The Hardest Questions Aren't on the Test: Lessons from an Innovative Urban School

Author:   Linda Nathan
Publisher:   Beacon Press


Pages:   224
Publication Date:   07 September 2010
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained
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The Hardest Questions Aren't on the Test: Lessons from an Innovative Urban School

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The Boston Arts Academy comprises an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse student body, yet 94 percent of its graduates are accepted to college. Compare this with the average urban district rate of 50 percent. How do they do it? This remarkable success, writes Principal Linda Nathan, is in large part due to asking the right questions-questions all schools can consider, such as- * How and why does a school develop a shared vision of what it stands for? * What makes a great teacher, and how can a principal help good teachers improve? * Why must schools talk openly about race and achievement, and what happens when they do? With engaging honesty, Nathan gives readers a ring-side seat as faculty, parents, and the students themselves grapple with these questions, attempt to implement solutions, and evaluate the outcomes. Stories that are inspirational as well as heartbreaking reveal the missteps and failures-as well as the successes. Nathan doesn't claim to have all the answers, but seeks to share her insights on schools that matter, teachers who inspire, and students who achieve.

Full Product Details

Author:   Linda Nathan
Publisher:   Beacon Press
Imprint:   Beacon Press
Dimensions:   Width: 14.00cm , Height: 1.80cm , Length: 21.60cm
Weight:   0.295kg


ISBN 10:   0807006157
Pages:   224
Publication Date:   07 September 2010
Audience:   General/trade ,  General
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained
The supplier is temporarily out of stock of this item. It will be ordered for you on backorder and shipped when it becomes available.

Table of Contents

Part I Critically designing and evaluating diary studies 1. Using diaries in mixed methods designs: Lessons from a cross-institutional research project on doctoral students' social transition experiences 2. How short is too short? Exploring diary study duration from the perspective of researching conferences and other short-term phenomena in higher education and beyond 3. Audio diaries: A creative research method for higher education studies in the digital age 4. Broadening the normative and evaluative space for assessing the impact of photo diary research in higher education: a capabilities approach Part II Exploring the nuances of the diary research process 5. Researcher-participant 'win-win' in diary research: participant recruitment and retention in a longitudinal diary-interview study on employability management 6. I'm not really sure why I took that! : Exploring the forms of diarying present in the participant-generated photo-elicitation method 7. Reactivity, rationality, emotion and self-protection: Critical reflections on the use and potential of diaries in research on higher education choice and decision-making 8. Telling their own story in their own way: negotiating the ethics of a diary-like photo-elicitation method to capture faith and belief from students' own starting point Part III The importance of diaries for researching hidden issues 9. Accessing silenced voices? Diary method as a source of data for understanding higher education experiences of students from socially excluded groups 10. Using photo diaries as an inclusive method to explore information experiences in Higher Education 11. Closer to the feeling? Diary-interview method and higher education research on affective phenomena 12. The diary method and its power to record the routine and forgettable in the language lives of international students


For educators or anyone interested in city schools, this is essential, provocative reading. <br> --Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe <br> This fascinating book takes you inside the mind of a uniquely gifted urban school leader and reveals the secrets that help her propel her disadvantaged students toward college: community, transparency, a profound understanding of adolescents, and, especially, moral courage. Reading The Hardest Questions . . . is like shadowing a principal for a year. I recommend it to every teacher or administrator who wants to make a difference in the lives of inner-city children. <br> --Michael Thompson, author of Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys <br> Using rich and vivid examples, presented with passion and candor, Linda Nathan shows what it really means to go 'back to basics' in American urban education. <br>--Howard Gardner, author of Multiple Intelligences <br> <br> Linda Nathan and her remarkable colleagues . . . provide argument and

For educators or anyone interested in city schools, this is essential, provocative reading. --Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe This fascinating book takes you inside the mind of a uniquely gifted urban school leader and reveals the secrets that help her propel her disadvantaged students toward college: community, transparency, a profound understanding of adolescents, and, especially, moral courage. Reading The Hardest Questions . . . is like shadowing a principal for a year. I recommend it to every teacher or administrator who wants to make a difference in the lives of inner-city children. --Michael Thompson, author of Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys Using rich and vivid examples, presented with passion and candor, Linda Nathan shows what it really means to go 'back to basics' in American urban education. --Howard Gardner, author of Multiple Intelligences Linda Nathan and her remarkable colleagues . . . provide argument and evidence, theory and action plan, utopian hope and practical road map to the necessary project of reinventing America's schools. --William Ayers, author of To Teach and A Kind and Just Parent Linda Nathan's wonderful account of piloting the Boston Arts Academy is personal, anecdotal, and yet focused on the critical Big Questions. Through stories of how these questions play out in hallways and classrooms, Nathan articulates a vision of how urban schools can flourish. --Deborah Meier, author of The Power of Their Ideas

&ldquo;For educators or anyone interested in city schools, this is essential, provocative reading.&rdquo;<br> &mdash;Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe <br>&ldquo;This fascinating book takes you inside the mind of a uniquely&#160;gifted urban&#160;school leader and reveals the secrets that help her propel her disadvantaged students toward college: community,&#160;transparency, a profound&#160;understanding of adolescents, and, especially, moral courage.&#160;Reading The&#160;Hardest Questions . . . is like shadowing a principal for a year. I recommend it to every teacher or administrator who wants to make a difference in the lives of inner-city children.&rdquo;<br> &mdash;Michael Thompson, author of Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys <br>&ldquo;Using rich and vivid examples, presented with passion and candor, Linda Nathan shows what it really means to go &lsquo;back to basics&rsquo; in American urban education.&rdquo;<br>&mdash;Howard Gardner, author of Multiple Intellig

Author Information

Linda Nathan is the first Executive Director of the Center for Artistry and Scholarship and has taught at Harvard Graduate School of Education for fifteen years. Dr. Nathan served as founding headmaster of Boston Arts Academy, Boston's only public high school for the visual and performing arts. She also founded and directed the Center for Arts in Education, an arm of Boston Arts Academy that serves the outreach, professional development, and arts advocacy needs of the school. Dr. Nathan was the co-director of Fenway High School for 14 years and founded two not-for-profit organizations- El Pueblo Nuevo (arts and youth development) and the Center for Collaborative Education (school reform issues). She is co-founder of the Perrone Sizer Institute for Creative Leadership and also serves on numerous not-for-profit boards both locally and nationally and is the author of When Grit Isn't Enough.

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