Overview""On the Frontier"" is a captivating tale set against the backdrop of the American West during the era of pioneering expansion. This historical fiction novel vividly portrays the challenges and adventures faced by settlers and pioneers as they carve out a new life in the wilderness. The narrative unfolds amidst the rugged landscapes of the frontier, where brave men and women embark on a journey of exploration and survival. As they navigate the untamed wilderness, they encounter both natural obstacles and the complexities of forging communities in uncharted territories. Against the backdrop of Manifest Destiny, the novel explores themes of courage, perseverance, and the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity. It delves into the personal journeys of its characters, from the pioneers' initial aspirations to the harsh realities they confront on the frontier. Through its depiction of frontier life, ""On the Frontier"" captures the spirit of adventure and exploration that defined America's westward expansion. It celebrates the pioneers' indomitable spirit and their determination to build a future amidst the challenges of the wilderness, making it a compelling narrative that resonates with themes of exploration, survival, and the enduring quest for freedom and opportunity. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Bret HartePublisher: Double 9 Books Imprint: Double 9 Books Dimensions: Width: 14.00cm , Height: 0.70cm , Length: 21.60cm Weight: 0.154kg ISBN: 9789364286510ISBN 10: 9364286510 Pages: 116 Publication Date: 01 August 2024 Audience: General/trade , General Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In Print This item will be ordered in for you from one of our suppliers. Upon receipt, we will promptly dispatch it out to you. For in store availability, please contact us. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationBret Harte (1836-1902) was an American author and poet known for his vivid portrayals of life in the American West during the 19th century. Born in Albany, New York, Harte moved to California during the Gold Rush era, where he worked as a miner, teacher, and journalist. His experiences in the Wild West provided inspiration for his literary career. Harte's early stories and poems captured the frontier atmosphere with realism and humor, often depicting the lives of miners, gamblers, and other colorful characters. He gained widespread acclaim for his short story ""The Luck of Roaring Camp"" (1868), which introduced his distinctive style and themes of rugged individualism and moral ambiguity. As an editor for ""The Overland Monthly,"" Harte published his stories and poems, including ""The Outcasts of Poker Flat"" (1869) and ""Miggles"" (1869), which further solidified his reputation as a master of Western fiction. His works often explored the clash between frontier idealism and the harsh realities of life on the edge of civilization. Later in his career, Harte's literary output diversified to include essays, plays, and novels. He served as a U.S. Consul in Germany and Scotland, where he continued to write and publish prolifically. Despite controversy and critical shifts in reception later in life, Bret Harte's contributions to American literature left a lasting impact, influencing subsequent writers and contributing to the enduring mythology of the American West. Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |