Society & culture: general books

894789 books were found.

The Emmanuel 9

The Emmanuel 9

Author: Richard Shine
ISBN: 9798893760835
Format: Paperback

This book was design to help mentor the homeless because it's tough I was once the same and even harassed by racism...  Read More >>

White Women, Get Ready: How Healing Post-Traumatic Mistress Syndrome Leads to Anti-Racist Change

White Women, Get Ready: How Healing Post-Traumatic Mistress...

Author: Amanda K Gross
ISBN: 9781955671439
Format: Paperback

Part historical analysis, part memoir, & part call to action, White Women, Get Ready shares how white ladies have...  Read More >>

A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century

A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the...

Author: Jo Leinen ,  Andreas Bummel
ISBN: 9783942282246
Format: Paperback

This book explores the history, current relevance, and future implementation of the monumental idea of an elected...  Read More >>

Empowering Schools: Effective Leadership in Urban Education

Empowering Schools: Effective Leadership in Urban Education...

Author: Sheneal Parker
ISBN: 9798392348732
Format: Paperback

Despite a decade of education reform, the number of underperforming schools in the U.S. continues to rise, prompting...  Read More >>

The Box

The Box

Author: Susan Jordan
ISBN: 9781911587873
Format: Paperback

A subtle novel about loss and trauma, relationship and the possibility of healing.  Read More >>

Esplorare il giornalismo di pace in Nigeria: Teoria e pratica

Esplorare il giornalismo di pace in Nigeria: Teoria...

Author: Eric Ikpah ,  David Aondofa Orayimam
ISBN: 9786207958139
Format: Paperback

La Nigeria � una nazione multietnica con oltre 250 gruppi etnici con diversi background culturali e religiosi che...  Read More >>

Eine Enzyklop�die f�r die Bestandsentwicklung in Gef�ngnisbibliotheken

Eine Enzyklop�die f�r die Bestandsentwicklung in Gef�ngnisbibliotheken...

Author: Mavuto Mpulula
ISBN: 9786207959204
Format: Paperback

Die Studie konzentrierte sich auf die Bestandsentwicklung in der Schulbibliothek der Justizvollzugsanstalt Mzuzu....  Read More >>

�tudes de cas sur les th�ories de la communication familiale en Indon�sie

�tudes de cas sur les th�ories de la communication familiale...

Author: Dr (Ed) Aep Wahyudin ,  Dr Lucy Pujasari Supratman
ISBN: 9786207958856
Format: Paperback

"Ce livre intitul� ""CASE STUDIES ON FAMILY COMMUNICATION THEORIES IN INDONESIA"" (�tudes de cas sur les th�ories...  Read More >>

Casi di studio sulle teorie della comunicazione familiare in Indonesia

Casi di studio sulle teorie della comunicazione familiare...

Author: Dr (Ed) Aep Wahyudin ,  Dr Lucy Pujasari Supratman
ISBN: 9786207958900
Format: Paperback

"Questo libro, intitolato ""CASE STUDIES ON FAMILY COMMUNICATION THEORIES IN INDONESIA"", � la raccolta delle riflessioni...  Read More >>

Estudos de caso sobre as teorias da comunica��o familiar na Indon�sia

Estudos de caso sobre as teorias da comunica��o familiar...

Author: Dr (Ed) Aep Wahyudin ,  Dr Lucy Pujasari Supratman
ISBN: 9786207958870
Format: Paperback

"Este livro, intitulado ""ESTUDOS DE CASO SOBRE AS TEORIAS DA COMUNICA��O FAMILIAR NA INDON�SIA"", � uma cole��o...  Read More >>

Explorando o jornalismo de paz na Nig�ria: Teoria Vs Pr�tica

Explorando o jornalismo de paz na Nig�ria: Teoria Vs...

Author: Eric Ikpah ,  David Aondofa Orayimam
ISBN: 9786207958115
Format: Paperback

A Nig�ria � uma na��o multi�tnica com mais de 250 grupos �tnicos com diferentes origens culturais e religiosas que...  Read More >>

Erforschung des Friedensjournalismus in Nigeria: Theorie vs. Praxis

Erforschung des Friedensjournalismus in Nigeria: Theorie...

Author: Eric Ikpah ,  David Aondofa Orayimam
ISBN: 9786207958085
Format: Paperback

Nigeria ist eine multiethnische Nation mit �ber 250 ethnischen Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen und religi�sen...  Read More >>

Exploration du journalisme de paix au Nigeria: Th�orie et pratique

Exploration du journalisme de paix au Nigeria: Th�orie...

Author: Eric Ikpah ,  David Aondofa Orayimam
ISBN: 9786207958092
Format: Paperback

Le Nigeria est une nation multiethnique qui compte plus de 250 groupes ethniques aux origines culturelles et religieuses...  Read More >>

Fallstudien zu Theorien der Familienkommunikation in Indonesien

Fallstudien zu Theorien der Familienkommunikation in...

