Public Speaking: Building Competency in Stages

Author:   Sherry Devereaux Ferguson (Professor of Communication, Professor of Communication, University of Ottawa)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press Inc


Pages:   592
Publication Date:   01 March 2007
Format:   Paperback
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Public Speaking: Building Competency in Stages

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Full Product Details

Author:   Sherry Devereaux Ferguson (Professor of Communication, Professor of Communication, University of Ottawa)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press Inc
Imprint:   Oxford University Press Inc
Dimensions:   Width: 25.10cm , Height: 2.10cm , Length: 20.30cm
Weight:   1.043kg


ISBN 10:   0195187776
Pages:   592
Publication Date:   01 March 2007
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Tertiary & Higher Education
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   To order   Availability explained
Stock availability from the supplier is unknown. We will order it for you and ship this item to you once it is received by us.

Table of Contents

Each chapter ends with a Conclusion and Questions for Discussion. 1. Public Speaking in the Age of Accountability: A Critical Model I. The Roots of Critical Society II. Trends in the Environment A. Increasing Activism in the Political Sphere B. Increasing Activism in the Economic Sphere C. Increasing Activism in the Legal Sphere D. Increasing Diversity in the Cultural Environment E. Changes in Technological Environments F. Changes in Social Environments G. Changes in Rhetorical Conventions III. A Critical Model for Public Speaking A. Speaker B. Message C. Channel D. Environment E. Receiver F. Noise G. Feedback H. Impact and Criteria for Judging Speech 2. Communication Apprehensiveness: Learning to Cope with Anxiety I. Causes of Communication Apprehension II. Situational Anxiety and Public Speaking III. Coping Strategies A. Before the Speech B. During the Speech C. After the Speech 3. Listening with a Purpose: Exercises in Perception and Listening I. Purposeful Listening II. How Listeners Process Information A. Nature of Perception B. Influence of Listening Frames on Message Reception C. How Listeners Respond D. Influence of Setting on Message Reception III. Reciprocal Responsibilities of Listeners and Speakers A. Giving Nonverbal Feedback B. Giving Verbal Feedback 4. Acquiring the Basic Skills: The Speech of Introduction I. Step 1: Getting Started A. Choosing a Theme B. Deciding upon a Purpose C. Framing a Thesis Statement II. Step 2: Getting Organized A. Identifying and Ordering Major Points B. Developing an Outline C. Writing a Preview Statement III. Step 3: Writing the Introduction A. Immediacy Techniques B. References to the Novel C. Suspense and Shock Techniques D. Linguistic Strategies E. Activity, Drama, and Conflict F. Humor G. Gimmicks IV. Step 4: Developing the Body of the Speech V. Step 5: Connecting Your Thoughts A. Transitions B. Signposts C. Internal Summaries VI. Step 6: Closing with a Memorable Thought VII. Step 7: Practicing and Delivering the Speech A. Using Note Cards B. Practicing and Timing the Speech C. Using Visual Aids 5. Researching, Analyzing, and Adapting to Your Audience: The Speech of Welcome I. Researching and Analyzing Your Audience A. Creating a Demographic Profile B. Creating a Psychographic Profile C. Creating a Personality Profile II. Researching and Analyzing Your Speaking Environment III. Adapting to Your Audience A. Choosing a Topic and Approach B. Framing a Realistic Purpose C. Recognizing Your Audience D. Adapting to the Situation VI. Words of Caution 6. Putting Principles of Delivery into Practice: The One-Point Speech I. Preparing One-Point Speeches II. Choosing Mode of Delivery A. Extemporaneous Speaking B. Impromptu Speaking C. Memorizing the Speech D. Manuscript Speaking E. Speaking from a Teleprompter III. Building Credibility Through Delivery A. Composure B. Dynamism C. Trustworthiness D. Sociability E. Status F. Competence G. Objectivity IV. Meeting Technical Challenges V. Setting Realistic Goals 7. Visual Aids and Other Software Presentations: The Computer-Assisted Presentation I. Purposes of Visual Supports II. Overview of General Principles III. Different Kinds of Visual Supports A. Three-Dimensional Objects and Models B. Chalkboards, Whiteboards, and Flannel Boards C. Flip Charts D. Handouts E. Posters F. Overhead, Slide, and Data Projectors G. Audio and Video Tapes IV. Visual Presentation of Statistics V. PowerPoint and Other Computer-Generated Presentations A. Mixed Media Presentations B. Aesthetic Considerations C. Considerations Related to Continuity D. Use of Contrast and Colors E. Typeface and Font Size F. Grammar and Structure G. Formatting H. Presentation Techniques 8. Researching and Supporting Your Ideas: The Informative Speech I. Different Types of Informative Speaking II. Steps in Preparing an Informative Speech A. Step 1: Choosing Your Topic B. Step 2: Framing a Purpose Statement C. Step 3: Writing a Thesis Statement D. Step 4: Researching Your Speech E. Step 5: Identifying Points of Possible Confusion F. Step 6: Choosing an Organizational Pattern G. Step 