This book helps teachers get to grips with using software and offers advice on the different classroom management, differentiation and learning styles issues involved in using a whiteboard in a classroom context by: * Covering issues specific to Primary school teachers integrating whiteboard teaching into their classrooms * Providing cross-curricular strategies that help teachers incorporate the board in a range of subjects * Including screenshots and photos that show what can be created and how to do it * Offering innovative ways of presenting curriculum topics * Including a CD packed full of resources that teachers can develop for their own use.
Full Product Details
Author: Jenny Gage (Millennium Maths Project, University of Cambridge)
Publisher: David Fulton Publishers
Imprint: David Fulton Publishers
ISBN: 9781299613867
ISBN 10: 1299613861
Pages: 168
Publication Date: 01 January 2013
Format: Electronic book text
Publisher's Status: Active
Availability: Available To Order

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