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OverviewFull Product DetailsAuthor: WY Yang , Seung C. LeePublisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd Imprint: Wiley-Blackwell Dimensions: Width: 17.60cm , Height: 3.40cm , Length: 24.80cm Weight: 1.086kg ISBN: 9780470822326ISBN 10: 0470822325 Pages: 552 Publication Date: 23 November 2007 Audience: Professional and scholarly , Professional & Vocational Format: Hardback Publisher's Status: Out of Print Availability: Out of stock ![]() Table of ContentsPreface. Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty of Software. 1 Basic Concepts on Electric Circuits. 1.1 Symbols and Units. 1.2 Network Variables. 1.2.1 Voltage and Current. 1.2.2 Electric Power and Energy. 1.2.3 Reference Polarity and Direction of Voltage/Current. 1.2.4 Passive Sign Convention. 1.3 Circuit Elements. 1.3.1 Passive Elements. 1.3.2 Active Elements. 1.3.3 Operational Amplifier. 1.3.4 Transistor. 1.4 Kirchhoff's Laws. 1.4.1 Nodes, Branches, and Meshes/Loops. 1.4.2 Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). 1.4.3 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL). 1.4.4 The Number of KCL/KVL Equations. 1.5 Equivalent Transformation of Sources. 1.5.1 Combination of Several Sources. 1.5.2 Voltage-Current Source Transformation. 1.5.3 Examples of Source Transformation. 1.6 Series and Parallel Connections. Problems. 2 Resistor Circuits. 2.1 Combination of Resistors. 2.1.1 Series Combination of Resistors. 2.1.2 Parallel Combination of Resistors. 2.2 Voltage/Current Divider. 2.2.1 Voltage Divider. 2.2.2 Current Divider. 2.3 DELTA-Y(-T) Transformation. 2.3.1 DELTA-Y(-T) Conversion Formula. 2.3.2 Y-DELTA(T-) Conversion Formula. 2.4 Node Analysis. 2.4.1 Circuits Having No Dependent Sources. 2.4.2 Circuits Having Dependent Sources. 2.5 Mesh (Loop) Analysis. 2.5.1 Circuits Having No Dependent Sources. 2.5.2 Circuits Having Dependent Sources. 2.6 Comparison of Node Analysis and Mesh Analysis. 2.7 Thevenin/Norton Equivalent Circuits. 2.8 Superposition Principle and Linearity. 2.9 OP Amp Circuits with Resistors. 2.9.1 Inverting OP Amp Circuit. 2.9.2 Noninverting OP Amp Circuit. 2.9.3 Voltage Follower. 2.9.4 More Exact Analysis of OP Amp Circuits. 2.9.5 OP Amp Circuits with Positive Feedback. 2.10 Transistor Circuits. 2.11 Loading Effect and Input/Output Resistance. 2.12 Load Line Analysis of Nonlinear Resistor Circuits. 2.13 More Examples of Resistor Circuits. Problems. 3 First-Order Circuits. 3.1 Characteristics of Inductors and Capacitors. 3.1.1 Inductor. 3.1.2 Capacitor. 3.2 Series-Parallel Combination of Inductors/Capacitors. 3.2.1 Series-Parallel Combination of Inductors. 3.2.2 Series-Parallel Combination of Capacitors. 3.3 Circuit Analysis Using the Laplace Transform. 3.3.1 The Laplace Transform for a First-Order Differential Equation. 3.3.2 Transformed Equivalent Circuits for R, L, and C. 3.4 Analysis of First-Order Circuits. 3.4.1 DC-Excited RL Circuits. 3.4.2 DC-Excited RC Circuits. 3.4.3 Time-Constant and Natural Responses of First-Order Circuits. 3.4.4 Sequential Switching. 3.4.5 AC-Excited First-Order Circuits. 3.5 Analysis of First-Order OP Amp Circuits. 3.5.1 First-Order OP Amp Circuits with Negative Feedback. 3.5.2 First-Order OP Amp Circuits with Positive Feedback. 3.6 LRL Circuits and CRC Circuits. 3.6.1 An LRL Circuit. 3.6.2 A CRC Circuit. 3.6.3 Conservation of Flux Linkage and Charge. 3.6.4 A Measure Against Violation of the Continuity Rule on the Inductor Current. 3.7 Simulation Using PSpice and MATLAB. 3.7.1 An RC Circuit with Sequential Switching. 3.7.2 An AC-Excited RL Circuit. 3.8 Application and Design of First-Order Circuits. Problems. 4 Second-Order Circuits. 4.1 The Laplace Transform For Second-Order Differential Equations. 4.1.1 Overdamped Case with Two Distinct Real Characteristic Roots. 4.1.2 Critically Damped Case with Double Real Characteristic Roots. 4.1.3 Underdamped Case with Two Distinct Complex Characteristic Roots. 4.1.4 Stability of a System and Location of its Characteristic Roots. 4.2 Analysis of Second-Order Circuits. 4.2.1 A Series RLC Circuit. 4.2.2 A Parallel RLC Circuit. 4.2.3 Two-Mesh/Node Circuit. 4.2.4 Circuits Having Dependent Sources. 4.2.5 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit. 4.3 Second-Order OP Amp Circuits. 4.4 Analogy and Duality. 4.4.1 Analogy. 4.4.2 Duality. 4.5 Transfer Function, Impulse Response, and Convolution. 4.5.1 Linear Systems. 4.5.2 Time-Invariant Systems. 4.5.3 The Pulse Response of a Linear Time-Invariant System. 4.5.4 The Input-Output Relationship of a Linear Time-Invariant System. 4.6 The Steady-State Response to a Sinusoidal Input. 4.7 An Example of MATLAB Analysis and PSpice Simulation. Problems. 5 Magnetically Coupled Circuits. 5.1 Self-Inductance. 5.2 Mutual Inductance. 5.3 Relative Polarity of Induced Voltages and Dot Convention. 