Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment

Author:   Anne E. Magurran (Professor of Ecology & Evolution, University of St Andrews, UK) ,  Brian J. McGill (, Assistant Professor, School of Biology and Ecology & Sustainability Solutions Initiative, University of Maine, USA)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press


Pages:   368
Publication Date:   18 November 2010
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   Manufactured on demand   Availability explained
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Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment

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Biological Diversity provides an up to date, authoritative review of the methods of measuring and assessing biological diversity, together with their application. The book's emphasis is on quantifying the variety, abundance, and occurrence of taxa, and on providing objective and clear guidance for both scientists and managers. This is a fast-moving field and one that is the focus of intense research interest. However the rapid development of new methods, the inconsistent and sometimes confusing application of old ones, and the lack of consensus in the literature about the best approach, means that there is a real need for a current synthesis. Biological Diversity covers fundamental measurement issues such as sampling, re-examines familiar diversity metrics (including species richness, diversity statistics, and estimates of spatial and temporal turnover), discusses species abundance distributions and how best to fit them, explores species occurrence and the spatial structure of biodiversity, and investigates alternative approaches used to assess trait, phylogenetic, and genetic diversity. The final section of the book turns to a selection of contemporary challenges such as measuring microbial diversity, evaluating the impact of disturbance, assessing biodiversity in managed landscapes, measuring diversity in the imperfect fossil record, and using species density estimates in management and conservation.

Full Product Details

Author:   Anne E. Magurran (Professor of Ecology & Evolution, University of St Andrews, UK) ,  Brian J. McGill (, Assistant Professor, School of Biology and Ecology & Sustainability Solutions Initiative, University of Maine, USA)
Publisher:   Oxford University Press
Imprint:   Oxford University Press
Dimensions:   Width: 18.90cm , Height: 1.90cm , Length: 24.60cm
Weight:   0.811kg


ISBN 10:   0199580677
Pages:   368
Publication Date:   18 November 2010
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   Manufactured on demand   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

Robert M. May: Foreword 1: Anne E. Magurran and Brian J. McGill: Challenges and Opportunities in Biodiversity Assessment PART I - BASIC MEASUREMENT ISSUES 2: Scott A. Bonar, Jeffery S. Fehmi, and Norman Mercado-Silva: An Overview of Sampling Issues in Species Diversity and Abundance Surveys 3: Stephen T. Buckland, Angelika Studeny, Anne E. Magurran and Stuart E. Newson: Biodiversity Monitoring: the Relevance of Detectability PART II - DIVERSITY 4: Nicholas J. Gotelli and Robert K. Colwell: Estimating Species Richness 5: Brian A. Maurer and Brian J. McGill: Measurement of Species Diversity 6: Lou Jost, Anne Chao, and Robin L. Chazdon: Compositional Similarity and Beta Diversity 7: Anne E. Magurran: Measuring Biological Diversity in Time (and Space) PART III - DISTRIBUTION 8: Anne E. Magurran and Peter A. Henderson: Commonness and Rarity 9: Brian J. McGill: Species Abundance Distributions 10: Sean R. Connolly and Maria Dornelas: Fitting and Empirical Evaluation of Models for Species Abundance Distributions 11: Kevin J. Gaston and Fangliang He: Species Occurrence and Occupancy 12: Brian J. McGill: Measuring the Spatial Structure of Biodiversity PART IV - ALTERNATIVE MEASURES OF DIVERSITY 13: Evan Weiher: A Primer of Trait Diversity 14: Mark Vellend, William K. Cornwell, Karen Magnuson-Ford, and Arne Ø. Mooers: Measuring Phylogenetic Biodiversity 15: Melanie Culver, Robert Fitak and Hans-Werner Herrmann: Genetic Methods for Biodiversity Assessment PART V - APPLICATIONS 16: Lise Øvreås and Thomas P. Curtis: Microbial Diversity and Ecology 17: Maria Dornelas, Candan Soykan, and Karl Inne Ugland: Biodiversity and Disturbance 18: Steven L. Chown and Melodie A. McGeoch: Measuring Biodiversity in Managed Landscapes 19: Peter J. Wagner and S. Kathleen Lyons: Estimating Extinction with the Fossil Record 20: Michael L. Rosenzweig, John Donoghue II, Yue Max Li and Chi Yuan: Estimating Species Density PART VI - CONCLUSIONS 21: Brian J. McGill and Anne E. Magurran: Conclusions References Index


<br> The writing is clear throughout, and chapters end with a prospectus on future directions and a summary of key points. The strength of the volume is Parts III and IV on, respectively, species abundance distributions and aspects of diversity other than abundance. The former, in particular, contains a set of closely connected chapters that walk through the various concepts and metrics with clear guidelines on which of the very many metrics are the most useful. -- Samuel M. Scheiner, Arlington, Virginia <br><p><br>

Author Information

Anne Magurran is a professor at the University of St Andrews, Scotland and an ecologist interested in the measurement, conservation and evolution of biological diversity. She has current research projects in Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico and the UK and is the author of Ecological Diversity and its Measurement (1988) and Measuring Biological Diversity (2004). Brian McGill is a professor at the University of Arizona. He is interested in understanding and measuring how human-caused global change (especially global warming and land cover change) affect communities of organisms. He works with large datasets from many different types of organisms and locations.

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