Anthologies (non-poetry) books

1695571 books were found.



Author: 梁啟超
ISBN: 9786267403235
Format: Paperback

"""超越時代的古典,啟示讀者的經典 探索新民的形成與重要性,分析中國民族性格與未來 強調獨立思考與現代價值,梁啟超的現代思想巨著── ▎民國的啟蒙之聲 在近代中國的歷史演進中,梁啟超以其獨特的思想與筆鋒,為中國的現代化與國家變革投下了一盞明燈。他的著作《新民說》不僅是一部深入探討中國民族性格的巨著,更是呼應民國初年變革之聲的具體呈現。這部作品力圖揭示新民的形成和必要性,並指引中國走向新的方向。... 



Author: 周作人
ISBN: 9786267403150
Format: Paperback

"""文學與時事的交會,細膩觸動心靈的回憶 教育改革奮鬥者周作人的生命之旅── 望越篇:回顧教育生涯 這部回憶錄從「赤羽橋邊」為起點,講述了周作人在教育界的成長與貢獻。他以辛亥革命為背景,深刻描繪了當時中國社會的動盪與變革。這一段敘述,旁及周作人與當時重要政治人物的關係,為我們呈現一個歷史時刻的生動影像。... 



Author: 許壽裳
ISBN: 9786267403136
Format: Paperback

"""魯迅私密友情回憶,揭露文學巨匠的真實一面 《浙江潮》創辦故事,社會與政治的深刻討論 追求知識、追求真理、追求友誼 進入充滿戲劇性和變革的年代,描繪兩人之間獨特的友誼 ◆突破傳統──剪辮與文學奮鬥... 



Author: 蔣百里
ISBN: 9786267403143
Format: Paperback

"""從不同角度解讀軍事策略,使讀者更易理解原始文獻! 蔣百里對古典軍事文獻《孫子兵法》的現代詮釋── 【計篇第一】論軍政與主德之關係 管子曰:「計先定於內,而後兵出於境。」 本章闡述軍事領導和統治者品德之間的關係。統治者的品德決定了國家的方向和策略,對於戰爭的發起、進行和結束都有著深遠的影響。... 



Author: 黃世仲
ISBN: 9786269790784
Format: Paperback

"""深入揭示清末民初政局,連接歷史與當下的反思 精準捕捉時代文化潮流,細膩刻畫社會風情景象 生動描繪其波瀾起伏的爭議人生, 真實呈現袁世凱的人性面! ◆冉冉升起的政治巨星與清末民初的政治環境 ...... 



Author: 周作人
ISBN: 9786267403167
Format: Paperback

"""北大歲月,知識的烙印 學術與革命的交會,周作人的情感回憶 ▎深刻的時代見證者 本書帶領讀者穿越時光,回顧中國近現代歷史的重要時刻,特別是辛亥革命和五四運動等事件。周作人作為一位深刻的時代見證者,用敏銳的筆觸和智慧的評論,詮釋了這些歷史事件對於中國社會和文化的深遠影響。他的觀察和分析不僅富有洞察力,還充滿對國家和民族命運的關切。這本書對於理解中國現代史和思考未來的走向具有重要價值。... 

Nothing Sacred: Outspoken Voices in Contemporary Fiction

Nothing Sacred: Outspoken Voices in Contemporary Fiction...

Author: Bernard Schweizer ,  James Morrow
ISBN: 9798988717300
Format: Paperback

Nothing Sacred offers the reading public a compilation of spellbinding stories from both emerging and established...  Read More >>

Doors of Darkness

Doors of Darkness

Author: Caleb J Pecue ,  Cameron Chaney
ISBN: 9798988913801
Format: Paperback

Bringing back the feeling of a Charles L. Grant anthology of the 80s, Doors of Darkness presents 27 tales of terror...  Read More >>

Museum Piece: an unusual collection

Museum Piece: an unusual collection

Author: B Morris Allen ,  Kring Demetrio
ISBN: 9781640763616
Format: Paperback

A gallery of the strange and outrageous. These museums are not your typical tourist traps. Each exhibit will take...  Read More >>

Best Spiritual Literature Vol. 8

Best Spiritual Literature Vol. 8

Author: Luke Hankins ,  Nathan Poole
ISBN: 9781949039443
Format: Paperback

Best Spiritual Literature is the new name of The Orison Anthology, under the same editorship and publisher, and...  Read More >>

The Dark Side Of Justice: A Crime Mystery Novel Collection

The Dark Side Of Justice: A Crime Mystery Novel Collection...

Author: B R Stateham
ISBN: 9784824177735
Format: Hardback

A collection of three crime mystery novels by B.R. Stateham, now available in one volume! Murderous Passions: Detectives...  Read More >>

Dracula Beyond Stoker Issue 3: The Bloofer Lady

Dracula Beyond Stoker Issue 3: The Bloofer Lady

Author: Chris McAuley ,  Katie Gill
ISBN: 9798986734088
Format: Paperback

Experience all the heartbreak and horror of Lucy Westenra with...  Read More >>

Finding the Good Through the Rain: Indignor House Anthology 2023

Finding the Good Through the Rain: Indignor House Anthology...

Author: Indignor House
ISBN: 9781953278487
Format: Hardback

For this year's anthology, we wanted to find the beauty behind the ugly, the happiness blended in the sadness, the...  Read More >>



Author: 陈丹青
ISBN: 9798869042286
Format: Paperback

"内容简介 本书收录陈丹青过去十年最新的艺术评论文章,跨越戏剧、小说、音乐、摄影,以及素人的绘画。作者自嘲这些皆为""轻佻""的评论,却能看到其中对""真""的赞美,对""灵""的惊异,对""艺术家命运""的慨叹......... 

The Colored Lens: Winter 2024

The Colored Lens: Winter 2024

Author: Christine Amsden ,  Ethan Canter
ISBN: 9798873996452
Format: Paperback

The goal of speculative fiction has always been to examine the real world through the lens of the imaginary. By...  Read More >>

Storie Per Bambini

Storie Per Bambini

Author: Helena Tucci
ISBN: 9798869041487
Format: Paperback

"""Storie per Bambini"" è un tesoro di narrazioni avvincenti e sorprendenti, progettato per incantare e ispirare...  Read More >>

365 Days of Compassion

365 Days of Compassion

Author: Kelly Graham Tick
ISBN: 9781777612443
Format: Paperback

365 Days of Compassion - Infusing compassionate presence into your daily life - By Kelly Graham Tick 365...  Read More >>

Đạo Phật v� thanh ni�n

Đạo Phật v� thanh ni�n

Author: TuỆ SỸ ,  Vi�n Minh
ISBN: 9798868995613
Format: Paperback

"...Each individual might be likened to a hanging bell, with their own cognitive and emotional faculties. The teachings...  Read More >>

From Hotwife to Freeuse

From Hotwife to Freeuse

Author: Lacey Cross
ISBN: 9781960162137
Format: Paperback


The EC Archives: Shock Suspenstories Volume 3

The EC Archives: Shock Suspenstories Volume 3

Author: Carl Wessler ,  George Evans
ISBN: 9781506736617
Format: Paperback

"These hard-as-nails tales of betrayal, larceny, and murder are the works of legendary creators Al Feldstein, Wally...  Read More >>

The Reinvented Heart

The Reinvented Heart

Author: Jennifer Brozek ,  Cat Rambo
ISBN: 9781647101077
Format: Paperback

What happens when emotions like love and friendship span vast distances — in space, in time, and in the heart? Science...  Read More >>

2022 Best of Utopian Speculative Fiction

2022 Best of Utopian Speculative Fiction

Author: Justine Norton-Kertson
ISBN: 9781958121665
Format: Paperback

The first annual anthology of the year's best utopian speculative fiction.  Read More >>



Author: 袁凌
ISBN: 9798868972812
Format: Paperback

"内容简介 袁凌进一步奠定风格之作。 他基于真实人物和细节,进行了一场文学实验,模糊了纪实文学与虚构小说的边界,挑战非虚构文学的写作可能。 这是一本有""情绪""的非虚构作品集。12个故事中,有背井离乡的打工人,有坚持上文学课的月嫂,也有命案的冷眼旁观者......他们都是""多余的人""--无力改变生活,只能旁观加诸于己的命运,呈现出一种对自身境遇漠不关心的""冷淡""。袁凌捕捉到这一幽微情绪,以文字还原人生的庄重。... 

All for Queen and Country

All for Queen and Country

Author: C J Richardson
ISBN: 9781739923846
Format: Paperback

All for Queen and Country1568 and Mary Queen of Scots flees to England in search of protection from Queen Elizabeth,...  Read More >>

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