Planetary Sciences: American and Soviet Research/Proceedings from the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Workshop on Planetary Sciences

Author:   National Academy of Sciences ,  Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ,  Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems ,  David M. Abramson
Publisher:   National Academies Press


Pages:   304
Publication Date:   01 February 1991
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Planetary Sciences: American and Soviet Research/Proceedings from the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Workshop on Planetary Sciences

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This book contains the proceedings from a workshop on planetary sciences sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the National Academy of Sciences. The proceedings include papers written by American and Soviet scientists who examine the current theoretical understanding of how the planets were formed and how they evolved to their present state. They assess the type of observations and experiments that are needed to advance understanding of the formation and evolution of the solar system based on the current theoretical framework. Table of Contents Front Matter 1. The Properties and Environment of Primitive Solar Nebulae as Deduced from Observations of Solar-Type Pre-Main Sequence Stars 2. Numerical Two-Dimensional Calculations of the Formation of the Solar Nebula 3. Three-Dimensional Evolution of Early Solar Nebula 4. Formation and Evolution of the Protoplanetary Disk 5. Physical-Chemical Processes in a Protoplanetary Cloud 6. Magnetohydrodynamic Puzzles in the Protoplanetary Nebula 7. Formation of Planetesimals 8. Formation of the Terrestrial Planets from Planetesimals 9. The Rate of Planet Formation and the Solar System's Small Bodies 10. Astrophysical Dust Grains in Stars, the Interstellar Medium, and the Solar System 11. Late Stages of Accumulation and Early Evolution of the Planets 12. Giant Planets and Their Satellites: What are the Relationships Between Their Properties and How They Formed? 13. The Thermal Conditions of Venus 14. Degassing 15. The Role of Impacting Processes in the Chemical Evolution of the Atmosphere of Primordial Earth 16. Lithospheric and Atmospheric Interaction on the Planet Venus 17. Runaway Greenhouse Atmospheres: Applications to Earth and Venus 18. The Oort Cloud 19. The Chaotic Dynamics of Comets and the Problems of the Oort Cloud 20. Progress in Extra-Solar Planet Detection Appendix I: List of Participants Appendix II: List of Presentations

Full Product Details

Author:   National Academy of Sciences ,  Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ,  Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems ,  David M. Abramson
Publisher:   National Academies Press
Imprint:   National Academies Press


ISBN 10:   0309043336
Pages:   304
Publication Date:   01 February 1991
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

1 Front Matter; 2 1. The Properties and Environment of Primitive Solar Nebulae as Deduced from Observations of Solar-Type Pre-Main Sequence Stars; 3 2. Numerical Two-Dimensional Calculations of the Formation of the Solar Nebula; 4 3. Three-Dimensional Evolution of Early Solar Nebula; 5 4. Formation and Evolution of the Protoplanetary Disk; 6 5. Physical-Chemical Processes in a Protoplanetary Cloud; 7 6. Magnetohydrodynamic Puzzles in the Protoplanetary Nebula; 8 7. Formation of Planetesimals; 9 8. Formation of the Terrestrial Planets from Planetesimals; 10 9. The Rate of Planet Formation and the Solar System's Small Bodies; 11 10. Astrophysical Dust Grains in Stars, the Interstellar Medium, and the Solar System; 12 11. Late Stages of Accumulation and Early Evolution of the Planets; 13 12. Giant Planets and Their Satellites: What are the Relationships Between Their Properties and How They Formed?; 14 13. The Thermal Conditions of Venus; 15 14. Degassing; 16 15. The Role of Impacting Processes in the Chemical Evolution of the Atmosphere of Primordial Earth; 17 16. Lithospheric and Atmospheric Interaction on the Planet Venus; 18 17. Runaway Greenhouse Atmospheres: Applications to Earth and Venus; 19 18. The Oort Cloud; 20 19. The Chaotic Dynamics of Comets and the Problems of the Oort Cloud; 21 20. Progress in Extra-Solar Planet Detection; 22 Appendix I: List of Participants; 23 Appendix II: List of Presentations


Author Information

Thomas M. Donahue, Kathleen Kearney Trivers, and David M. Abramson,Editors; National Academy of Sciences

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