Microbiology (non-medical) books

16337 books were found.

Иммунитет комаров против плазмодия


Author: Приянка Саха ,  Таниа Пал Кхоудхури
ISBN: 9786206952640
Format: Paperback

Возбудитель малярии, то есть Plasmodium, проходит сложный путь развития и трансформации, чтобы противостоять врожденному...  Read More >>

Moskito-Immunität gegen Plasmodium-Infektion

Moskito-Immunität gegen Plasmodium-Infektion

Author: Priyanka Saha ,  Tania Pal Choudhury
ISBN: 9786206952596
Format: Paperback

Der Erreger der Malaria, Plasmodium, durchläuft eine komplexe Entwicklung und Umwandlung, um die angeborene Immunität...  Read More >>

Immunità delle zanzare contro l'infezione da Plasmodium

Immunità delle zanzare contro l'infezione da Plasmodium...

Author: Priyanka Saha ,  Tania Pal Choudhury
ISBN: 9786206952626
Format: Paperback

L'agente causale della malaria, cioè il Plasmodium, subisce un complesso sviluppo e una transizione per resistere...  Read More >>

Fermentazione malolattica nei sidri

Fermentazione malolattica nei sidri

Author: Irina Kristof ,  Pedro Adrián Aredes Fernández
ISBN: 9786206951186
Format: Paperback

Nella produzione del sidro, ha luogo innanzitutto una fermentazione alcolica (AF), condotta dal lievito Saccharomyces...  Read More >>

Fermentation malolactique dans les cidres

Fermentation malolactique dans les cidres

Author: Irina Kristof ,  Pedro Adrián Aredes Fernández
ISBN: 9786206951179
Format: Paperback

Dans la production de cidre, une fermentation alcoolique (FA) a lieu en premier lieu, réalisée par la levure Saccharomyces...  Read More >>

Малолактическая ферментация в сидрах


Author: ИРИНА КРИСТОФ ,  Пед Аредес Фернандес
ISBN: 9786206951223
Format: Paperback

При производстве сидра сначала происходит спиртовое брожение (СБ), осуществляемое дрожжами Saccharomyces cerevisiae,...  Read More >>

Malolaktische Gärung in Apfelwein

Malolaktische Gärung in Apfelwein

Author: Irina Kristof ,  Pedro Adrián Aredes Fernández
ISBN: 9786206951155
Format: Paperback

Bei der Herstellung von Apfelwein findet zunächst eine alkoholische Gärung (AF) statt, die von der Hefe Saccharomyces...  Read More >>

Malolactic Fermentation in Ciders

Malolactic Fermentation in Ciders

Author: Irina Kristof ,  Pedro Adrián Aredes Fernández
ISBN: 9786206951162
Format: Paperback

In the elaboration of cider, an alcoholic fermentation (AF) occurs first, carried out by the yeast Saccharomyces...  Read More >>

Fermentação maloláctica nas sidras

Fermentação maloláctica nas sidras

Author: Irina Kristof ,  Pedro Adrián Aredes Fernández
ISBN: 9786206951193
Format: Paperback

Na produção de sidra, ocorre primeiro uma fermentação alcoólica (FA), levada a cabo pela levedura Saccharomyces...  Read More >>

Sulfate Karst of Perm Region (Russia)

Sulfate Karst of Perm Region (Russia)

Author: Nikolay Maksimovich ,  Olga Kadebskaya
ISBN: 9783031189746
Format: Paperback

The book provides a characteristic of sulfate karst, the features of its distribution and development in the Perm...  Read More >>

Sustainable Industrial Processes Based on Microalgae

Sustainable Industrial Processes Based on Microalgae...

Author: Tomas Lafarga (Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Almería, Almería, Spain) ,  Gabriel Acien (Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Almeria, Spain)
ISBN: 9780443192135
Format: Paperback

Sustainable Industrial Processes based on Microalgae addresses the current applications and potential uses of microalgae...  Read More >>

Introduction to Diseases, Diagnosis, and Management of Dogs and Cats

Introduction to Diseases, Diagnosis, and Management...

Author: Tanmoy Rana, BVSc, MVSc, PhD (West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India)
ISBN: 9780443185489
Format: Paperback

Introduction to Diseases, Diagnosis, and Management of Dogs and Cats covers the diseases of dogs and cats and their...  Read More >>

Prevalenza dello Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina

Prevalenza dello Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla...

Author: Harshi Abeygoonawardena
ISBN: 9786206947585
Format: Paperback

La prevalenza della resistenza alla meticillina, un antibiotico del gruppo delle penicilline, è un problema identificato...  Read More >>

Prävalenz von Methicillin-resistentem Staphylococcus aureus

Prävalenz von Methicillin-resistentem Staphylococcus...

Author: Harshi Abeygoonawardena
ISBN: 9786206947554
Format: Paperback

Die Prävalenz von Resistenzen gegen Methicillin, ein Antibiotikum aus der Gruppe der Penicilline, ist ein Problem...  Read More >>

Prevalência de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina

Prevalência de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina...

Author: Harshi Abeygoonawardena
ISBN: 9786206947592
Format: Paperback

A prevalência de resistência à meticilina, um antibiótico do grupo das penicilinas, é um problema identificado nas...  Read More >>

Prévalence de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline

Prévalence de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline...

Author: Harshi Abeygoonawardena
ISBN: 9786206947578
Format: Paperback

La prévalence de la résistance à la méthicilline, un antibiotique du groupe des pénicillines, est un problème identifié...  Read More >>

Metodi molecolari in parassitologia

Metodi molecolari in parassitologia

Author: Jose Araujo
ISBN: 9786206927556
Format: Paperback

I progressi nel campo molecolare dei parassiti rappresentano un nuovo spazio che si sta sviluppando grazie alle...  Read More >>

Molekulare Methoden in der Parasitologie

Molekulare Methoden in der Parasitologie

Author: Jose Araujo
ISBN: 9786206927525
Format: Paperback

Die Fortschritte im molekularen Bereich der Parasiten sind ein neuer Raum, der sich dank der verschiedenen molekularen...  Read More >>

Molecular Methods in Parasitology

Molecular Methods in Parasitology

Author: Jose Araujo
ISBN: 9786206927532
Format: Paperback

Advances in the molecular field of parasites are a new space that is being developed thanks to the various molecular...  Read More >>

Молекулярные методы в паразитологии


Author: Жозе Араужо
ISBN: 9786206927570
Format: Paperback

Достижения в молекулярной области паразитов - это новое пространство, которое развивается благодаря различным молекулярным...  Read More >>

Métodos Moleculares em Parasitologia

Métodos Moleculares em Parasitologia

Author: Jose Araujo
ISBN: 9786206927563
Format: Paperback

Os avanços no campo molecular dos parasitas são um novo espaço que se está a desenvolver graças às diferentes técnicas...  Read More >>

Méthodes moléculaires en parasitologie

Méthodes moléculaires en parasitologie

Author: Jose Araujo
ISBN: 9786206927549
Format: Paperback

Les avancées dans le domaine moléculaire des parasites constituent un nouvel espace qui se développe grâce aux différentes...  Read More >>

Development of Fungal Consortium

Development of Fungal Consortium

Author: Devakumar J ,  Nivethitha M
ISBN: 9786207452415
Format: Paperback

The book mainly concentrate the biological degradation of polyethylene polymer using microorganisms especially soil...  Read More >>

Bacteriophages: Methods and Protocols

Bacteriophages: Methods and Protocols

Author: Ebenezer Tumban
ISBN: 9781071635483
Format: Hardback


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Microbiology (non-medical)
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