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OverviewDam engineering is currently experiencing a strong revival of labyrinth oriented weirs. Labyrinth weirs, with a repetitive constructional character and an increased specific discharge capacity, are a very good technical-economical compromise. The concept of Piano Key Weir (PKW), with alveoli developed in overhangs from a reduced support area, enables the installation of non-linear crests at the top of concrete dams. As a result it eliminates the main drawback of classical labyrinth weirs, and enables their use to rehabilitate numerous existing dams. Since the first implementation of piano key weirs by Electricité de France on Goulours dam (France) in 2006, at least eight PKWs have been built in France, Vietnam and Switzerland. Their operation over a few years has already provided the first prototype data. Other projects are under study, construction or planning in varied countries. On another hand, research programs are under progress all over the world. Following a first edition in 2011, Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs II – PKW 2013 collects up-to-date contributions from people with various backgrounds, from engineers and researchers to academics. Summarizing the last developments on labyrinth oriented weirs, the book constitutes the state-of-the-art in research and application of piano key weir solutions, and will be invaluable to professionals and scientists interested in Dams Engineering. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Sébastien Erpicum , Frédéric Laugier , Michael Pfister , Michel PirottonPublisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd Imprint: CRC Press Dimensions: Width: 17.40cm , Height: 2.30cm , Length: 24.60cm Weight: 0.703kg ISBN: 9781138000858ISBN 10: 113800085 Pages: 312 Publication Date: 21 October 2013 Audience: College/higher education , Professional and scholarly , Tertiary & Higher Education , Professional & Vocational Format: Hardback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In Print ![]() This item will be ordered in for you from one of our suppliers. Upon receipt, we will promptly dispatch it out to you. For in store availability, please contact us. Table of ContentsKeynote lectures The Piano KeyWeirs: 15 years of Research & Development – Prospect M. Ho Ta Khanh Improvement of labyrinth weirs shape A. Ouamane Embankment dam spillways and energy dissipators H. Chanson A. Physical and numerical modeling – Hydraulic capacity and scale effects Effects of the crest shape on the discharge efficiency of a type A Piano KeyWeir G.M. Cicero & J.R. Delisle Influence of geometrical parameters on PK-Weirs discharge with 3D numerical analysis V. Lefebvre, J. Vermeulen & B. Blancher Staged labyrinth weirs and their effects on the outflow hydrograph M.R. Dabling & B.P. Tullis Escouloubre Piano Key weir: Prototype versus scale models S. Erpicum, A. Silvestri, B. Dewals, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton, M. Colombié & L. Faramond Scale effects related to the rating curve of cylindrically crested Piano Key weirs M. Pfister, E. Battisacco, G. De Cesare & A.J. Schleiss B. Physical and numerical modeling – Submergence and energy dissipation Submerged flow regimes of Piano Key weir F. Belaabed & A. Ouamane Experimental study on vertical velocity and submergence depth near Piano Key weir N. Sharma & H. Tiwari Discharge characteristics of Piano Key weirs under submerged flow G.M. Cicero & J.R. Delisle Comparative analysis of the energy dissipation on a stepped spillway downstream of a Piano KeyWeir A. Silvestri, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton, B. Dewals & S. Erpicum C. Hydraulic and structural design Comparison of Piano KeyWeirs with labyrinth and gated spillways: Hydraulics, cost, constructability and operations G.S. Paxson, B.P. Tullis & D.J. Hertel An analytical approach for Piano Key weir hydraulic design O. Machiels, B. Dewals, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton & S. Erpicum Estimation of A-type Piano Key weir rating curve M. Pfister & A.J. Schleiss D. Planned projects Design of a Piano-KeyWeir for Giritale Dam spillway in Sri Lanka H.M. Jayatillake & K.T.N. Perera Piano KeyWeir spillway: Upgrade option for a major dam M.A. Phillips & E.J. Lesleighter Designing a new spillway for the Rassisse Dam A. Bail, L. Deroo & J.P. Sixdenier Hydraulic scale model of the daisy-shape spillway on the Causse Corrézien dam P.E. Loisel, F. Duval & S. Chanourdie Application of the Piano KeyWeir spillway in the Republic of South Africa A.J. Botha, I.P. Fitz, A.J. Moore, F.E. Mulder & N.J. Van Deventer Hydraulic physical model of Piano KeyWeirs as additional flood spillways on the Charmine dam P.E. Loisel, P. Valley & F. Laugier Quipolly dam: A case study on customizing Fusegates® design for adverse spillway conditions M. Beretta, A.G. Merino, O. Cazaillet & R. Batterham E. Existing projects Overview of Piano KeyWeirs experience developed at EDF during the past few years F. Laugier, J. Vermeulen &V. Lefebvre The first commercial Piano KeyWeir in Switzerland P. Eichenberger Raising the bellmouth spillway at Black Esk reservoir using Piano Key weirs J.C. Ackers, F.C.J. Bennett, T.A. Scott & G. Karunaratne Spillway capacity upgrade at Malarce dam: Construction of an additional piano key weir spillway T. Pinchard, J.-L. Farges, J.-M. Boutet, A. Lochu & F. Laugier F. Future developments Effect of driftwood on hydraulic head of Piano Key weirs M. Pfister, A.J. Schleiss & B.P. Tullis Experimental and numerical study of the hydraulic performance of a trapezoidal Piano Key weir G.M. Cicero, J.R. Delisle, V. Lefebvre & J. Vermeulen Overview of Piano Key weir prototypes and scientific model investigations M. Leite Ribeiro, M. Pfister & A.J. Schleiss Effective spillways: Harmonizing labyrinth weir hydraulic efficiency and project requirements B.M. Crookston, G.S. Paxson & D.B. Campbell Author indexReviewsAuthor InformationSébastien Erpicum, Frédéric Laugier, Michael Pfister, Michel Pirotton, Guy-Michel Cicero, Anton J. Schleiss Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |