OverviewSTEAM Projects is designed with projects, experiments, demonstrations, and resources that help students see the connections among the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The key is for students to engage in the process by experimenting, observing phenomena, and presenting research findings. Easy to set up activities, most requiring only one to two class periods, investigate topics in physics, chemistry, earth sciences, plant and animal sciences, the human body, and space and atmospheric sciences. Mark Twain Media Publishing Company specializes in providing engaging supplemental books and decorative resources to complement middle- and upper-grade classrooms. Designed by leading educators, the product line covers a range of subjects including mathematics, sciences, language arts, social studies, history, government, fine arts, and character. Full Product DetailsAuthor: ArmstrongPublisher: Mark Twain Media Imprint: Mark Twain Media Dimensions: Width: 18.50cm , Height: 0.50cm , Length: 27.40cm Weight: 0.136kg ISBN: 9781622237661ISBN 10: 1622237668 Pages: 64 Publication Date: 12 January 2019 Recommended Age: From 10 to 13 years Audience: Children/juvenile , Children / Juvenile Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In stock We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationLinda Armstrong has a bachelor of arts degree in English and holds a lifetime California state standard teaching credential. During her 18-year teaching career, she taught third, fifth, and sixth grades and was a language development resource teacher. Currently, Linda writes educational materials and books for children. She lives in Colorado with her husband. Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |