OverviewWelcome to the delightful story of Delila, a cat who found love in two homes. This heartwarming tale, based on a true story from Pahoa, Hawaii, teaches us that life changes are okay and sometimes lead to unexpected happiness. Bienvenidos a la encantadora historia de Delila, una gata que encontr� amor en dos hogares. Este conmovedor cuento, basado en una historia real de Pahoa, Hawaii, nos ense�a que los cambios en la vida est�n bien y a veces nos llevan a una felicidad inesperada. Join Delila on her journey and discover how she brought joy to everyone around her. Let's read together and learn how kindness and love can make a difference. �nete a Delila en su viaje y descubre c�mo trajo alegr�a a todos a su alrededor. Leamos juntos y aprendamos c�mo la amabilidad y el amor pueden marcar la diferencia. Enjoy the story! �Disfruta de la historia! Full Product DetailsAuthor: Marcy SchaafPublisher: Children Imprint: Children Edition: Spanish ed. Dimensions: Width: 21.60cm , Height: 0.40cm , Length: 27.90cm Weight: 0.181kg ISBN: 9798330277964Pages: 68 Publication Date: 08 July 2024 Recommended Age: From 3 to 12 years Audience: Children/juvenile , Children / Juvenile Format: Paperback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In stock We have confirmation that this item is in stock with the supplier. It will be ordered in for you and dispatched immediately. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationTab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |