Beyond Tracking: Multiple Pathways to College, Career, and Civic Participation

Author:   Jeanne Oakes ,  Marisa Saunders
Publisher:   Harvard Educational Publishing Group


Pages:   336
Publication Date:   30 November 2008
Format:   Hardback
Availability:   Available To Order   Availability explained
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Beyond Tracking: Multiple Pathways to College, Career, and Civic Participation

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"Beyond Tracking responds to the sobering assessment of American high schools by delineating and promoting an innovative and well-defined notion of multiple pathways. The book's authors clearly distinguish their use of the term """"multiple pathways"""" from any updated version of the tracking system that marked so many American high schools during the past century. Instead, Oakes and Saunders propose a system of multiple pathways that will """"provide both the academic and real-world foundations that students need for advanced learning, training, and preparation for responsible civic participation."""" All multiple pathways schools will have four main components: a college-preparatory core; a professional/technical core; field-based learning and realistic workplace simulations; and additional support services to meet the particular needs of students and communities. In this conception of multiple pathways, students and their families choose from among a variety of options, all of which lead students to the same destination: preparation to succeed in both college and career, not one or the other. In its detailed and innovative examination of multiple pathways, Beyond Tracking makes a crucial contribution to current discussions about high school reform and the educational challenges of the 21st century."

Full Product Details

Author:   Jeanne Oakes ,  Marisa Saunders
Publisher:   Harvard Educational Publishing Group
Imprint:   Harvard Educational Publishing Group
Weight:   0.570kg


ISBN 10:   1934742058
Pages:   336
Publication Date:   30 November 2008
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   Available To Order   Availability explained
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Table of Contents


Beyond Tracking is a must-read for school leaders and policymakers. The ideas in this book point towards an educational system that provides enriched learning experiences for all students, so that they will be able to succeed in further studies and in the workplace, and so that they can make notable contributions to the common good. Gene Bottoms, Senior Vice President, Southern Regional Education Board Beyond Tracking is a call to arms. Especially notable is that it presents citizenship as a core element of student learning. This link between learning and citizenship has been undervalued in our current quest to reform American public schools. Wendy D. Puriefoy, President, Public Education Network Beyond Tracking offers a compelling view of multiple pathways and how they might transform American high schools. In its insistence that fundamental reforms are needed and in its detailed consideration of how reformed high schools would better prepare students for both college and work this book is an indispensable contribution to efforts to reimagine, and improve, high school education in America. Ramon C. Cortines, Senior Deputy Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District

Beyond Tracking is a call to arms. Especially notable is that it presents citizenship as a core element of student learning. This link between learning and citizenship has been undervalued in our current quest to reform American public schools. Wendy D. Puriefoy, President, Public Education Network

Beyond Tracking is a must-read for school leaders and policymakers. The ideas in this book point towards an educational system that provides enriched learning experiences for all students, so that they will be able to succeed in further studies and in the workplace, and so that they can make notable contributions to the common good. Gene Bottoms, Senior Vice President, Southern Regional Education Board Beyond Tracking offers a compelling view of multiple pathways and how they might transform American high schools. In its insistence that fundamental reforms are needed and in its detailed consideration of how reformed high schools would better prepare students for both college and work this book is an indispensable contribution to efforts to reimagine, and improve, high school education in America. Ramon C. Cortines, Senior Deputy Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District Beyond Tracking is a call to arms. Especially notable is that it presents citizenship as a core element of student learning. This link between learning and citizenship has been undervalued in our current quest to reform American public schools. Wendy D. Puriefoy, President, Public Education Network

Author Information

Jeannie Oakes is director of Education and Scholarship at the Ford Foundation. Until fall 2008, she was Presidential Professor in Educational Equity at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. She is the author of Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality and many other books. Marisa Saunders is senior research associate at the Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA.

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