OverviewPeterson's SAT (R) Prep Guide 2018 delivers a user-friendly format that makes it easy for you to prepare for the test at your own pace. First, a full-length diagnostic test, with detailed answer explanations, helps you determine your strengths and weaknesses. Next, in-depth subject reviews and test strategy suggestions address every aspect of the SAT exam to empower you to improve your score. The guide offers over 2,100 practice questions and 32 additional exercise sections. Then, to build your confidence further, there are nine full-length practice tests (six in the book and access to three online). Practice makes perfect! Increase your score using our 9 full-length practice tests: 6 in the book and 3 online, complete with comprehensive answer explanations. Over 2,100 practice questions 32 additional exercise sections Need to know where to start? Identify the skills you should work on first with our full-length diagnostic test. Ready to score high? Master your skills with practice exercises that use the exact question types and concepts found on the SAT (R). Want to know exactly what you'll see on test day? Prepare with our extensive subject review of the Reading, Writing and Language, Math, and optional Essay sections, with dozens of practices exercises to help you succeed on test day. The Reading Strategies Section includes: Evidence-based reading Basic steps for answering evidence-based reading questions Tips for taking the reading test Strategies for answering specific question types Additional exercises The Writing and Language Strategies Section includes: Writing and language test strategies The three most common multiple-choice editing questions Expression of ideas questions: words in context, adding or deleting text, reordering sentences English language conventions Verb tense, mood, and voice Frequently confused words Conventions of punctuation Additional exercises The Essay Writing Strategies Section includes: The SAT (R) essay Pacing your writing Prewriting Developing your ideas Scoring rubric for the SAT (R) essay Additional exercises The Math Strategies Section includes: Multiple-choice math Grid-in strategies Numbers and operations Basic algebra Geometry Functions and intermediate algebra Data analysis, statistics, and probability Additional exercises Get the facts. Learn specifics on when, where and how to take the SAT (R) exam--and check out our special section for parents on how to best help your student prepare for the SAT (R) exam and the road to college. Peterson's SAT (R) Prep Guide 2018 will boost your self-confidence and prepare you for success on the day of the test. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Peterson'sPublisher: Peterson's Guides,U.S. Imprint: Peterson's Guides,U.S. Edition: 18th edition Weight: 0.300kg ISBN: 9780768941883ISBN 10: 0768941881 Publication Date: 05 April 2018 Audience: Children/juvenile , Children / Juvenile Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In Print This item will be ordered in for you from one of our suppliers. Upon receipt, we will promptly dispatch it out to you. For in store availability, please contact us. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationTab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |