Title: Winterhill Author: Luca Cantoro Genre: Historical Thriller, Mystery, Gothic Fiction Description: Winterhill is a gripping historical thriller set in the eerie and isolated village of Winterhill, just outside of London in the early 1900s. The story follows the weary but brilliant Detective Arthur Ward, a veteran of London's police force who is haunted by the unsolved mysteries of his past and the tragic death of his wife. On the brink of retirement, Ward is called to Winterhill to investigate the sudden disappearance of the mayor's wife, Emma Wilkins-a case that quickly spirals into something far more sinister. Winterhill is no ordinary village. Shrouded in mist and steeped in centuries-old superstitions, its residents live in the shadow of a dark and ancient curse. As Ward delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers the legend of a serial killer known only as ""The Shadow,"" a figure who has left a trail of death and enigmatic clues over the years. Every step he takes brings him closer to uncovering the truth-truths that the village has kept hidden for generations. But as Ward uncovers the secrets buried in the village's past, he realizes that the evil in Winterhill is not just a story from old wives' tales. It is very real, and it has been waiting for someone to challenge it. With each revelation, Ward is drawn further into a web of deceit, murder, and malevolent forces that threaten not only the village but his own sanity. Winterhill is a tale of suspense, horror, and the relentless pursuit of truth in the face of overwhelming darkness. Perfect for fans of Gothic fiction and atmospheric mysteries, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. Will Detective Ward solve the mystery and finally put his demons to rest, or will Winterhill's shadows claim him as their next victim? Key Features: - A richly atmospheric setting in a remote English village. - A complex and tortured protagonist with a deep backstory. - A blend of historical mystery, psychological horror, and Gothic elements. - A story that explores themes of loss, revenge, and the haunting power of the past. Perfect for readers who enjoy: - The works of Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. - Gothic novels with a dark, suspenseful twist. - Historical mysteries with richly developed characters and settings. - Psychological thrillers that delve into the human psyche. Discover The Shadows of Winterhill where every secret has a price, and not all who enter will escape the shadows.
Full Product Details
Author: Luca Cantoro
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Width: 15.20cm
, Height: 0.30cm
, Length: 22.90cm
Weight: 0.095kg
ISBN: 9798336246124
Pages: 62
Publication Date: 18 August 2024
Format: Paperback
Publisher's Status: Active
Availability: In Print
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