Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education

Author:   Sam Seidel ,  George Clinton ,  Herbert Kohl
Publisher:   Rowman & Littlefield


Pages:   186
Publication Date:   22 August 2011
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

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Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education

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Many educators already know that hip-hop can be a powerful tool for engaging students. But can hip-hop save our schools? In Hip Hop Genius, Sam Seidel introduces an iteration of hip-hop education that goes far beyond the usual approach of studying rap music as classroom content and looks instead at deeply honoring the knowledge of urban students. Seidel lays out a vision for how hip-hop's genius-the resourceful creativity and swagger that took it from a local phenomenon to a global force-can lead to a fundamental remix of the way we think of teaching, school design, and leadership. Through stories about the professional rapper who founded the first hip-hop high school and the aspiring artists currently enrolled there, Hip Hop Genius invites readers to think outside the (boom)box about what hip-hop education can mean and to consider the implications that a broader definition of hip-hop education could have on their teaching and learning experiences. This book is for all of the educators in need of new solutions and all the hip-hop heads who know hip-hop is far more than music. It is for everyone who refuses to watch brilliant young people slip through the cracks and is down to take action. View Sam's YouTube trailer for the book here

Full Product Details

Author:   Sam Seidel ,  George Clinton ,  Herbert Kohl
Publisher:   Rowman & Littlefield
Imprint:   Rowman & Littlefield Education
Dimensions:   Width: 16.10cm , Height: 1.80cm , Length: 23.00cm
Weight:   0.413kg


ISBN 10:   1610480260
Pages:   186
Publication Date:   22 August 2011
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   Out of stock   Availability explained

Table of Contents


Hip Hop Genius is a weapon for the defense of the resilience, brilliance, and strengths of young people and for schools designed to serve them. I wish we had had such a book as a weapon for our self-defense during the struggles of the sixties. It provides evidence for the way in which diversity in schooling can overcome intractable problems of public education and should be used in defense of democratic, wider-ranging schooling. The educational establishment is cynically obsessed with one-way schooling, and this book is a call for resistance and opposition through the power of the portrait it provides of what creative education looks like. -- Herbert Kohl, author, 36 Children, I Won't Learn from You, and The Discipline of Hope With back bends for the older and back flips for the agile young, Hip Hop Genius exercises sound scholarship and creative, critical thinking as it confronts social disparities in America's educational crisis. Sam Seidel's years of experience with city and charter schools allow him to chronicle and channel the contributions of teachers, students, artists, and activists rooted in urban cultures--all working to define strategies for quality universal education. Positioning hip hop against ideological conservatism, economic neglect, racism, sexism, and homophobia, Hip Hop Genius executes the essential moves. -- Joy James, editor, The New Abolitionists Don't wait for Superman--Hip Hop Genius is here! With more than turntables and a microphone, the High School for Recording Arts has created an amazing new model to tap one of America's greatest resources: the unrecognized genius of kids from the hood. Unfortunately, most schools are stuck in the 20th Century. Hip Hop Genius works--it will change the way you think about education and hip hop at the same time. -- William Upski Wimsatt, author, Bomb the Suburbs and Please Don't Bomb the Suburbs At a time when educators and policymakers are struggling to find ways to motivate young people to achieve at higher levels, it would make sense for them to consider looking into the areas where many are already engaged. In this insightful and illuminating book, we learn that hip hop is much more than a source of entertainment. It can and is being used as a medium for creativity and genius to be cultivated. Seidel shows us how one school is doing just that, and through his analysis of their work he reminds us of what could be possible for many more. -- Pedro A. Noguera Ph.D, Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education and executive director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education, New York University Get the book... [David 'TC' Ellis has] done his job with his school... Anything he's doing is worth being read about... He turned his life around and went on and did something and he's still doing it. I would read a book about his ass. -- George Clinton Hip Hop Genius is a powerful and necessary work. Through his beautifully written account of the High School for Recording Arts, Samuel Seidel offers real-world texture and nuance to the field of hip-hop-based education. Unlike many books in the field, Hip Hop Genius doesn't force us to choose between theory and practice, or pragmatism and hope. This book is a sorely needed reminder of what is possible when we release our imaginations and mine the genius that inside of all of our children. -- Marc Lamont Hill This book describes the pedagogy and curriculum of an alternative high school that is rooted in hip-hop culture and has demonstrated some success in retaining students who might otherwise be among the 1.23 million high school dropouts in America every year. It also attempts to explain hip-hop as a philosophy and way of life to the uninitiated. While the library is at the heart of a traditional school, the High School for Recording Arts in St. Paul, Minnesota, has as its core a recording studio. Curriculum is centered on music production and prepares students for a wide range of jobs related to the recording business. It is a curriculum that makes sense to young African Americans. Claiming that traditional programs subject minority students to identity abuse, this school is predicated on providing an environment that reflects rather than transforms student culture. The program features individualized, project-based learning in real-world contexts...Summing Up: Recommended. General readers. CHOICE

Hip Hop Genius is a weapon for the defense of the resilience, brilliance, and strengths of young people and for schools designed to serve them. I wish we had had such a book as a weapon for our self-defense during the struggles of the sixties. It provides evidence for the way in which diversity in schooling can overcome intractable problems of public education and should be used in defense of democratic, wider-ranging schooling. The educational establishment is cynically obsessed with one-way schooling, and this book is a call for resistance and opposition through the power of the portrait it provides of what creative education looks like.--Herbert Kohl

Author Information

Sam Seidel has taught in a variety of settings from first grade to community college and directed an award-winning arts program for young people in, and transitioning out of, prison. He now works with several national networks of innovative schools; speaks at education events; and writes for The Husslington Post, GOOD, and a variety of other publications. To learn more about his work, the book, and how you can book Sam to speak in your school or community, please check out www.HipHopGenius.org.

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