Music books

286119 books were found.

Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk

Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk

Author: Kathleen Hanna
ISBN: 9780008361891
Format: Paperback

An electric, searing memoir by the original rebel girl and legendary frontwoman of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre  Read More >>

Points of Disruption in the Music Education Curriculum, Volume 1: Systemic Changes

Points of Disruption in the Music Education Curriculum,...

Author: Marshall Haning ,  Jocelyn A. Stevens
ISBN: 9781032515472
Format: Hardback

Points of Disruption in the Music Education Curriculum, Volume 1: Systemic Changes brings together applied suggestions,...  Read More >>

Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude: On the Genius of the Mass in B Minor

Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude: On the Genius of the...

Author: James Crooks
ISBN: 9780228020639
Format: Paperback

Every lover of music finds themselves, at privileged moments, in ecstasy – certain that what they are hearing has...  Read More >>

Gritty City: An Oral History of Winnipeg Hip-Hop Music: 1980-2005

Gritty City: An Oral History of Winnipeg Hip-Hop Music:...

Author: Nigel Webber
ISBN: 9781038305763
Format: Paperback

Gritty City is a love letter to Winnipeg, a prairie metropolis born out of rebellion, a river city marooned in the...  Read More >>

Insegnare la geografia attraverso la musica

Insegnare la geografia attraverso la musica

Author: Reinaldo Ferreira Maia J�nior
ISBN: 9786207534203
Format: Paperback

L'autore, in quanto educatore, ritiene che l'istruzione di base sia la culla che trasforma la realt� all'esterno,...  Read More >>

Преподавание географии с помощью музыки


Author: Феррейра Майя Жуниор
ISBN: 9786207534210
Format: Paperback

Автор, как педагог, считает, что базовое образование - это колыбель, которая преобразует реальность за пределами...  Read More >>

Teaching geography through music

Teaching geography through music

Author: Reinaldo Ferreira Maia J�nior
ISBN: 9786207534173
Format: Paperback

For the author as an educator, he believes that basic education is the cradle that transforms reality outside, beyond...  Read More >>

Enseigner la g�ographie par la musique

Enseigner la g�ographie par la musique

Author: Reinaldo Ferreira Maia J�nior
ISBN: 9786207534197
Format: Paperback

En tant qu'�ducateur, l'auteur est convaincu que l'�ducation de base est le berceau qui transforme la r�alit� �...  Read More >>

Geografieunterricht durch Musik

Geografieunterricht durch Musik

Author: Reinaldo Ferreira Maia J�nior
ISBN: 9786207534166
Format: Paperback

F�r den Autor als P�dagogen ist die Grundbildung die Wiege, die die Realit�t au�erhalb der Schulmauern ver�ndert,...  Read More >>

Производство Pinus elliottii Engelm и Pinus caribaea Morelet


Author: Сильва Морейра
ISBN: 9786207535712
Format: Paperback

В лесном хозяйстве Мозамбика оценка роста и определение урожайности основных посаженных видов (Pinus spp и Eucalypto...  Read More >>

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction

Author: Cl�udia Nunes ,  Carlos Magalh�es
ISBN: 9786207535552
Format: Paperback

Satisfaction can have an influence on the worker, affecting their physical and mental health, their professional...  Read More >>

Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz

Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz

Author: Cl�udia Nunes ,  Carlos Magalh�es
ISBN: 9786207535545
Format: Paperback

Die Zufriedenheit kann einen Einfluss auf die Arbeitnehmer haben, der sich auf ihre k�rperliche und geistige Gesundheit,...  Read More >>

Удовлетворенность работой


Author: Клаудия Нунес ,  Карлос Магалхаес
ISBN: 9786207535583
Format: Paperback

Удовлетворенность может оказывать влияние на работников, воздействуя на их физическое и психическое здоровье, профессиональное...  Read More >>

Produzione di Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus caribaea Morelet

Produzione di Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus caribaea...

Author: Silva Moreira
ISBN: 9786207535705
Format: Paperback

Nel settore forestale del Mozambico, la valutazione della crescita e la determinazione della resa delle principali...  Read More >>

Production de Pinus elliottii Engelm. et de Pinus caribaea Morelet

Production de Pinus elliottii Engelm. et de Pinus caribaea...

Author: Silva Moreira
ISBN: 9786207535699
Format: Paperback

Dans le secteur forestier mozambicain, l'�valuation de la croissance et la d�termination du rendement des principales...  Read More >>

Production of Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Pinus caribaea Morelet

Production of Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Pinus caribaea...

Author: Silva Moreira
ISBN: 9786207535675
Format: Paperback

In the Mozambican forestry sector, assessing the growth and determining the yield of the main planted species (Pinus...  Read More >>

Satisfaction professionnelle

Satisfaction professionnelle

Author: Cl�udia Nunes ,  Carlos Magalh�es
ISBN: 9786207535576
Format: Paperback

La satisfaction peut avoir une influence sur les travailleurs, en affectant leur sant� physique et mentale, leur...  Read More >>

Erzeugung von Pinus elliottii Engelm. und Pinus caribaea Morelet

Erzeugung von Pinus elliottii Engelm. und Pinus caribaea...

Author: Silva Moreira
ISBN: 9786207535668
Format: Paperback

In der mosambikanischen Forstwirtschaft ist die Bewertung des Wachstums und die Bestimmung des Ertrags der wichtigsten...  Read More >>

Soddisfazione lavorativa

Soddisfazione lavorativa

Author: Cl�udia Nunes ,  Carlos Magalh�es
ISBN: 9786207535590
Format: Paperback

La soddisfazione pu� avere un'influenza sui lavoratori, influenzando la loro salute fisica e mentale, il loro comportamento...  Read More >>

The Groovology of White Affect: Boeremusiek and the Enregisterment of Race in South Africa

The Groovology of White Affect: Boeremusiek and the...

Author: Willemien Froneman
ISBN: 9783031401428
Format: Hardback

The Groovology of White Affect theorizes white aesthetics and race formation in South Africa from a position immersed...  Read More >>

Clément Janequin: French Composer at the Dawn of Music Publishing

Clément Janequin: French Composer at the Dawn of Music...

Author: Dr Rolf Norsen
ISBN: 9781648250859
Format: Hardback


Autobiographical Recollections of Charles-Marie Widor

Autobiographical Recollections of Charles-Marie Widor...

Author: John R Near (Royalty Account) ,  John R Near (Royalty Account)
ISBN: 9781648250866
Format: Hardback

The last of the Romantics, Widor narrated his recollections in 1936, bringing to life his diverse experiences from...  Read More >>

The Musical Relationship between Claude Debussy and Igor Stravinsky

The Musical Relationship between Claude Debussy and...

Author: Professor Mark McFarland
ISBN: 9781648250903
Format: Hardback

Stravinsky's influence on Debussy in 1910-13 is demonstrated here in the many modernistic features of such works...  Read More >>

Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude: On the Genius of the Mass in B Minor

Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude: On the Genius of the...

Author: James Crooks
ISBN: 9780228020622
Format: Hardback

Every lover of music finds themselves, at privileged moments, in ecstasy – certain that what they are hearing has...  Read More >>

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