Despite variations of educational systems, when transitions in education occur, the pedagogical challenges that teachers and pupils undergo are quite similar across the globe. Transitions are phases in which pupils, peer groups and teachers have to renegotiate and rebuild their learning environment in the educational context. These various transitions in students' learning paths significantly impact on schools' everyday life. This volume explores transitions at all stages of educational progression, i.e., nursery to primary, primary to secondary, and secondary to post-school. It also examines these transitions across a variety of countries and types of schools. Educational Transitions provides up-to-date literature, research and theoretical constructs that help readers understand the issues, social-emotional-psychological dimensions, and evidence-based possible interventions to support an individual through these educational transitions. It also allows scholars, teachers, and students to critically analyse how lessons learned from one country can be adapted for other countries' educational systems.
Full Product Details
Author: Divya Jindal-Snape (University of Dundee, UK)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Imprint: Routledge
Width: 15.20cm
, Height: 1.60cm
, Length: 22.90cm
Weight: 0.510kg
ISBN: 9780415647434
ISBN 10: 0415647436
Pages: 276
Publication Date: 11 July 2012
College/higher education
Tertiary & Higher Education
Format: Paperback
Publisher's Status: Active
Availability: In Print

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A message that builds through Jindal-Snape's Moving Stories is a perspective that recognizes transitions take time, that they are a process and that they affect all stages of education. In the final chapter Jindal-Snape artfully draws together the transition trends from each of the authors and analyses the collective contribution to identify implications for practice and policy and to highlight future research possibilities in this field. The voice and agency of those involved in transition gains importance in this stimulating and worthwhile book. -Scottish Educational Review
Author Information
Divya Jindal-Snape is Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education at the University of Dundee.