Fast Guide to Cubase SX

Author:   Simon Millward
Publisher:   PC Publishing
Edition:   3rd Revised edition


Pages:   470
Publication Date:   15 March 2005
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Fast Guide to Cubase SX

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The Fast Guide to Cubase SX provides all the information you need to quickly master the essentials of the software and also explores advanced techniques. The book covers all the important aspects of the program including recording and editing in the Project window, mixing in the Mixer, audio looping and editing in the Sample editor, and detailed MIDI editing in the the MIDI editors. Installation and setting up are explained, and detailed information on audio and MIDI recording techniques, EQ, compression, gating, limiting, effects and mix automation are all featured. Projects throughout the book describe Cubase SX in a number of recording and editing situations, providing valuable practical insights into how best to use the program for specific tasks. This third edition includes coverage of the new functions of version 3. It features numerous revisions and additions throughout the text providing more information and more Cubase know-how than ever before. In addition, 100 speed tips and a powerful macro library help take your music production and programming to the next level. Topics covered include: Installing and setting up, the Project window, the Mixer, the Key, List and Drum editors, the Audio Part editor, the Sample editor, the Pool, audio effects plug-ins, MIDI effects plug-ins, audio and MIDI theory, quantize, EQ, compression, gating, looping, filtering, mixing, mix automation, synchronisation, dither, VST Instruments, surround sound and much more. Simon Millward is a music software specialist. He has a Master of Science degree in Music Technology from the University of York, UK. Originally trained as a musician and subsequently as a sound engineer, his interest in software sequencers and virtual studio instruments has established him as one of the UK's foremost Cubase experts.

Full Product Details

Author:   Simon Millward
Publisher:   PC Publishing
Imprint:   PC Publishing
Edition:   3rd Revised edition
Dimensions:   Width: 18.90cm , Height: 2.70cm , Length: 23.60cm
Weight:   1.193kg


ISBN 10:   1870775988
Pages:   470
Publication Date:   15 March 2005
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
Limited stock is available. It will be ordered for you and shipped pending supplier's limited stock.

Table of Contents

1 Description and overview What is Cubase SX? When was Cubase SX developed? Who can use Cubase SX? Why use Cubase SX? How do I use Cubase SX? The big picture. Brief preview. Patience, practice and understanding. 2 Setting up the system General computer requirements. Installation. System verification. Overall system setup. Summary. 3 First steps Recording in Cubase SX. Your first MIDI recording. Your first Audio recording. First impressions. Testing the controls 4 The Project window The Project window. The Project window tools. Autoscroll and snap functions. Split, divide, size and track colour functions. The ruler and the left and right locators. The Transport Panel. Track types. The Inspector. Using the tools. The Quick menu. Zoom functions in the Project window. Saving and opening details. Progress report. 5 MIDI recording What is MIDI? MIDI network details. Record modes for MIDI recording. MIDI recording in detail. MIDI cycle recording project 1 (Mix mode). MIDI cycle recording project 2 (Overwrite mode). MIDI cycle recording project 3 (Stacked mode). Combining techniques. Other MIDI recording techniques. Quantize. How do I include my MIDI recordings when I use Export/Audio Mixdown? 6 MIDI editing General features of the MIDI editors. General tips on using the MIDI editors. Key editor. Edit In-Place. The List editor. The Drum editor. Smart Moves. More about the MIDI menu. More about quantize. Quantize setup in detail. Advanced quantizing techniques. 7 Audio recording Digital audio and audio recording techniques. What bit resolution and sample rate should I use? Audio routing. Troubleshooting the recording process. Monitoring in Cubase SX. Record enable and monitor buttons in detail. Monitoring modes in detail. Latency. Record modes for audio recording. Audio recording strategies. Dropping in 'on the fly'. Audio recording in cycle mode. Practical audio recording projects in cycle mode. Audio events, audio clips and audio files. 8 Audio editing General audio editing techniques. The Audio Part editor. The Sample editor. Creative techniques using the Audio Part editor and Sample editor. Audio warping in the Sample editor. 9 Audio processing The processing options. What gets affected. Common buttons in the audio processing dialogues. The Process functions. Combination processing. Offline Process History. 10 The Pool The Pool window. The Pool columns. The Pool toolbar. The Pool Infoline. The Pool Search function. Getting to know the Pool. Archiving your Cubase SX projects. Switching to a new Project folder and making back-ups. Practical Pool techniques. Importing and exporting the Pool. 11 Mixing and EQ Preliminaries. What is mixing? Ten golden rules for recording and mixing. The Mixer. Mixing decisions. EQ Hot Zones. Mixing strategies. Mixer routing. Mixing down. Export/Audio Mixdown. Mixer moves. 12 Audio effects Plug-in formats and standards. Audio effects in theory. Filtering. Setting up audio effects in Cubase SX. Common GUI functions for audio effects. The supplied audio effects. Additional effects. Combination processing. Plug-in information. 13 Mastering What is mastering and what is a master? Mastering decisions. Mastering in Cubase SX. Mastering processing settings. Dithering. Recommended order of use of plug-ins for mastering. Downsampling issues. Quality control. Burning the CD. 14 MIDI effects The difference between MIDI effects and audio effects. Setting up MIDI effects in Cubase SX. Common graphical user Interface functions for MIDI effects. The supplied MIDI effects. How do I make the MIDI effects a permanent part of the data? MIDI effects combinations. 15 Automation Basic automation. Automation modes. Automating your mix. Step-by-step automation project. Creating snapshots of the mixer settings. What exactly can be automated? 16 Surround sound Demystifying surround sound. Common surround sound formats. Setting up the surround features in Cubase SX. Mixing surround sound. Using the surround panner plug-in. Exporting a surround sound mix. 17 VST Instruments What are VST Instruments? System requirements and performance issues. The supplied VST instruments. Installing third party developer VST instruments. Activating and using VST Instruments. VST instrument automation in Cubase SX. Converting VSTi tracks into regular audio tracks. The supplied VST Instruments. 18 The Tempo Track The Tempo Track editor toolbar. Exploring the Tempo Track editor. Time display format in the ruler. Why use tempo changes? Matching the tempo of Cubase SX to the tempo of a musical performance. 19 Synchronisation Bar-based synchronisation. Time-based synchronisation. Synchronisation in digital systems. The SMPTE Generator plug-in. Setting up synchronisation in Cubase SX. Practical synchronisation in Cubase SX. 20 Production tips and power tools 100 speed tips. Macro magic. Workspaces. 21 Recommended reading 22 Useful websites 23 Glossary Appendix 1 Computer hardware Appendix 2 MIDI messages Appendix 3 MIDI Controllers Appendix 4 General MIDI Index


Author Information

Simon Millward is a music software specialist and sound designer. He has a Master of Science degree in Music Technology from the University of York, UK. Originally trained as a musician and subsequently as a sound engineer, his interest in software sequencers and virtual studio instruments has established him as one of the UK's foremost Cubase experts.

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