For Transition, Secondary Special Education, and Career Education/Vocational Transition courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. A comprehensive and practical guide to understanding the varied transition needs of students with disabilities–and a look at the potential options and career paths in transition education. Teachers, and professionals in all areas of transition, get the support they need to develop and implement transition activities and programs for students with disabilities in this comprehensive, practical resource. The authors describe the varied transition needs readers are likely to encounter in their work, and provide a succinct look at the potential options and career paths available. In this edition, a new organisation and four new chapters improve the focus and readability for the student new to transition. The text organises topics around four essential elements of transition and a backward planning process. Transition planning is now introduced early to anchor subsequent learning.
Full Product Details
Author: Robert Flexer ,
Robert Baer ,
Pamela Luft ,
Thomas Simmons
Publisher: Pearson Education (US)
Imprint: Pearson
Edition: 4th edition
Width: 20.00cm
, Height: 2.20cm
, Length: 25.50cm
Weight: 0.822kg
ISBN: 9780132658119
ISBN 10: 0132658119
Pages: 400
Publication Date: 24 January 2013
College/higher education
Tertiary & Higher Education
Format: Paperback
Publisher's Status: Active
Availability: Available To Order

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Author Information
Robert Baer is the Director of the Transition Center at Kent State University. In this role, he currently directs personnel preparation, demonstration, and research projects related to transition, including Ohio’s Longitudinal Transition Study (OLTS) of Special Education Outcomes, TTW endorsement training, career-technical teacher training, and campus work and college experience programs for youth and young adults with disabilities. Dr. Baer has more than 35 years in the special education and has directed residential programs for adults with disabilities, supported employment programs for young adults with disabilities, and research for the Ohio Department of Education. Pamela Luft is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Kent State University in Ohio and the Director of the Deaf Education program. She received her M.Ed. in Deaf Education from McDaniel College, her M.S. in Technology for Persons with Disabilities from the Johns Hopkins University, and her Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Special Education. She worked in public, special day, and residential schools as a teacher, behavior specialist, career coordinator, and program administrator before getting her doctorate. Her research and grant projects have focused on transition services and rehabilitation services for the deaf. She has published on issues related to transition, technology employment of persons with disabilities, special education policy, and instructional practices. Pamela Luft is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Kent State University. She worked for 15 years with D/HH students across all school settings and age groups. Her research and grant projects have focused on transition services and rehabilitation services for the deaf, language, and literacy.