The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators

Author:   Emad Eldin Hegazi ,  Jacob Rael ,  Asad Abidi
Publisher:   Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Edition:   Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005


Pages:   204
Publication Date:   08 December 2010
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators

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The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators presents a comprehensive theory and design methodology for the design of LC CMOS oscillators used in every wireless transmission system. The authors introduce the subject of phase noise and oscillators from the very first principles, and carry the reader to a very intuitive circuit-driven theory of phase noise in LC oscillators. The theory presented includes both thermal and flicker noise effects. Based on Hegazi, Rael, and Abidi's mechanistic theory, a sensible design methodology is gradually developed. In addition, new topologies that were recently published by the authors are discussed in detail and an optimal design methodology is presented. While the book focuses on intuition, it rigorously proves every argument to present a compact yet accurate model for predicting phase noise in LC oscillators. By so doing, the design of an LC oscillator can be handled in the same manner as an amplifier design.

Full Product Details

Author:   Emad Eldin Hegazi ,  Jacob Rael ,  Asad Abidi
Publisher:   Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Imprint:   Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Edition:   Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005
Dimensions:   Width: 15.50cm , Height: 1.10cm , Length: 23.50cm
Weight:   0.454kg


ISBN 10:   1441954066
Pages:   204
Publication Date:   08 December 2010
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

Preface 1: Basics of LC Oscillators 1. Introduction 2. The Mathematical Oscillator 3. Additive White Noise in LC Oscillators 4. The Linear Oscillator 5. Linear Oscillator Noise Analysis 6. How Is This Book Different? 2: Oscillator Purity Fundamentals 1. Introduction 2. Timing Jitter 3. Recognizing Phase Noise 4. Single Sideband Contains AM and PM 5. Phase Noise 6. Oscillator Phase Noise Models: Post-Leeson 3: Current Biased Oscillator 1. Steady-State Operation 2. Linear Analysis of Differential Oscillator 3. Thermally Induced Phase Noise 4. Validation of Thermal Noise Analysis 4: Colpitts Oscillator 1. Introduction 2. Steady-State 3. Phase Noise Analysis 4. Conclusions 5: Design for Low Thermal Phase Noise 1. Introduction 2. Note About Harmonic Balance in LC Oscillators 3. Amplitude in Differential LC Oscillators 4. Design of Current-Biased Differential Oscillators 5. A Design Example 6. Intuitive Explanation of Phase Noise Sources 7. Loading in Current-Biased Oscillators 8. Sizing of the Current Source Device 9. Noise Filtering in Oscillators 10. Prototype Oscillator 11. Practical Considerations 12. Example: Redesign of GSM VCO 13. Anatomy of the Figure-of-Merit 6: Flicker Noise 1. Flicker Induced Phase Noise 2. FM Due to Modulated Frequency Content 3. Switch Voltage Noise Modulates Capacitance 4. Frequency Modulation by the Current Source 7: Design for Low Flicker Phase Noise 1. Introduction 2. Flicker Noise Minimization 3. Nulling Flicker Noise 4. Wideband Nulling of Flicker Noise Up Conversion 8: The Role of the Varactor 1. Fundamentals 2. Types of Varactors 3. Varactor Tuning 4. Analytical Evaluation of Noise Sensitivity 5. AM-to-FM Noise Conversion 6. Tuning and Supply Sensitivity 7. Measurements and SimulationResults 8. Discussion Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Index


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