7: Developing an Outline H. Step 8: Writing a Preview Statement I. Step 9: Writing Your Introduction J. Step 10: Developing Your Speech K. Step 11: Linking the Parts of the Speech L. Step 12: Adding Interest with Visual Aids M. Step 13: Concluding the Speech 9. The Building Blocks of Persuasive Discourse: A Debate Involving Minority Voices I. Ethos as a Persuasive Strategy A. Constituents of Credibility B. Shifts in Credibility During a Speech II. Pathos as a Persuasive Strategy III. Logos as a Persuasive Strategy A. Reasoning from Example B. Reasoning from Generalization C. Causal Reasoning D. Reasoning from Sign E. Analogical Reasoning 10. Arguing Eloquently and Convincingly: Speech to Convince, Stimulate, or Actuate I. Step 1: Selecting Your Topic A. Think about Causes That Matter to You B. Think about Policies or Laws That May Be at Risk C. Think about Policies or Laws You Would Like to Change D. Think about Controversial Claims You Would Defend or Dispute E. Take Ethical Considerations into Account II. Step 2: Framing a Tentative Position Statement III. Step 3: Translating Your Position Statement into a Thesis Statement IV. Step 4: Researching Your Audience V. Step 5: Defining Your General Purpose VI. Step 6: Framing a Desired Outcome VII. Step 7: Matching Purposes and Audiences with Organizational Patterns A. Choices of Organizational Pattern B. Considerations in Developing and Ordering Arguments VIII. Step 8: Writing Your Introduction A. Remembering Attention-Getting Strategies B. Reviewing Other Elements in the Introduction IX. Step 9: Developing the Body of Your Speech X. Step 10: Considering Your Audience A. Demographics B. Psychographics C. Needs D. Personality E. General Considerations XI. Step 11: Choosing Evocative Language A. Concrete and Vivid Language B. Balanced and Parallel Sentence Structures C. Antithesis D. Repetition E. Alliteration F. First and Second Voice G. Rule of Threes and Fours H. Comparison and Contrast I. Metaphor J. Simile K. Personification L. Analogy M. Rhetorical Questions N. Religious References XII. Step 12: Linking Your Ideas XIII. Step 13: Writing Your Conclusion XIV. Step 14: Delivering Your Speech XV. Step 15: Responding to Questions 11. The Language of Propaganda: A Coffee-Shop Discussion on Ethics I. Defining Propaganda A. Defining Propaganda in the Context of World War II B. Problems with Defining Propaganda in a Modern Context II. The Toolbox of the Propagandist A. Eliciting Signal Responses B. Manipulating the Truth C. Softening the Truth D. Oversimplifying Complex Issues E. Relying on Glittering Generalities and Patriotic Platitudes F. Stating the Obvious G. Speaking in the Third Person H. Using Extreme Fear Appeals I. Pretending to be Someone We are Not J. Getting on the Bandwagon K. Calling Names and Labeling by Association L. Going Down the Slippery Slope M. Pulling Out the Red Herring N. Engaging in Circular Reasoning O. Lying with Statistics 12. Speaking in Social Contexts: A Speech for Special Occasions I. Types of Special Occasion Speeches A. After-Dinner Speeches B. Roasts C. Wedding Toasts D. Graduation Speeches E. Award and Acceptance Speeches F. Tributes G. Eulogies H. Introduction of Another Speaker I. Sermons J. Motivational Talks II. The Use of Humor A. Humorous Strategies B. Cautions in Using Humor C. Delivering Humorous Content 13. Speaking in Classroom Contexts: A Team Presentation I. Choosing a Theme II. Setting Teaching and Learning Objectives III. Deciding upon an Agenda of Learning Activities A. Taking Learning Theories into Account B. Applying the Learning Theories C. Taking Audience Adaptation Theories into Account D. Choosing Your Learning Activities IV. Managing Group Dynamics V. Making the Presentation A. Setting Up the Room B. Making an Impression Through Dress C. Sharing Responsibilities D. Interacting During the Presentation E. Communicating Outside the Kite F. Managing the Feedback Process G. Providing Handouts and Other Supplementary Materials VI. Taking Ethics into Account 14. The Business of Speechwriting: A Ghostwritten Speech I. History of Presidential Ghostwriting II. Steps in Producing a Ghostwritten Speech A. Gathering Background Materials B. Structuring and Developing the Speech C. Recycling Content D. Making Choices on Language III. Techniques for Preparing the Manuscript for Delivery IV. Relinquishing Ownership V. Evaluating Your Efforts A. Feedback to the Speechwriter B. Feedback to Speech Organizers C. Feedback to the Speaker D. Conclusion VI. Getting Work as a Freelance Writer A. Gaining Experience B. Advertising Your Work C. Negotiating a Contract and Professional Fees D. Establishing a Schedule for Completing the Work VII. Debate over the Ethics of Ghostwriting 15. The Nature and Function of Rhetorical Criticism: A Rhetorical Analysis I. CCM Approach to Rhetorical Analysis A. Speaker B. Environment C. Audience D. Message E. Impact F. Criteria for Judgments II. Positioning the Speaker Within a Larger Movement Appendix: Memorable Speeches, Historical Moments Barack Obama George W. Bush Earl Charles Spencer Hillary Rodham Clinton Mary Fisher Senator Edward M. Kennedy George H. W. Bush Harry Emerson Fosdick


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