OverviewComprehensive THEA study guide, prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts, including practice test questions! Everything you need to pass the THEA! This Title is eco-balanced! 100 hundred trees have been planted to offset the paper used in this book. Includes FREE eBook version! suitable for use on any table or iPad, or any smartphone! Pass the THEA! helps you: Practice with 2 complete practice question sets (over 400 questions) Learn faster & concentrate your valuable study time Identify your strengths and weaknesses quickly Learn multiple choice strategies from exam experts Make a THEA study schedule and study plan Practice the THEA with over 400 practice questions including: Reading Comprehension Math Algebra English Grammar Geometry How to Write an Essay Hundreds of pages of review and tutorials on all topics, with step-by-step example solutions. Easy to read tutorials - Main points are highlighted, followed by a detailed explanation. You can read and absorb fast! Complete Test Preparation Inc. is not affiliate with the makers of the THEA exam, Pearson Education Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. Also included in this comprehensive THEA study guide, are TWO critical chapters to your success: How to Take a Test - Let's face it: test-taking is really not easy! While some people seem to have the natural ability to know what to study, how to absorb and retain information, and how to stay calm enough while actually taking a test to earn a great score, most of us find taking tests to be sheer misery. This is one of the most important chapters! Here you will find out: How to Take a Test - The basics In the Test Room - What you MUST do Common Mistakes on a Test - And how to avoid them Mental Prep - How to psych yourself up for a test Multiple Choice Secrets - learn and practice multiple choice strategies prepared by test experts! Learn a step-by-step method for answering multiple choice questions on any exam, and then 12 strategies, with practice questions for each strategy. Maybe you have read this kind of thing before, and maybe feel you don't need it, and you are not sure if you are going to buy this eBook. Remember though, it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students. Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn't that worth it? Why not do everything you can to get the best score on the THEA? Full Product DetailsAuthor: Complete Test Preparation IncPublisher: Complete Test Preparation Inc. Imprint: Complete Test Preparation Inc. Dimensions: Width: 15.20cm , Height: 2.10cm , Length: 22.90cm Weight: 0.549kg ISBN: 9781927358542ISBN 10: 192735854 Pages: 412 Publication Date: 01 May 2013 Audience: General/trade , General Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: Available To Order We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationComplete Test Preparation Inc. has been publishing high quality study materials since 2005. Thousands of students visit our websites every year, and thousands of students, teachers and parents all over the world have purchased our teaching materials, curriculum, study guides and practice tests. Complete Test Preparation Inc. is committed to providing students with the best study materials and practice tests available on the market. Members of our team combine years of teaching experience, with experienced writers and editors, all with advanced degrees. Team Members for this publication Editor: Brian Stocker MA Contributor: Dr. C. Gregory Contributor: Dr. G. A. Stocker DDS Contributor: D. A. Stocker M. Ed. Contributor: Sheila M. Hynes, MES York, BA (Hons) Contributor: Elizabeta Petrovic MSc (Mathematics) Contributor: Kelley O'Malley BA (English) Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |