Progress in Ultra-short Electromagnetic Pulse Technology: A New Frontier in Physics

Author:   Jean-Francois Eloy
Publisher:   Elsevier Science & Technology


Pages:   288
Publication Date:   01 November 2001
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

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Progress in Ultra-short Electromagnetic Pulse Technology: A New Frontier in Physics

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The subject of ultra-short electromagnetic pulses and their interaction with matter is attracting increasing interest in both science and technology. This is due to their potential use in revealing transient featues of physical phenomena and the probing of the particular electromagnetic and physical properties of all kinds of materials, and to progress the understanding of the photonic, electronic and magnetic behaviour of small-scale systems. Further, ultra-short laser pulses, producing high-density plasmas radiating at all wavelengths, can lead to the development of novel techniques to be used in physico-chemical investigation of biological and liquid media. Ultra-short electromagnetic wideband sources have numerous possible advanced applications, including: the creation and investigation of new drug and other medically significant molecular structures; investigation of energy processes in DNA structures; treatment of cancerous and genetic diseases; development of industrial materials used under high pressure; nuclear waste treatment and storage; fusion reactions; and fundamental cosmic problems. The information contained in the book represents the author's work over 35 years, and the distillation of the the results of collaboration with research groups in Gesellshaft fur Strahlen und Umweltforschung in Germany and MIT and Harvard University in the USA.

Full Product Details

Author:   Jean-Francois Eloy
Publisher:   Elsevier Science & Technology
Imprint:   Hermes Penton
Weight:   0.567kg


ISBN 10:   1903996007
Pages:   288
Publication Date:   01 November 2001
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Undergraduate ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

Table of Contents

Part 1 Introduction: electromagnetic waves: the concept of coherence; laser beam source; laser - matter interaction; ultra-wideband ultra-short electromagnetic pulses; synchrotron radiation sources; interaction with matter; space-time and time-frequency approaches. Part 2 Ultra-short electromagnetic pulse generation and interaction: theoretical and analytical approach; instrumentation for ultra-short pulse generation and signal data processing; applications. Part 3 Ultra-short laser-matter interactions: nuclear fusion and laser-produced plasmas; ultra-short laser pulses and interaction with matter. Part 4 Temporal aspects for a synchrotron radiation source: interaction of ultra-short X-ray pulses with matter - progress and trends in instrumentation and X-ray optics; X-ray temporal modulation for dynamic studies in condensed matter in biology, biochemistry and medicine.


"""Four lectures summarize the thirty-five years of research Eloy has been involved with at the Research-Centre of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg, the French Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Synchotron Radiation Facility. The organization of the lectures is based on the chronology of breakthroughs in electromagnetic sources capable of delivering ultra-short pulses of an electromagnetic beam at the limits of coherence in a wide frequency range. Aiming the material at postgraduate students and practicing engineers, Eloy discusses ultra- short electromagnetic pulse generation and interaction with matter, ultra-short laser-matter interactions, and interaction of ultra-short X-ray pulses with matter in context of the temporal aspects for a synchrotron radiation source."" --Book News, Inc"

Four lectures summarize the thirty-five years of research Eloy has been involved with at the Research-Centre of Strasbourg-Cronenbourg, the French Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Synchotron Radiation Facility. The organization of the lectures is based on the chronology of breakthroughs in electromagnetic sources capable of delivering ultra-short pulses of an electromagnetic beam at the limits of coherence in a wide frequency range. Aiming the material at postgraduate students and practicing engineers, Eloy discusses ultra- short electromagnetic pulse generation and interaction with matter, ultra-short laser-matter interactions, and interaction of ultra-short X-ray pulses with matter in context of the temporal aspects for a synchrotron radiation source. --Book News, Inc

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