OverviewIn the dark and gritty streets of London, two dedicated police detectives, Nicole Murphy and Paul Adams, find themselves on the trail of a ruthless killer. This enigmatic killer meticulously stalks their prey with chilling precision , remorselessly snatching their lives, leaving behind no evidence of their heinous deeds , except for one chilling detail: the removal of their victims' eyes which have been surgically removed with chilling accuracy. As the body count rises, the detectives must race against time to unravel the twisted mind behind the brutal murders. But as they delve deeper into the harrowing case, a startling realization is made that could shake all of London to its core. With danger lurking in every shadow, can they stop the killer before it's too late, or will the darkness consume them both? Full Product DetailsAuthor: Khadine James-OllivierrePublisher: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd Imprint: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd Dimensions: Width: 14.00cm , Height: 1.10cm , Length: 21.60cm Weight: 0.251kg ISBN: 9781803819259ISBN 10: 1803819251 Pages: 192 Publication Date: 25 July 2024 Audience: General/trade , General Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In stock We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationBook cover: Tiffany Hales is a self-taught graphic and web designer of 10+ years. Her focus is on entrepreneurs seeking to enhance their branding and expand their businesses using visual elements. Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |