Risikobewertung und -behandlung im Bankensektor

Risikobewertung und -behandlung im Bankensektor

Author: Abdalla Chebo
ISBN: 9786207051809
Format: Paperback

Die Unsicherheit in unserer heutigen Welt nimmt aufgrund des wirtschaftlichen, politischen, technologischen und...  Read More >>

Rucknahme Der Lizenzbereitschaftserklarung Nach 23 VII Patg

Rucknahme Der Lizenzbereitschaftserklarung Nach 23 VII...

Author: Leonie Juliane Reichardt
ISBN: 9783756015238
Format: Paperback

Die Dissertation regt dazu an, die derzeitige Lizenzierung von Patenten neu zu denken und die Verwertung der Vielzahl...  Read More >>

A Commentary on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace in India

A Commentary on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace...

Author: Sweksha Bhadauria
ISBN: 9786207456734
Format: Paperback

Sexual harassment is about male dominance over women and it is used to remind women that they are weaker than man....  Read More >>

Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning With Our History, Interrogating our Present, Reimagining our Future

Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning...

Author: Laura S. Abrams (Professor, Professor, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs) ,  Sandra Edmonds Crewe (Dean and Professor, Dean and Professor, Howard University School of Social Work)
ISBN: 9780197641422
Format: Hardback

This volume offers an examination of the history of racism and White supremacy in the profession of social work,...  Read More >>

Law and Literature in Ancient Greece

Law and Literature in Ancient Greece

Author: Martín Laclau
ISBN: 9789004686724
Format: Hardback

In this work, one of Latin America’s most renowned legal philosophers conducts a comprehensive survey of the ancient...  Read More >>

International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques

International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques...

Author: Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg ,  Luca Pasquet
ISBN: 9783031094675
Format: Paperback

This book explores the close, complex and consequential – yet to a large extent implicit – relationship between...  Read More >>

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