OverviewIn 1978, an obscure animated TV show produced by an upstart Toronto firm caught the eye of the world's hottest filmmaker, George Lucas. He was looking for someone to produce an animated short for a CBS Star Wars television special. The ensuing collaboration not only put Nelvana on its path to becoming the world's leading independent animation company but kickstarted Canada's most successful creative industry-children's animated entertainment. Born in Belgium, raised in Toronto and New York, Michael Hirsh was a co-founder and CEO of Nelvana and the driving force behind Canada's animation dominance. Animation Nation is his behind-the-scenes account of working with such famous cartoon franchises as Babar, The Adventures of Tintin, Berenstain Bears, Franklin, The Magic School Bus, and Beetlejuice, and larger-than-life personalities including Roseanne Barr, Mr. T., Deborah Harry, and Tim Burton. Packed with humour and hard-won wisdom, Animation Nation is a frame-by-frame account of how creative talent and entrepreneurial zeal built a global cartoon empire. Full Product DetailsAuthor: Michael HirshPublisher: The Sutherland House Inc. Imprint: The Sutherland House Inc. Dimensions: Width: 15.20cm , Height: 1.20cm , Length: 22.80cm ISBN: 9781990823695ISBN 10: 1990823696 Pages: 240 Publication Date: 05 September 2024 Audience: General/trade , General Format: Hardback Publisher's Status: Active Availability: In Print This item will be ordered in for you from one of our suppliers. Upon receipt, we will promptly dispatch it out to you. For in store availability, please contact us. Table of ContentsReviewsAuthor InformationThe Belgian-born son of Holocaust survivors, Michael Hirsh is an award-winning, trailblazing producer of children’s programming and the former head of Nelvana, Cookie Jar Entertainment, and WOW! Unlimited Media. He lives in Toronto. Tab Content 6Author Website:Countries AvailableAll regions |