Quantum Processes in Semiconductors

Author:   Brian K. Ridley (Professor of Physics, Professor of Physics, University of Essex)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press
Edition:   4th Revised edition


Pages:   452
Publication Date:   25 November 1999
Replaced By:   9780199677221
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Quantum Processes in Semiconductors

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This book encapsulates the fundamental quantum processes of importance in the physics and technology of semiconductors in a relatively informal style that has been found to be attractive for graduate courses. This fourth edition is expanded by the addition of new chapters on quantum transport, semi-classical transport and space-charge waves, extending the discussion to statistical, many-particle behaviour in transport phenomena. The author has also taken the opportunity to update other sections. As with previous editions the text restricts its attention to bulk semiconductors. The account traces the path from quantum processes describable by density matrices, through the semi-classical Boltzmann equation and its solutions, to the drift-diffusion description of space-charge waves, the latter appearing in the contexts of negative differential resistance, acoustoelectric and recombination instabilities. Besides being a useful reference for workers in the field, this book will be a valuable text for graduate courses.

Full Product Details

Author:   Brian K. Ridley (Professor of Physics, Professor of Physics, University of Essex)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press
Imprint:   Oxford University Press
Edition:   4th Revised edition
Dimensions:   Width: 15.60cm , Height: 3.00cm , Length: 23.30cm
Weight:   0.670kg


ISBN 10:   0198505795
Pages:   452
Publication Date:   25 November 1999
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Replaced By:   9780199677221
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
Limited stock is available. It will be ordered for you and shipped pending supplier's limited stock.

Table of Contents


<br> A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News<br> This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Gui

A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News<br> This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Guide<br>

A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Guide A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Guide A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Guide A textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers that sets out the fundamental quantum processes that are important in the physics and technology of semiconductors. Limiting his coverage to bulk semiconductors as in the previous editions beginning in 1982, Ridley (physics, U. of Essex) here augments the 1993 edition with new chapters to provide a deeper foundation for the quantum processes described, and a statistical bridge to phenomena involving charge transport. He also updates many of the existing topics. --SciTech Book News This new edition covers the material included in the earlier editions, supplemented by sections on mixed and entangled quantum states treated by a single particle density matrix method; more on the use of the Boltzmann equation and on transport phenomena; and further treatment of hot-electron phenomena. The main aim of the book is to interpret theoretical quantum phenomena for graduate experimental solid-state physicists. --Aslib Book Guide

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