Microbiology (non-medical) books

16319 books were found.

Pathogen Derived Volatiles Modulate Flight or Fight Response in Caenorhabditis elegans

Pathogen Derived Volatiles Modulate Flight or Fight...

Author: Deep Prakash
ISBN: 9798224129959
Format: Paperback

In nature, the interaction between two organisms largely relies on their ability to sense and respond to each other,...  Read More >>

Cellulase And Xylanase Production By Selected Soil Fungi

Cellulase And Xylanase Production By Selected Soil Fungi...

Author: V Karthi
ISBN: 9798224882816
Format: Paperback


�tude de l'activit� de biocontr�le des PGPR contre les phytopathog�nes

�tude de l'activit� de biocontr�le des PGPR contre les...

Author: Aarti Thakkar ,  Sarita Sharma
ISBN: 9786207159246
Format: Paperback

Au cours des derni�res d�cennies, la synth�se et le d�veloppement de bact�ries et de champignons promoteurs de la...  Read More >>

Estudo da atividade de biocontrolo de PGPR contra fitopat�genos

Estudo da atividade de biocontrolo de PGPR contra fitopat�genos...

Author: Aarti Thakkar ,  Sarita Sharma
ISBN: 9786207159277
Format: Paperback

Nas �ltimas d�cadas, assistiu-se a uma grande atividade na s�ntese e desenvolvimento de bact�rias e fungos promotores...  Read More >>

Studio dell'attivit� di biocontrollo delle PGPR contro i fitopatogeni

Studio dell'attivit� di biocontrollo delle PGPR contro...

Author: Aarti Thakkar ,  Sarita Sharma
ISBN: 9786207159253
Format: Paperback

Negli ultimi decenni si � assistito a un'intensa attivit� di sintesi e sviluppo di batteri e funghi promotori della...  Read More >>

Untersuchung der Biokontrollaktivit�t von PGPR gegen Phytopathogene

Untersuchung der Biokontrollaktivit�t von PGPR gegen...

Author: Aarti Thakkar ,  Sarita Sharma
ISBN: 9786207159222
Format: Paperback

In den letzten Jahrzehnten gab es eine rege Aktivit�t bei der Synthese und Entwicklung von pflanzenwachstumsf�rdernden...  Read More >>

Quel est le niveau de s�curit� des environnements int�rieurs des biblioth�ques universitaires ?

Quel est le niveau de s�curit� des environnements int�rieurs...

Author: Giwa Holy
ISBN: 9786207155439
Format: Paperback

"La r�sistance des micro-organismes aux antimicrobiens n'est plus un ph�nom�ne nouveau et pr�occupant dans le monde...  Read More >>

Quanto sono sicuri gli ambienti interni delle biblioteche universitarie?

Quanto sono sicuri gli ambienti interni delle biblioteche...

Author: Giwa Holy
ISBN: 9786207155668
Format: Paperback

"Non � pi� un fenomeno nuovo che la resistenza agli antimicrobici da parte dei microrganismi sia preoccupante in...  Read More >>

Qu�o seguros s�o os ambientes interiores das bibliotecas universit�rias?

Qu�o seguros s�o os ambientes interiores das bibliotecas...

Author: Giwa Holy
ISBN: 9786207155675
Format: Paperback

"J� n�o � novidade que a resist�ncia dos microrganismos aos antimicrobianos � preocupante em todo o mundo. A ocorr�ncia...  Read More >>

Wie sicher sind die Innenbereiche von Universit�tsbibliotheken?

Wie sicher sind die Innenbereiche von Universit�tsbibliotheken?...

Author: Giwa Holy
ISBN: 9786207155415
Format: Paperback

"Es ist kein neues Ph�nomen mehr, dass die Resistenz von Mikroorganismen gegen antimikrobielle Mittel weltweit Besorgnis...  Read More >>

Diversit� microbica e prestazioni della cella a combustibile microbica

Diversit� microbica e prestazioni della cella a combustibile...

Author: Kamel M El-Khatib ,  Dena Z Khater
ISBN: 9786207160167
Format: Paperback

La tutela dell'ambiente e la crisi energetica sono due sfide recenti. La futura crescita economica dipende in modo...  Read More >>

Diversit� microbienne et performance des piles � combustible microbiennes

Diversit� microbienne et performance des piles � combustible...

Author: Kamel M El-Khatib ,  Dena Z Khater
ISBN: 9786207160143
Format: Paperback

La protection de l'environnement et la crise �nerg�tique sont deux d�fis r�cents. La croissance �conomique future...  Read More >>

Mikrobielle Diversit�t und Leistung einer mikrobiellen Brennstoffzelle

Mikrobielle Diversit�t und Leistung einer mikrobiellen...

Author: Kamel M El-Khatib ,  Dena Z Khater
ISBN: 9786207160105
Format: Paperback

Umweltschutz und Energiekrise sind zwei aktuelle Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Das k�nftige Wirtschaftswachstum...  Read More >>

Diversidade microbiana e desempenho da c�lula de combust�vel microbiana

Diversidade microbiana e desempenho da c�lula de combust�vel...

Author: Kamel M El-Khatib ,  Dena Z Khater
ISBN: 9786207160150
Format: Paperback

A prote��o do ambiente e a crise energ�tica s�o dois desafios recentes nos dias de hoje. O crescimento econ�mico...  Read More >>

Bacterial Regulatory RNA: Methods and Protocols

Bacterial Regulatory RNA: Methods and Protocols

Author: Véronique Arluison ,  Claudio Valverde
ISBN: 9781071635643
Format: Hardback

This second edition details new and updated methods used for studying prokaryotic non-coding RNAs and their protein...  Read More >>

Dr. Barbara Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies: Inspired by O'Neill's Wisdom for Healing Common Ailments, Boosting Your Immune System and Nurturing the Health of Your Body and Soul

Dr. Barbara Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies: Inspired...

Author: Simon Jackson, Jr
ISBN: 9798879375831
Format: Paperback


Nosokomiale parasit�re Infektionen

Nosokomiale parasit�re Infektionen

Author: Nora Labeeb El-Tantawy
ISBN: 9786207181759
Format: Paperback

Nosokomiale Infektionen werden auch als im Krankenhaus erworbene Infektionen bezeichnet und sind definiert als Infektionen,...  Read More >>

Infezioni parassitarie nosocomiali

Infezioni parassitarie nosocomiali

Author: Nora Labeeb El-Tantawy
ISBN: 9786207181728
Format: Paperback

Le infezioni nosocomiali sono note anche come infezioni nosocomiali e sono definite come infezioni identificate...  Read More >>

Compatibility of Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Stored Product Pest Control

Compatibility of Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Stored...

Author: Nagalakshmi S
ISBN: 9798224613786
Format: Paperback


A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet and Disease

A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet and Disease...

Author: Shilpa Ravella
ISBN: 9781529918373
Format: Paperback

An expert in nutrition and the gut reveals what inflammation is, why it lies behind many modern diseases and what...  Read More >>

Atividade da enzima fosfatase de bact�rias solubilizadoras de fosfato

Atividade da enzima fosfatase de bact�rias solubilizadoras...

Author: Murugan Karuppasamy
ISBN: 9786207116942
Format: Paperback

Breve descri��o do livroEste livro de estudo revela que vinte e cinco isolados foram recuperados como bact�rias...  Read More >>

Seropr�valenz der Toxoplasmose im Verh�ltnis zu Wissen und Praxis

Seropr�valenz der Toxoplasmose im Verh�ltnis zu Wissen...

Author: Dek Kahin Yosef ,  Yusuf Ahmed Ali
ISBN: 9786207118069
Format: Paperback

Toxoplasmose ist eine zoonotische Infektionskrankheit, die eine Vielzahl warmbl�tiger Wirbeltiere befallen kann,...  Read More >>

Seropreval�ncia da toxoplasmose em rela��o ao conhecimento e � pr�tica

Seropreval�ncia da toxoplasmose em rela��o ao conhecimento...

Author: Dek Kahin Yosef ,  Yusuf Ahmed Ali
ISBN: 9786207118113
Format: Paperback

A toxoplasmose � uma doen�a infecciosa zoon�tica que pode afetar uma variedade de vertebrados de sangue quente,...  Read More >>

Phosphatase-Enzymaktivit�t von phosphataufl�senden Bakterien

Phosphatase-Enzymaktivit�t von phosphataufl�senden Bakterien...

Author: Murugan Karuppasamy
ISBN: 9786207116911
Format: Paperback

Kurze Skizze zum BuchDieses Studienbuch zeigt, dass f�nfundzwanzig Isolate als phosphatl�sende Bakterien (PSB) aus...  Read More >>

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