5.3.1 Dot Convention and Sign of Mutual Inductance Terms. 5.3.2 Measurement of the Relative Winding Direction. 5.3.3 Measurement of Mutual Inductance. 5.3.4 Energy in Magnetically Coupled Coils. 5.4 Equivalent Models of Magnetically Coupled Coils. 5.4.1 T-Equivalent Circuit. 5.4.2 -Equivalent Circuit. 5.5 Ideal Transformer. 5.6 Linear Transformer. 5.7 Autotransformers. Problems. 6 AC Circuits. 6.1 Sinusoidal Sources. 6.2 Phasor and AC Analysis. 6.3 AC Impedance of Passive Elements. 6.3.1 Resistor. 6.3.2 Inductor. 6.3.3 Capacitor. 6.4 AC Circuit Examples. 6.5 Instantaneous, Active, Reactive, and Complex Power. 6.6 Power Factor. 6.7 Maximum Power Transfer - Impedance Matching. 6.8 Load Flow Calculation. 6.9 Design and Simulation for Maximum Power Transfer. Problems. 7 Three-Phase AC Circuits. 7.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages. 7.2 Power of Balanced Three-Phase Loads. 7.3 Measurement of Three-Phase Power. 7.4 Three-Phase Power System. 7.5 Electric Shock and Grounding. Problems. 8 Frequency Selective Circuit - Filter. 8.1 Lowpass Filter (LPF). 8.1.1 Series LR Circuit. 8.1.2 Series RC Circuit. 8.2 Highpass Filter (HPF). 8.2.1 Series CR Circuit. 8.2.2 Series RL Circuit. 8.3 Bandpass Filter (BPF). 8.3.1 Series RLC Circuit and Series Resonance. 8.3.2 Parallel RLC Circuit and Parallel Resonance. 8.4 Bandstop Filter (BSF). 8.4.1 Series RLC Circuit. 8.4.2 Parallel RLC Circuit. 8.5 Active Filter. 8.5.1 First-Order Active Filter. 8.5.2 Second-Order Active LPF/HPF. 8.5.3 Second-Order Active BPF. 8.5.4 Second-Order Active BSF. 8.6 Analog Filter Design. Problems. 9 Circuits Analysis Using Fourier Series. 9.1 Fourier Series. 9.2 Computation of Fourier Coefficients Using Symmetry. 9.3 Circuit Analysis Using Fourier Series. 9.4 Fourier Series and Laplace Transform. 9.5 RMS Value and Power of a Nonsinusoidal Periodic Signal. 9.5.1 RMS Value and Distortion Factor of a Nonsinusoidal Periodic Signal. 9.5.2 Power and Power Factor of a Nonsinusoidal Periodic Signal. Problems. 10 Two-Port Networks. 10.1 Definitions of Two-Port Parameters. 10.2 Relationships Among Two-Port Parameters. 10.2.1 The z-Parameters and a-Parameters. 10.2.2 The a-Parameters and h-Parameters. 10.2.3 The z-Parameters and h-Parameters. 10.3 Reciprocity of a Two-Port Network. 10.4 Interconnection of Two-Port Networks. 10.4.1 Series Connection and z-Parameters. 10.4.2 Parallel (Shunt) Connection and y-Parameters. 10.4.3 Series-Parallel (Shunt) Connection and h-Parameters. 10.4.4 Parallel (Shunt)-Series Connection and g-Parameters. 10.4.5 Cascade Connection and a-Parameters. 10.4.6 Curse of the Port Condition (Current Requirement). 10.5 Two-Port Networks Having Source/Load. 10.5.1 Input Impedance. 10.5.2 Voltage Gain. 10.5.3 Current Gain. 10.5.4 (Thevenin) Equivalent Impedance Seen from the Output. 10.5.5 (Thevenin) Equivalent Source Seen from the Output. 10.5.6 The Parameters of an Overall Two-Port Network. 10.6 Feedback Amplifiers as Two-Port Networks. 10.6.1 Series-Parallel (Shunt) Feedback Amplifier. 10.6.2 Series-Series Feedback Amplifier. 10.6.3 Parallel-Parallel Feedback Amplifier. 10.6.4 Parallel (Shunt)-Series Feedback Amplifier. 10.6.5 General Feedback Structure. 10.7 Circuit Models with Given Parameters. 10.7.1 Circuit Model with Given z-Parameters. 10.7.2 Circuit Model with Given y-Parameters. 10.7.3 Circuit Model with Given h and g-Parameters. 10.7.4 Circuit Model with Given a and b-Parameters. Problems. Appendices. Appendix A: Laplace Transform. Appendix B: Matrix Operations with MATLAB. Appendix C: Complex Number Operations with MATLAB. Appendix D: Nonlinear/Differential Equations with MATLAB. Appendix E: Symbolic Computations with MATLAB. Appendix F: Useful Formulas (Reference [K-2]). Appendix G: The Standard Values of Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors. Appendix H: OrCAD/PSpice (References [K-1] and [R-2]). Appendix I: MATLAB Introduction (Reference [K-2]). Appendix J: Solutions to Problems. References. Index.ReviewsAuthor InformationWon Y. Yang is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea, where he has taught in the circuit field for over 20 years. He was the lead co-author of Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB and has written numerous Korean language books in the electronic engineering field, including books on MATLAB for digital communications and control systems. He holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University as well as an M.S in Applied Math and a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, both from the University of Southern California. Seung C. Lee is a Professor in Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea. Between 1985 and 1994 he was an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas Institute. He has held senior positions at Hyundai Engineering and Hwashin-Sony. Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |