Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, Volume III: Chemical, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications

Author:   Raymond E. March (Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) ,  John F.J Todd (University of Kent, Canterbury, UK)
Publisher:   Taylor & Francis Inc


Pages:   544
Publication Date:   23 October 1995
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

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Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, Volume III: Chemical, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications

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By delivering concentrated information in three different volumes, the editors of the Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry mini-series present in-depth reviews on mainstream developments in each active and popular area. Contributing authors provide concise reports illustrating successful approaches to difficult analytical problems across the basic scientific disciplines.Volume three, Chemical, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications, presents a coherent picture of research and applications in the ion trapping field. It examines tandem mass spectrometry, the principal mode of ion trap operation, where one stage of mass selectivity follows another in the same region of space. This volume discusses the fundamentals of ion trap theory, design, and operation; practical ion trap technology; applications involving small molecules; and the environmental and biomedical applications.

Full Product Details

Author:   Raymond E. March (Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) ,  John F.J Todd (University of Kent, Canterbury, UK)
Publisher:   Taylor & Francis Inc
Imprint:   CRC Press Inc
Dimensions:   Width: 15.60cm , Height: 3.40cm , Length: 23.50cm
Weight:   0.932kg


ISBN 10:   0849382513
Pages:   544
Publication Date:   23 October 1995
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

Table of Contents

Fundamentals Ion Trap Theory, Design, and Operation, J.F.J. Todd Introduction Theory and Operating Principles of the Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer Some Practical Improvements in Ion Trap Operation Ion Isolation Chemical Ionization Extension of the Mass/Charge Range High Resolution Mass Spectra with the Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry Applications Conclusion References Ion Traps as Tandem Mass Spectrometers, R.E. March, R.J. Strife, and C.S. Creaser Introduction Instrumentation Elements of Ion Trap Theory Ion Formation and Isolation The Ion Activation and/or Ion Reaction Period Analytical Scan Rate Practical Aspects of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Tandem Mass Spectrometry Case Histories Conclusion Practical Aspects of Laser Desorption and Photodissociation References Review of Modern Ion Trap Research, J. Charles and G.L. Glish Introduction Ionization Techniques Operation of the Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry Conclusion References Practical Ion Trap Technology Practical Ion Trap Technology: GC/MS and GC/MS/MS, N.A. Yates, M.M. Booth, J.L. Stephenson, Jr., and R.A. Yost Introduction Instrumentation and Methods of Operation GC/MS and GC/MS/MS Applications Operational Principles for Ion Trap GC/MS Advances in Ion Trap GC/MS and GC/MS/MS Benchtop GC/MS/MS Instruments Summary and Conclusion References Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, B.L. Kleintop, D.M. Eades, J.A. Jones, and R.A. Yost Introduction Membrane Introduction Thermospray Particle Beam Conclusions References Ion Spray Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis/Mass Spectrometry on a Modified Benchtop Ion Mass Spectrometer, A. Mordehai, H.K. Lim, and J.D. Henion Introduction Results and Discussion Summary and Conclusions Acknowledgments References Chemical Ionization in Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, C.S. Creaser Introduction Principles of Chemical Ionization Chemical Ionization in the Ion Trap Selective Chemical Ionization Procedures Applications References Applications Involving Small Molecules Energetics and Collision-Induced Dissociation Efficiencies in the Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, J.V. Johnson, C. Basic, R.E. Pedder, B.L. Kleintop, and R.A. Yost Introduction Ion Motion in a Quadrupole Ion Trap Ion Activation in a QITMS Calculations of Trapped Ion Energies Experimental Determination of Trapped Ion Energies Resonant Excitation in the QITMS: CID Energetics and Efficiencies Conclusions References Ion Structure Studies in the Quadrupole Ion Trap, S. Catinella and P. Traldi Introduction Daughter Ion Spectroscopy by Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (ITMS) Applications References Atmospheric Glow Discharge/Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, M.L. Langford and J.F.J. Todd Introduction Theoretical Features of the Glow Discharge Mechanism Glow Discharge/Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers References Dynamically Programmed Scans, A.M. Franklin and J.F.J. Todd Introduction The Scan and Exp Programs Dynamically Programmed Scanning Software Processing of ITMSTM Data Files Applications Conclusions References Environmental and Biomedical Applications Environmental Analyses, W.L. Budde Introduction Mass Spectrometer Performance Standards The GC/Ion Trap Detector Analytical Approaches in Environmental Analyses Drinking Water Analyses in the United States Membrane Mass Spectrometry Field Applications Volatile Air Pollutants Less-Volatile Organic Analytes Non-Volatile Compounds References Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis, T. Cairns, K.S. Chiu, D. Navarro, and E. Siegmund Driving Force for New Approach Introduction Experimental Chemical Ionization of Pesticides Analytical Approach to Pesticide Analysis Conclusions References Electrospray/Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry: Applications to Trace Analysis, H.-L. Lin and R.D. Voyksner Introduction Optimization of Coupling of Electrospray to the ITMS Application of Electrospray-ITMS to Environmental Analysis Application of LC/Electrospray/ITMS for the Determination of Neuropeptides Conclusions and Future Outlook Acknowledgments References OTHER TITLES OF INTEREST OTI 1: 167


Author Information

March\, Raymond E.; Todd\, John F.J

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