Control Systems Theory with Engineering Applications

Author:   Sergey E. Lyshevski
Publisher:   Birkhauser Boston Inc
Edition:   2001 ed.


Pages:   416
Publication Date:   21 June 2001
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Control Systems Theory with Engineering Applications

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This book allows students and engineers to apply advanced theoretical concepts to enhance learning and to provide a gradual progression from versatile theoretical to practical topics. Electrical control engineers and advanced students interested in nonlinear control of real world systems will find this book an essential resource. In analysis and control of multivariable systems, modern theory and innovative methods, as well as advanced algorithms and software are of great importance to a variety of industrial control systems. 'Control Systems Theory with Engineering Applications' uses modern concepts of control systems theory to provide an accessible text for the most important aspects in linear and nonlinear multivariable systems. This book presents well-defined theoretical base with step-by-step instruction on how to apply it by thoroughly studying a great number of practical real world problems and using numerous examples. The book gives basic introductory theory relating to the linear state space concept. It provides the reader with the necessary background needed to comprehend the principles and models presented throughout the remaining portions of the book. The methods and applications presented include a variety of relevant topics selected for their insight and pedagogical effectiveness.

Full Product Details

Author:   Sergey E. Lyshevski
Publisher:   Birkhauser Boston Inc
Imprint:   Birkhauser Boston Inc
Edition:   2001 ed.
Dimensions:   Width: 15.50cm , Height: 2.30cm , Length: 23.50cm
Weight:   0.851kg


ISBN 10:   081764203
Pages:   416
Publication Date:   21 June 2001
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  General/trade ,  Undergraduate ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Modeling, Identification, Optimization, and Control.- 2. Mathematical Model Developments.- 2.1. Engineering Systems and Models.- 2.2. Basic Principles in Model Developments.- 3. Modeling of Dynamic Systems using Matlab and Simulink.- 3.1. Engineering Computations Using Matlab.- 3.2. Analysis and Modeling of Dynamic Systems Using Matlab.- 4. Analysis and Control of Linear Dynamic Systems.- 4.1. Introduction: Analysis of Multivariable Continuous- and Discrete-Time Systems.- 4.2. Continuous-Time Dynamic Systems and Analog Controllers.- 4.3. Control of Dynamic Systems Using Digital PID Control Laws.- 4.4. Hamilton—Jacobi and Lyapunov Methods in Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Systems.- 4.5. Pole Placement Design by Using State Feedback.- 4.6. Control of Discrete-Time Systems Using the Hamilton—Jacobi Theory.- 5. Analysis, Identification, and Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems.- 5.1. Nonlinear Analysis of Dynamic Systems.- 5.2. State-Space Nonlinear Identification.- 5.3. Design of Stabilizing Controllers Using the Lyapunov Theory.- 5.4. Optimization of Continuous-Time Systems.- 5.5. Sliding Mode Control.- 5.6. Control of Discrete-Time Systems.- 5.7. Nonlinear Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors.- 5.8. Case Study in Nonlinear Control of Multivariable Systems: Motion Control of Induction Motors.- 5.9. Control of Servo-Systems With Permanent-Magnet DC Motors.- References.


This well-written book treats modern concepts of control systems theory to provide an accessible text for the most important aspects in linear and nonlinear multivariable systems. The author presents a well-defined theoretical base with step-by-step instructions on how to apply [them] by thoroughly studying a great number of practical real-world problems and using numerous examplesa ]. A vast range of worked-out examples and qualitative illustrations is includeda ]. The booka ]is an exceptionally complete and accessible text/reference for graduates and professionals in automatic control and nonlinear control. a Publicationes Mathematicae, Debrecen <p> This book presents a foundation of modern control systems theory. It is well known that dynamical systems like living organisms, electromechanical and industrial systems, chemical and technological processes, market and ecology can be considered and analyzed using systems theory. The advent of computers has caused rapid strides in the area of control design and these circumstances are reflected in this book. For example software like MATLAB and SIMULINK are widely used here...[and] permits the investigator to formulate and solve the increasingly complex problems of control designa ]. This book may be very useful for students, postgraduate students, engineers and scientists who are studying and designing controlled dynamical systems. a Zentralblatt Math

"""This well-written book treats modern concepts of control systems theory to provide an accessible text for the most important aspects in linear and nonlinear multivariable systems. The author presents a well-defined theoretical base with step-by-step instructions on how to apply [them] by thoroughly studying a great number of practical real-world problems and using numerous examples!. A vast range of worked-out examples and qualitative illustrations is included!. The book!is an exceptionally complete and accessible text/reference for graduates and professionals in automatic control and nonlinear control."" --Publicationes Mathematicae, Debrecen ""This book presents a foundation of modern control systems theory. It is well known that dynamical systems like living organisms, electromechanical and industrial systems, chemical and technological processes, market and ecology can be considered and analyzed using systems theory. The advent of computers has caused rapid strides in the area of control design and these circumstances are reflected in this book. For example software like MATLAB and SIMULINK are widely used here...[and] permits the investigator to formulate and solve the increasingly complex problems of control design!. This book may be very useful for students, postgraduate students, engineers and scientists who are studying and designing controlled dynamical systems."" --Zentralblatt Math"

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