Jurisprudence & general issues books

297830 books were found.

Eine Bewertung der Notwendigkeit der �bernahme der Rotterdam-Regeln durch �thiopien

Eine Bewertung der Notwendigkeit der �bernahme der Rotterdam-Regeln...

Author: Abebe Tefera
ISBN: 9786207610556
Format: Paperback

"Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen hat das ""�bereinkommen �ber Vertr�ge �ber die internationale Bef�rderung...  Read More >>

Die Wechself�lle der Rechtsstaatlichkeit

Die Wechself�lle der Rechtsstaatlichkeit

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610563
Format: Paperback

Angesichts der Perfidie und der �bergriffe der bewaffneten terroristischen Gruppen der Sahelzone, die eine asymmetrische...  Read More >>

Una valutazione della necessit� dell'Etiopia di adottare le Regole di Rotterdam

Una valutazione della necessit� dell'Etiopia di adottare...

Author: Abebe Tefera
ISBN: 9786207610518
Format: Paperback

"L'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la ""Convenzione sui contratti di trasporto internazionale...  Read More >>

Die F�hrung des Justizsektors in Niger

Die F�hrung des Justizsektors in Niger

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610617
Format: Paperback

Die gute Regierungsf�hrung eines Landes ist eng mit der F�hrung des Justizsektors verkn�pft. Der Justizsektor ist...  Read More >>

Le vicissitudini dello Stato di diritto

Le vicissitudini dello Stato di diritto

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610587
Format: Paperback

Di fronte alla perfidia e alle atrocit� dei gruppi terroristici armati saheliani, con la loro strategia asimmetrica,...  Read More >>

Designazione del giudice ai sensi dell'articolo 49 dell'AUPSERVE nel diritto congolese

Designazione del giudice ai sensi dell'articolo 49 dell'AUPSERVE...

Author: Simon Kalenga Nshimba
ISBN: 9786207613151
Format: Paperback

Ogni ordine giudiziario ha una propria giurisdizione in virt� del principio che la giurisdizione � sempre per attribuzione....  Read More >>

Bestimmung des Richters von Artikel 49 AUPSERVE nach kongolesischem Recht

Bestimmung des Richters von Artikel 49 AUPSERVE nach...

Author: Simon Kalenga Nshimba
ISBN: 9786207613076
Format: Paperback

Jede Rechtsordnung hat ihre Zust�ndigkeiten gem�� dem Grundsatz, dass die Zust�ndigkeit immer zugewiesen ist. Obwohl...  Read More >>

Aspetti controversi dell'espropriazione e del conflitto di norme

Aspetti controversi dell'espropriazione e del conflitto...

Author: Anderson Muramoto
ISBN: 9786207612888
Format: Paperback

"La premessa principale di questo articolo � quella di sollevare la discussione sul sistema di pagamento adottato...  Read More >>

Umstrittene Aspekte der Enteignung und des Normenkonflik

Umstrittene Aspekte der Enteignung und des Normenkonflik...

Author: Anderson Muramoto
ISBN: 9786207612840
Format: Paperback

"Die Hauptpr�misse dieses Artikels besteht darin, die Diskussion �ber das f�r die Enteignungsbescheide gew�hlte...  Read More >>

Designation of the judge under article 49 of AUPSERVE in Congolese law

Designation of the judge under article 49 of AUPSERVE...

Author: Simon Kalenga Nshimba
ISBN: 9786207613083
Format: Paperback

Each jurisdiction has its own powers, in accordance with the principle that jurisdiction is always by attribution....  Read More >>

Designa��o do juiz nos termos do artigo 49� do AUPSERVE no direito congol�s

Designa��o do juiz nos termos do artigo 49� do AUPSERVE...

Author: Simon Kalenga Nshimba
ISBN: 9786207613175
Format: Paperback

Cada ordem judicial tem a sua pr�pria jurisdi��o em virtude do princ�pio de que a jurisdi��o � sempre por atribui��o....  Read More >>

Aspects controvers�s de l'expropriation et du conflit de r�gle

Aspects controvers�s de l'expropriation et du conflit...

Author: Anderson Muramoto
ISBN: 9786207612871
Format: Paperback

L'id�e principale de cet article est de soulever la question du syst�me de paiement adopt� pour les assignations...  Read More >>

Управление судебным сектором в Нигере


Author: Маман Амину &#1040. &#1050&#1059&#1053&#1044&#1048
ISBN: 9786207610662
Format: Paperback

Эффективное управление страной в значительной степени зависит от управления судебным сектором. Судебная власть находится...  Read More >>

Превратности верховенства права


Author: Маман Амину &#1040. &#1050&#1059&#1053&#1044&#1048
ISBN: 9786207610600
Format: Paperback

Столкнувшись с вероломством и зверствами вооруженных сахельских террористических группировок, придерживающихся асимметричной...  Read More >>

�valuation de la n�cessit� pour l'�thiopie d'adopter les r�gles de Rotterdam

�valuation de la n�cessit� pour l'�thiopie d'adopter...

Author: Abebe Tefera
ISBN: 9786207610525
Format: Paperback

"L'Assembl�e g�n�rale des Nations unies a adopt� la ""Convention sur le contrat de transport international de marchandises...  Read More >>

Governance of the judicial sector in Niger

Governance of the judicial sector in Niger

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610624
Format: Paperback

A country's good governance is intimately dependent on its governance of the judicial sector. It is, in fact, at...  Read More >>

The vicissitudes of the rule of law

The vicissitudes of the rule of law

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610532
Format: Paperback

Faced with the perfidy and atrocities of asymmetrically-strategized armed terrorist groups in the Sahel, the region's...  Read More >>

As vicissitudes do Estado de direito

As vicissitudes do Estado de direito

Author: Maman Aminou A Koundy
ISBN: 9786207610594
Format: Paperback

Perante a perf�dia e as atrocidades dos grupos terroristas armados sahelianos, com a sua estrat�gia assim�trica,...  Read More >>

Legge indiana sulla protezione dei dati personali digitali, 2023

Legge indiana sulla protezione dei dati personali digitali,...

Author: Anadi Tewari
ISBN: 9786207634668
Format: Paperback

Nell'era digitale, lo scambio di informazioni personali � diventato parte integrante della vita quotidiana ed �...  Read More >>

Lei de Prote��o de Dados Pessoais Digitais da �ndia, 2023

Lei de Prote��o de Dados Pessoais Digitais da �ndia,...

Author: Anadi Tewari
ISBN: 9786207634675
Format: Paperback

Na era digital, o interc�mbio de informa��es pessoais tornou-se parte integrante da vida quotidiana e � um elemento...  Read More >>

The New Official LSAT Tripleprep Volume 8

The New Official LSAT Tripleprep Volume 8

Author: Council Admission School Law
ISBN: 9798990233805
Format: Paperback

For Official LSAT(R) prep practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat The New Official LSAT TriplePrep series....  Read More >>

The New Official LSAT Tripleprep Volume 9

The New Official LSAT Tripleprep Volume 9

Author: Council Admission School Law
ISBN: 9798990233812
Format: Paperback

For Official LSAT(R) prep practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat The New Official LSAT TriplePrep series....  Read More >>

Legal Interpreting and Questioning Techniques Explained

Legal Interpreting and Questioning Techniques Explained...

Author: Mira Kadrić ,  Monika Stempkowski
ISBN: 9781032294414
Format: Paperback

This book also addresses the increasing use of technology and hybrid forms of translation and interpreting in the...  Read More >>

Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2022)

Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2022)...

Author: Cui Yadong ,  Shu Jingyi
ISBN: 9789819710591
Format: Hardback


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