
Author:   Steve Bartholomew
Publisher:   Steve Bartholomew


Pages:   238
Publication Date:   28 September 2024
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Jack Harrow is hired to research a book for a Bavarian-born professor. Jack thinks he is investigating psychics and spirit mediums. He soon discovers a whole new world. He learns there is a different species of human living among us. Professor Kruger calls them Homo Sapiens Obscurus. They are like us, but special powers set them apart. They have the gift of illusion, using a form of hypnosis to change their own appearance. They can look like angels, demons, or monsters. Or they can resemble your friendly mailman, or your boss. They can go anywhere and do anything. Now the professor wants to publish a book about them. That could be dangerous. When the Others learn of his plans, they strike back.

Full Product Details

Author:   Steve Bartholomew
Publisher:   Steve Bartholomew
Imprint:   Steve Bartholomew
Dimensions:   Width: 14.00cm , Height: 1.40cm , Length: 21.60cm
Weight:   0.304kg


Pages:   238
Publication Date:   28 September 2024
Audience:   General/trade ,  General
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents


Author Information

The author being me, Steve Bartholomew. My friends and enemies call me Bart. I don't think I have many enemies. I don't like writing about myself because there are more interesting things out there, stuff like flying saucers and fairies. When I was in high school I tried to discuss some of those things in science class. I was told not to waste my time. So I decided to be a writer instead of a scientist. I learned some science anyway. In the U.S. Army I learned about electronics, rocket engines, and math. It was better than high school, even better than college. Luckily I never had to shoot anyone, but I learned how to do it. After that I worked mostly in civil service jobs for different levels of government. I ended up as a social worker, till I could take up full time writing. I write a lot of historical fiction because I find history fascinating. I have met people who say history is boring. I tell them they have been victimized by their school systems. History contains some of the wildest stories you can imagine. As they say, you couldn't make it up. I live now in Northern California, next to an ancient lake and a volcano, where natives have dwelled at least 20,000 years. I hope you like the story I have just told you. I have others to tell, which you may find online at the usual places, or in your bookstore. Some of my tales are spooky, because that is also history. But don't worry, I don't write in the genre of horror. There's another Steve who does that much better.

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