Quantum Cascade Lasers

Author:   Jérôme Faist (, Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press


Pages:   320
Publication Date:   14 March 2013
Format:   Hardback
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Quantum Cascade Lasers

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This book provides an introduction to quantum cascade lasers, including the basic underlying models used to describe the device. It aims at giving a synthetic view of the topic including the aspects of the physics, the technology, and the use of the device. It should also provide a guide for the application engineer to use this device in systems.The book is based on lecture notes of a class given for Masters and beginning PhD students. The idea is to provide an introduction to the new and exciting developments that intersubband transitions have brought to the use of the mid-infrared and terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The book provides an introductory part to each topic so that it can be used in a self-contained way, while references to the literature will allow deeper studies for further research.

Full Product Details

Author:   Jérôme Faist (, Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press
Imprint:   Oxford University Press
Dimensions:   Width: 17.80cm , Height: 2.10cm , Length: 24.70cm
Weight:   0.792kg


ISBN 10:   0198528248
Pages:   320
Publication Date:   14 March 2013
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   To order   Availability explained
Stock availability from the supplier is unknown. We will order it for you and ship this item to you once it is received by us.

Table of Contents

1: Quantum devices 2: Technology 3: Electronic states in semiconductor quantum wells 4: Optical transitions 5: Intersubband scattering processes 6: Mid-infrared waveguides 7: Active region design 8: Short wavelengths QCLs 9: Terahertz QCL 10: Mode control 11: Device properties and characterization 12: Transport models 13: Dynamical properties 14: Applications Appendix A: Designs


Comprehensively discusses for the first time the invention of QCLs...[and] promises to become an essential complement to other popular treatments of semiconductor laser physics. Physics Today

Overall, Quantum Cascade Lasers promises to become an essential complement to other popular treatments of semiconductor laser physics. Physics Today

Author Information

Jérôme Faist was born in Switzerland and obtained his Ph.D. in Physics in 1989 from the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He then worked successively at IBM Rueschlikon (1989-91) and Bell Laboratories (1991-97). He was nominated full professor in the physics institute of the University of Neuchâtel (1997) and then in the ETH Zurich (2007). His key contribution to the development of the quantum cascade laser was recognized by a number of awards that include the National Swiss Latsis Prize 2002.

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