Century 21 Plus: Computer Applications with Document Formatting

Author:   Karl Barksdale (Farrer Middle School, Provo, UT) ,  Jack P. Hoggatt (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) ,  Jon A. Shank (Robert Morris University, Coraopolis, PA)
Publisher:   Cengage Learning, Inc
Edition:   8th edition


Pages:   686
Publication Date:   01 February 2006
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Century 21 Plus: Computer Applications with Document Formatting

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CENTURY 21 PLUS, COMPUTER APPLICATIONS WITH DOCUMENT FORMATTING Formatting is an alternative starting point for any keyboarding or computer applications course where students have already had new-key instruction. This new text is targeted for students who have had keyboarding and some basic computer applications instruction in another course.

Full Product Details

Author:   Karl Barksdale (Farrer Middle School, Provo, UT) ,  Jack P. Hoggatt (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) ,  Jon A. Shank (Robert Morris University, Coraopolis, PA)
Publisher:   Cengage Learning, Inc
Imprint:   South-Western
Edition:   8th edition
Dimensions:   Width: 22.10cm , Height: 3.00cm , Length: 27.40cm
Weight:   1.837kg


ISBN 10:   0538439602
Pages:   686
Publication Date:   01 February 2006
Audience:   Adult education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Further / Higher Education ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Out of Print
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
Limited stock is available. It will be ordered for you and shipped pending supplier's limited stock.

Table of Contents


The sample pages are great. I like the color schemes. It makes the book pleasant to look at and easy to read. Also it will help the teacher make sure students are on the correct page. The pages are well formatted. The copy layout makes the pages easy to read and not too busy. I like the fact that students have the Conditioning Practice and other drills designed to enhance keying skill. In our state (NC), Middle Grades Teachers have limited time to teach the keyboard and drill students enough to ensure mastery. These drills will help students refine their skills without taking the time to introduce the keyboard, etc. I like the emphasis on communication and math skills. Adding math exercises was a good idea for this edition. I like the idea of the Critical Thinking/Decision Making & Communicating Your Perspective features. Introducing the features/functions of the software one item at a time is good. It is a good idea to give students practices with each feature/function. The way the features/functions are introduced will help the teacher by-pass features/functions that they know students already know and move on to the application of those features/functions. The Teacher's Edition appears to be very helpful. The Simulation is a great idea! In addition to the practice students receive after learning a new function/feature, I think it is an excellent idea to give students the opportunity to incorporate their new learning with realistic assignments.

The sample pages are great. I like the color schemes. It makes the book pleasant to look at and easy to read. Also it will help the teacher make sure students are on the correct page. The pages are well formatted. The copy layout makes the pages easy to read and not too busy. I like the fact that students have the Conditioning Practice and other drills designed to enhance keying skill. In our state (NC), Middle Grades Teachers have limited time to teach the keyboard and drill students enough to ensure mastery. These drills will help students refine their skills without taking the time to introduce the keyboard, etc. I like the emphasis on communication and math skills. Adding math exercises was a good idea for this edition. I like the idea of the Critical Thinking/Decision Making & Communicating Your Perspective features. Introducing the features/functions of the software one item at a time is good. It is a good idea to give students practices with each feature/function. The way t

The sample pages are great. I like the color schemes. It makes the book pleasant to look at and easy to read. Also it will help the teacher make sure students are on the correct page. The pages are well formatted. The copy layout makes the pages easy to read and not too busy. I like the fact that students have the Conditioning Practice and other drills designed to enhance keying skill. In our state (NC), Middle Grades Teachers have limited time to teach the keyboard and drill students enough to ensure mastery. These drills will help students refine their skills without taking the time to introduce the keyboard, etc. I like the emphasis on communication and math skills. Adding math exercises was a good idea for this edition. I like the idea of the Critical Thinking/Decision Making & Communicating Your Perspective features. Introducing the features/functions of the software one item at a time is good. It is a good idea to give students practices with each feature/function. The way the features/functions are introduced will help the teacher by-pass features/functions that they know students already know and move on to the application of those features/functions. The Teacheras Edition appears to be very helpful. The Simulation is a great idea! In addition to the practice students receive after learning a new function/feature, I think it is an excellent idea to give students the opportunity to incorporate their new learning with realistic assignments.

Author Information

Dr. Jack P. Hoggatt is Department Chair of the Department of Business Communications at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He has taught courses in Business Writing, Advanced Business Communications, and the communication component of the university's Master in Business Administration (MBA) program. Dr. Hoggatt has held offices in professional organizations and has received the Outstanding Post-Secondary Business Educator Award in Wisconsin. He has served as an advisor to local and state business organizations. Dr Hoggatt is involved with his community and the school activities of his children. Dr. Jon Shank is a retired Professor of Education (Emeritus) at Robert Morris University in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Dr. Shank served as Dean, School of Applied Sciences and Education for more than 20 years before returning to the classroom. He taught keyboarding and word processing methods to undergraduate and graduate students seeking business education certification. Over the years, he has served in numerous leadership positions in business education professional associations, as a consultant to many school districts, and on many advisory committees for school districts and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Karl Barksdale is currently an instructor at the Utah County Academy of Sciences and is a former instructor at Farrer Middle school in Provo, UT. He has recently been a consultant for Google. Formerly a Development Manager for the Training and Certification team at WordPerfect Corporation, he obtained a master's degree in curriculum from the University of Utah and applied his degree as the Secondary Curriculum Coordinator for Provo School District. Later he returned to education as a Business Education instructor. Since that time he has authored more than 50 business and computer education textbooks for South-Western Educational Publishing, Course Technology, Speaking Solutions, and other publishers.

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