Criminal law & procedure books

25306 books were found.

Copyright: What Everyone Needs to Know(r)

Copyright: What Everyone Needs to Know(r)

Author: Neil Weinstock Netanel ,  Steve Menasche
ISBN: 9798874692865
Format: Audio

"Copyright law was once an esoteric backwater, the special province of professional authors, publishers, and media...  Read More >>

The Victims' Reparation Scheme of the Special Criminal Court

The Victims' Reparation Scheme of the Special Criminal...

Author: Junior Merlin Kranendji
ISBN: 9786207069569
Format: Paperback

The creation of the SCC in the CAR follows the commission of serious violations of human rights and IHL, particularly...  Read More >>

Politique r�glementaire pour les entreprises de s�curit� priv�e au Nigeria

Politique r�glementaire pour les entreprises de s�curit�...

Author: Plangshak Suchi
ISBN: 9786207068203
Format: Paperback

"Gr�ce aux services qu'elles fournissent, les entreprises de s�curit� priv�e compl�tent la police dans la pr�vention...  Read More >>

Standards Probat�rios Norte-Americanos No Processo Penal Brasileiro

Standards Probat�rios Norte-Americanos No Processo Penal...

Author: Almir Santos Reis Junior ,  Gilciane Allen Baretta
ISBN: 9786206758419
Format: Paperback

"Este trabalho apresenta um panorama geral acerca dos standards probat�rios, modelos de constata��o oriundos do...  Read More >>

Das Opferentsch�digungsregime des Sonderstrafgerichtshofs

Das Opferentsch�digungsregime des Sonderstrafgerichtshofs...

Author: Junior Merlin Kranendji
ISBN: 9786207069552
Format: Paperback

Die Gr�ndung des SCC in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik folgt auf die Begehung schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen...  Read More >>

Regulierungspolitik f�r private Sicherheitsunternehmen in Nigeria

Regulierungspolitik f�r private Sicherheitsunternehmen...

Author: Plangshak Suchi
ISBN: 9786207068197
Format: Paperback

"Private Sicherheitsunternehmen erg�nzen mit ihren Dienstleistungen die Polizei bei der Verbrechensverh�tung, der...  Read More >>

Deficiencias en la respuesta judicial en casos de violencia de genero

Deficiencias en la respuesta judicial en casos de violencia...

Author: David Richarth Serpa Quispe
ISBN: 9786202164740
Format: Paperback

La presente investigaci�n abord� las deficiencias en la respuesta judicial en casos de violencia de g�nero, Para...  Read More >>

Verfassungsrechtliche Behandlung der SAF

Verfassungsrechtliche Behandlung der SAF

Author: Manuel Trujillo Alcaraz
ISBN: 9786206954095
Format: Paperback

"Ein gelungener Essay, der ein komplexes Thema schnell und verständlich behandelt. Der Autor hat sich bemüht, eine...  Read More >>

Gratuitous Angst in White America: A Theory of Whiteness and Crime

Gratuitous Angst in White America: A Theory of Whiteness...

Author: Deena A. Isom
ISBN: 9780367763992
Format: Paperback

Gratuitous Angst in White America presents a new criminological theory that explains the racialized experiences...  Read More >>

Justice, Indigenous Peoples, and Canada: A History of Courage and Resilience

Justice, Indigenous Peoples, and Canada: A History of...

Author: Kathryn M. Campbell (University of Ottawa) ,  Stephanie Wellman
ISBN: 9780367074555
Format: Hardback

This book compiles the work of leading researchers to provide a broad overview of criminal justice issues that Indigenous...  Read More >>

Towards Drug Policy Justice: Harm Reduction, Human Rights and Changing Drug Policy Contexts

Towards Drug Policy Justice: Harm Reduction, Human Rights...

Author: Damon Barrett ,  Rick Lines
ISBN: 9780367770952
Format: Hardback


Working with Violent Men: From Resistance to Change Talk in Probation Domestic Abuse Programmes

Working with Violent Men: From Resistance to Change...

Author: Will Hughes
ISBN: 9781032151663
Format: Hardback

Working with Violent Men gives a detailed insight into working with men who have been violent towards intimate partners....  Read More >>

Gratuitous Angst in White America: A Theory of Whiteness and Crime

Gratuitous Angst in White America: A Theory of Whiteness...

Author: Deena A. Isom
ISBN: 9780367766436
Format: Hardback


Medidas Alternativas de Enfrentamento �s Drogas No Brasil

Medidas Alternativas de Enfrentamento �s Drogas No Brasil...

Author: Almir Santos Reis Junior ,  Gabrielli Kindziera Blasczak
ISBN: 9786206758396
Format: Paperback

Esta obra tem por escopo analisar a pol�tica antidrogas brasileira...  Read More >>

A Rolling STOP...: Who Say's It is BAD?

A Rolling STOP...: Who Say's It is BAD?

Author: Sherrie Ann Chenault
ISBN: 9798876216137
Format: Paperback

""" A Rolling Stop"" is a poignant narrative that takes readers on a transformational journey through the author's...  Read More >>

Grundrechte und Strafrecht

Grundrechte und Strafrecht

Author: Adaltro Cristiano Zorzan
ISBN: 9786206435860
Format: Paperback

"Das Buch behandelt das Verh�ltnis zwischen Strafrecht und Grundrechten unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Grundsatzes...  Read More >>

The Giannini Trail

The Giannini Trail

Author: Frederick Morris
ISBN: 9798223551546
Format: Paperback

Based on the actual notes of the Jury Foreman, and his diary notes of the trial. Was it a set-up? Had the Memphis...  Read More >>

An�lise dos crimes de �dio em Madhya Pradesh

An�lise dos crimes de �dio em Madhya Pradesh

Author: Aditya Awasthi ,  Rameshwar Prasad Shivwedi
ISBN: 9786207040728
Format: Paperback

O resumo descreve os crimes de �dio como actos violentos motivados por preconceitos contra indiv�duos ou grupos...  Read More >>

Analisi dei crimini d'odio in Madhya Pradesh

Analisi dei crimini d'odio in Madhya Pradesh

Author: Aditya Awasthi ,  Rameshwar Prasad Shivwedi
ISBN: 9786207040711
Format: Paperback

La sintesi parla dei crimini d'odio come atti violenti motivati da pregiudizi contro individui o gruppi a causa...  Read More >>

Analyse des crimes de haine dans le Madhya Pradesh

Analyse des crimes de haine dans le Madhya Pradesh

Author: Aditya Awasthi ,  Rameshwar Prasad Shivwedi
ISBN: 9786207040704
Format: Paperback

Le r�sum� pr�sente les crimes de haine comme des actes violents motiv�s par des pr�jug�s � l'encontre d'individus...  Read More >>

Analyse der Hasskriminalit�t in Madhya Pradesh

Analyse der Hasskriminalit�t in Madhya Pradesh

Author: Aditya Awasthi ,  Rameshwar Prasad Shivwedi
ISBN: 9786207040629
Format: Paperback

In der Zusammenfassung werden Hassverbrechen als durch Vorurteile motivierte Gewalttaten gegen Einzelpersonen oder...  Read More >>

Selections from 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions' and 'The Madness of Crowds'

Selections from 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions' and...

Author: Charles Mackay
ISBN: 9781032301358
Format: Paperback

This selection, first published in 1973, compiles a fascinating study of crowd psychology as it examines the moral...  Read More >>



Author: Gerald Stanley Lee
ISBN: 9781032303185
Format: Paperback

This book, first published in 1913, examines early twentieth century thinking on crowds and human nature. The imagination...  Read More >>

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