Reading with Writing in Mind: A Guide for Middle and High School Educators

Author:   Nancy Charron ,  Marilyn Fenton ,  Margaret Harris
Publisher:   Rowman & Littlefield


Pages:   140
Publication Date:   01 December 2017
Format:   Paperback
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Reading with Writing in Mind: A Guide for Middle and High School Educators

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Full Product Details

Author:   Nancy Charron ,  Marilyn Fenton ,  Margaret Harris
Publisher:   Rowman & Littlefield
Imprint:   Rowman & Littlefield


ISBN 10:   1475840055
Pages:   140
Publication Date:   01 December 2017
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   Manufactured on demand   Availability explained
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Table of Contents


The authors of Reading with Writing in Mind have written a book that will help teachers and students understand the importance of academic literacy across all content areas. However, they don't stop by simply telling us about the importance of literacy--they show us how to achieve that goal. Reading, writing, and critical thinking are woven together and framed by instructional support tools: strategy lessons, instructional design, help for students who need extra support, and assessments. As an added bonus, the book is filled with a wide variety of texts and links to give teachers an opportunity to find ways to apply these tools in their own classrooms.--Janet Allen, international researcher, writer, and consultant in schools and districts involved in rethinking their approaches to literacy and learning This book reminds us that building students' literacy skills can and must be done by educators in every discipline. By including many specific strategies and real classroom examples, Charron, Fenton, and Harris provide all teachers with resources needed to integrate the teaching of literacy in any content area.--Susan Szachowicz, Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education This text is an immensely useful and enlivening overview of techniques and tools that teachers in all content areas will find useful in doing their disciplinary work. The unique contribution of this book is the promotion of wide-awake reading in service of developing competent and reflective writers of all kinds of texts. The approach starts with the foregrounding of purpose, and is highly motivating and assistive in ways that will transform teacher practice--but even more importantly--that will transform student attitudes, engagement, and achievement.--Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Distinguished Professor of English Education at Boise State University; Author of Reading Unbound: Why Kids Need to Read What They Want, and Why We Should Let Them The instructional strategies in this thoughtful and engaging book support the reading/writing connection and remind us that in order to become confident and competent readers and writers, students need to write frequently and think critically across the content areas.--Carol Booth Olson, Director of the UCI/National Writing Project and Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine

The authors of Reading with Writing in Mind have written a book that will help teachers and students understand the importance of academic literacy across all content areas. However, they don't stop by simply telling us about the importance of literacy-they show us how to achieve that goal. Reading, writing, and critical thinking are woven together and framed by instructional support tools: strategy lessons, instructional design, help for students who need extra support, and assessments. As an added bonus, the book is filled with a wide variety of texts and links to give teachers an opportunity to find ways to apply these tools in their own classrooms. -- Janet Allen, international researcher, writer, and consultant in schools and districts involved in rethinking their approaches to literacy and learning This book reminds us that building students' literacy skills can and must be done by educators in every discipline. By including many specific strategies and real classroom examples, Charron, Fenton, and Harris provide all teachers with resources needed to integrate the teaching of literacy in any content area. -- Susan Szachowicz, Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education This text is an immensely useful and enlivening overview of techniques and tools that teachers in all content areas will find useful in doing their disciplinary work. The unique contribution of this book is the promotion of wide-awake reading in service of developing competent and reflective writers of all kinds of texts. The approach starts with the foregrounding of purpose, and is highly motivating and assistive in ways that will transform teacher practice-but even more importantly-that will transform student attitudes, engagement, and achievement. -- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Distinguished Professor of English Education at Boise State University; Author of Reading Unbound: Why Kids Need to Read What They Want, and Why We Should Let Them The instructional strategies in this thoughtful and engaging book support the reading/writing connection and remind us that in order to become confident and competent readers and writers, students need to write frequently and think critically across the content areas. -- Carol Booth Olson, Director of the UCI/National Writing Project and Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine This wonderful book-rich in both ideas and practices-addresses the core problem in American education: how to set (and reach) high standards for a broad range of students. While focused on writing, this book recognizes and illuminates the essential interconnections of multiple literacies and the essential value of student diversity. Written be insightful and creative teachers, the book is not just about writing, it is a book that elevates what teaching should, and can, be. -- David Rose, developmental neuropsychologist, educator, and co-founder of CAST-an organization devoted to promoting Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles

The authors of Reading with Writing in Mind have written a book that will help teachers and students understand the importance of academic literacy across all content areas. However, they don't stop by simply telling us about the importance of literacy-they show us how to achieve that goal. Reading, writing, and critical thinking are woven together and framed by instructional support tools: strategy lessons, instructional design, help for students who need extra support, and assessments. As an added bonus, the book is filled with a wide variety of texts and links to give teachers an opportunity to find ways to apply these tools in their own classrooms. -- Janet Allen, international researcher, writer, and consultant in schools and districts involved in rethinking their approaches to literacy and learning This book reminds us that building students' literacy skills can and must be done by educators in every discipline. By including many specific strategies and real classroom examples, Charron, Fenton, and Harris provide all teachers with resources needed to integrate the teaching of literacy in any content area. -- Susan Szachowicz, Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education This text is an immensely useful and enlivening overview of techniques and tools that teachers in all content areas will find useful in doing their disciplinary work. The unique contribution of this book is the promotion of wide-awake reading in service of developing competent and reflective writers of all kinds of texts. The approach starts with the foregrounding of purpose, and is highly motivating and assistive in ways that will transform teacher practice-but even more importantly-that will transform student attitudes, engagement, and achievement. -- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Distinguished Professor of English Education at Boise State University; Author of Reading Unbound: Why Kids Need to Read What They Want, and Why We Should Let Them The instructional strategies in this thoughtful and engaging book support the reading/writing connection and remind us that in order to become confident and competent readers and writers, students need to write frequently and think critically across the content areas. -- Carol Booth Olson, Director of the UCI/National Writing Project and Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine

Author Information

Dr. Nancy Charron has worked in different capacities at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels with jobs encompassing being a general education teacher, a special education teacher, a literacy specialist, and a principal designee. She is currently working as an Associate Professor at Southern New Hampshire University. Dr. Marilyn Fenton, an associate professor at Southern New Hampshire University, has taught writing, children's and young adult literature, and methods courses for prospective English teachers, grades 5-12. She previously taught English in high school and then served as a school district's Director of Curriculum and Instruction. She is presently involved in working with doctoral students in the Educational Leadership Program at Southern New Hampshire University. Dr. Margaret Harris taught graduate courses in Content Literacy on Secondary Level and Social Studies Methods at Southern New Hampshire University. Prior to university teaching, she was Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for four years and a social studies teacher on the high school level for 27 years. Dr. Harris has recently retired from Southern New Hampshire University.

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