Physics and Applications of Non-Crystalline Semiconductors in Optoelectronics

Author:   A. Andriesh ,  M. Bertolotti
Publisher:   Springer
Edition:   1997 ed.
Volume:   36


Pages:   481
Publication Date:   31 July 1997
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Physics and Applications of Non-Crystalline Semiconductors in Optoelectronics

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The reports published here cover two main topics: the theoretical basis of the physics of non-crystalline materials, and experimental results. Subjects treated include: optical properties of non-crystalline semiconductors; doping of glassy semiconductors and photoinduced effects in chalcogenide glasses and practical applications; methods for investigating the structure of non-crystalline semiconductors; new glassy materials for IR transmittance and optoelectronics; photoinduced transformations and applications. Considerable attention is paid to the technical applications of the photoinduced phenomena in optoelectronics, optical and photoelectrical information storage media, high resolution lithography, optical diffraction elements, optoelectronic parts and circuits.

Full Product Details

Author:   A. Andriesh ,  M. Bertolotti
Publisher:   Springer
Imprint:   Springer
Edition:   1997 ed.
Volume:   36
Dimensions:   Width: 15.50cm , Height: 2.60cm , Length: 23.50cm
Weight:   1.930kg


ISBN 10:   0792346238
Pages:   481
Publication Date:   31 July 1997
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

Measurements of third-order nonlinearities in amorphous materials.- Photoinduced phenomena in chalcogenide glass semiconductors.- Electronic micro-fabrication of chalcogenide glass.- Metal-photodissolution in amorphous semiconductors of the As-S System.- Amorphous superlattices of chalcogenides.- Density of localized states in the gap of non-crystalline semiconductors.- Photo structural phase transitions in amorphous chalcogenides: basic principles and applications in holography and optical information processing.- Thermally and photoinduced phenomena in amorphous chalcogenides.- Photoinduced effects in amorphous chalcogenides.- CW and pulsed investigation of photoinduced darkening in As2S3 amorphous thin films.- Optical glasses for infrared transmittance - Synthesis and properties of chalcogenide glasses.- New chalcohalide glasses as promising materials for optoelectronics.- Contributions to self-diffraction and optical phase conjugation in semiconductors.- Doping of chalcogenide glasses of semiconductors.- Medium range order in chalcogenide glasses.- Simple theory of soft potentials and negative-U centers in chalcogenides.- Optical absorbability in ternary Ge-As-S glasses and some possibility of its applications.- Photoinduced effects in chalcogenide glasses and their application for optical recording.- Coordination defects formation model for reversible photostructural transformations in amorphous As2 S(Se)3.- Amorphography of chaos and order in isotropic and anisotropic glasses.- Photoinduced structural changes in amorphous chalcogenides studied by Raman spectroscopy.- Infrared reflectance investigation of the structure of xSb2S3. (1-x)As2S3 glasses.- Structure of potassium germanate glasses by vibrational spectroscopy.- A review of amorphous chalcogenides as materials for infrared bulk acousto-optic devices.- The possibilities to use the intrinsic defect’s optical properties for optoelectronics in fused silica.- Amorphous silicon photodetectors for oxidised porous silicon based optical interconnections.- Photoluminescence in hydrogenerated amorphous carbon.- Optical elements for sensing and communication - A Review.- New materials for solar energy conversion.- Experimental investigation of subsurface structure and surface symmetry of disordered semiconductors.- Multiquantum processes in solids. New aspects.- Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in the presence of laser radiation.- Thermal plasma and photoinduced microstuctural changes on a-SiC: H films.- Some electrophysical properties of C60 thin films.- Deposition of CuInSe2 thin films by pulsed electron beam ablation.- Optical properties of Ge-As-Se glasses and films on their basis.- Optical registration media with near ir sensibility for xerography.- Nonlinear propagation of strong laser pulses in non-crystalline semiconductor films.- The peculiarities of photoinduced absorption in chalcogenide glass fibres.- Mass-spectrometric investigation of the photostructural changes in chalcogenide glasses.- Cooperative two-photon emission in the microcavity.- A layered-inhomogeneous model of the structure of vitreous GeS2 - based vacuum condensates.- Electrical properties of p-Si/ ± - C:H heterojunctions.- Electromotive force in the structures metal- gradient films -metal.- Thermostimulated luminescence of amorphous oxide films of aluminium.- Low frequency Raman spectra, sizes of fractals and longitudinal elastic modules in wide gap chalcogenide glassy semiconductors.- Optical bistability in nonlinear interaction of short light pulses with thinfilm resonant structure.- Recordingequipment based on photothermoplastic medium for space and airborn applications.- Photothermoplastic media for non-destructive control systems.- Investigation of integrated-optics devices on the basis of thin films of chalcogenide glassy semiconductors.- Reduced temperature growth and characterization of InP/SrF2/InP(100) heterostructure.- Fresnel zone plates on chalcogenide glass without chromatical aberrations.- Bipolar transport and bipolar photoconductivity in amorphous films containing arsenic chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors.- Electron-induced anisotropy in chalcogenide glasses: state of the problem, physical features and microstructural mechanism.- Sub-band-gap absorption in As2Se3 films from photocapacitance spectroscopy.- Room-temperature photoluminescence of amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide doped with erbium.- Analytical Index.


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