Author: Dr (Ed) Aep Wahyudin ,  Dr Lucy Pujasari Supratman
ISBN: 9786207958887
Format: Paperback

"Dieses Buch mit dem Titel ""CASE STUDIES ON FAMILY COMMUNICATION THEORIES IN INDONESIA"" (Fallstudien zur Familienkommunikation...  Read More >>

Learn How To Stop Breaking Your Heart: Practical Strategies for Emotional Resilience, Well-being, Healing, Growth and Self Transformation.

Learn How To Stop Breaking Your Heart: Practical Strategies...

Author: Ruth Rose
ISBN: 9798336490763
Format: Paperback

Break free from poisonous connections and behaving destructively things to do Mend the profound injuries of your...  Read More >>

Navigating Care Together: A Family's Guide to Compassionate Care

Navigating Care Together: A Family's Guide to Compassionate...

Author: S a Leys
ISBN: 9798336499421
Format: Paperback

"""Navigating Care Together: A Family's Guide to Compassionate Care"" is your key to transforming the caregiving...  Read More >>

A R�dio Comunit�ria E a Promo��o Da Agricultura Na Nig�ria

A R�dio Comunit�ria E a Promo��o Da Agricultura Na Nig�ria...

Author: Cyprian Terhemba Gbasha ,  Tavershima Avar
ISBN: 9786207959976
Format: Paperback

"Este estudo, intitulado ""Community Radio and the Promotion of Agriculture in Benue State of Nigeria: A Study of...  Read More >>

La Radio Communautaire Et La Promotion de l'Agriculture Au Nigeria

La Radio Communautaire Et La Promotion de l'Agriculture...

Author: Cyprian Terhemba Gbasha ,  Tavershima Avar
ISBN: 9786207959952
Format: Paperback

"Cette �tude, intitul�e ""La radio communautaire et la promotion de l'agriculture dans l'�tat de Benue au Nigeria:...  Read More >>

Einfluss des Fernsehens auf das Abstimmungsverhalten bei afrikanischen Wahlen

Einfluss des Fernsehens auf das Abstimmungsverhalten...

Author: Scholastica Igbashangev ,  Tavershima Caleb Amber
ISBN: 9786207960422
Format: Paperback

Die Rundfunk- und Fernsehmedien bieten Einzelpersonen und Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft Plattformen, um sich zu Themen...  Read More >>

Ethische Fragen Im Friedensjournalismus

Ethische Fragen Im Friedensjournalismus

Author: Aishatu Salisu Bello ,  Simeon Teryima Aondoakaa
ISBN: 9786207960538
Format: Paperback

Das Buch bietet eine detaillierte Erkundung des Friedensjournalismus, zeichnet seine Entwicklung nach und untersucht...  Read More >>

Une encyclop�die pour le d�veloppement des collections dans les biblioth�ques de prison

Une encyclop�die pour le d�veloppement des collections...

Author: Mavuto Mpulula
ISBN: 9786207959211
Format: Paperback

L'�tude s'est concentr�e sur les activit�s de d�veloppement des collections de la biblioth�que de l'�cole de la...  Read More >>

Uma enciclop�dia para o desenvolvimento de colec��es em bibliotecas prisionais

Uma enciclop�dia para o desenvolvimento de colec��es...

Author: Mavuto Mpulula
ISBN: 9786207959259
Format: Paperback

O estudo centrou-se nas actividades de desenvolvimento de colec��es na Biblioteca Escolar da Pris�o de Mzuzu. O...  Read More >>

Un'enciclopedia per lo sviluppo delle collezioni nelle biblioteche carcerarie

Un'enciclopedia per lo sviluppo delle collezioni nelle...

Author: Mavuto Mpulula
ISBN: 9786207959242
Format: Paperback

Lo studio si � concentrato sulle attivit� di sviluppo delle collezioni della biblioteca scolastica del carcere di...  Read More >>

Questions �thiques Dans Le Journalisme de Paix

Questions �thiques Dans Le Journalisme de Paix

Author: Aishatu Salisu Bello ,  Simeon Teryima Aondoakaa
ISBN: 9786207960545
Format: Paperback

Ce livre propose une exploration d�taill�e du journalisme de paix, en retra�ant son �volution et en examinant les...  Read More >>

Influenza della televisione sui modelli di voto nelle elezioni africane

Influenza della televisione sui modelli di voto nelle...

Author: Scholastica Igbashangev ,  Tavershima Caleb Amber
ISBN: 9786207960460
Format: Paperback

I media radiotelevisivi, come la televisione, offrono ai singoli e ai membri della societ� la possibilit� di contribuire...  Read More >>

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