Advances in Superconductivity V: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS '92), November 16-19, 1992, Kobe

Author:   Yoshichika Bando ,  Hisao Yamauchi
Publisher:   Springer Verlag, Japan
Edition:   Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993


Pages:   1332
Publication Date:   15 June 1994
Format:   Paperback
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Advances in Superconductivity V: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS '92), November 16-19, 1992, Kobe

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This book covers all research fields in high Tc Superconductivity. Breakthrougs in the single crystal growth of a monolithic device leads to a new technology.

Full Product Details

Author:   Yoshichika Bando ,  Hisao Yamauchi
Publisher:   Springer Verlag, Japan
Imprint:   Springer Verlag, Japan
Edition:   Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993


ISBN 10:   4431683070
Pages:   1332
Publication Date:   15 June 1994
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Professional & Vocational
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Availability:   In Print   Availability explained
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Table of Contents

1 Plenary Lectures.- Status and Current Directions in New Materials Research in High-Tc Superconductivity.- Superconductivity - The Evolution of a New Technology.- Temperature Variation of jc and Characterization of Ag/Bi(2223) Tapes.- Progress Toward High Power Applications of Ceramic Superconductors in USA.- 2 Physics.- 2.1 Theoretical Studies.- Antiferromagnetic Insulating Energy Bands of Tetragonal Ca(Sr)CuO2.- A Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Uniaxial Elastic Strain on the Critical Temperature of Cuprate Superconductors.- Superconducting State of the Two-Chain Hubbard Model Indicated by the Diagonalization Calculation.- Study on Superconducting Phase of Two-Band Model Including Cu Sites by Diagonalization Method.- Analysis of Quasi-Particle Lifetimes in Superconducting Ba1?xKxBiO3.- Kinetics of Oxygen in Lattice Gas Model for YBa2Cu3Ox.- Magnetic Properties of Quasi-Two Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spins Interacting with Itinerant Electrons.- Notes on Resistivity Drop at 150 ~ 180K for Ca-Sr-Cu-O Thin Films.- 2.2 Electron, X-Ray and Neutron Spectroscopy.- Local Lattice Distortion and Mechanism of Superconductivity.- Local Structure and Superconductivity in Tl2Ba2CuOy Studied by Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure.- Local Structure and Valence States in CaLaBaCu3Oy Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy.- Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of Tl-2201, Tl-2212, Tl-2223, and Tl-2234 High-Tc Superconductors.- Current-Voltage Characteristics of Nb/(Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Ox/Nb Point Contact Junctions.- Electronic States and Magnetic Properties of Layered Vanadium Oxides Srn+1VnO3n+1 (n = 1, 2 and 3).- 2.3 Transport and Thermal Properties.- A Simple Physical Picture for the Thermoelectric Power and Hall Effect of High-Tc Superconductors.- Effect of Oxygen to the Transport Properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+?, YBa2Cu3O7?? and Nd2?xCexCuO4??.- Resistivity and Microstructure in Superoxygenated La2CuO4+?.- Hall Coefficient for Nd2?xCexCuO4?? Probed by Oxygen Desorption.- Resistive Measurements of the Upper Critical Fields for Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films in Pulsed Magnetic Fields.- Transport and Superconducting Properties on High-Tc Oxides: Pr-, Ca-Doped YBCO (124) and Quenched YBCO (123), BSCCO (2212), (2223).- Physical Properties of (Ba, K) NiS2.- 2.4 Magnetic Resonance and Moessbauer Studies.- Spin Dynamics at Planar Copper and Oxygen Sites in YBa2Cu4O8.- Tl/Cu-NMR Study on TlBa2CaCu2O7?? (T11212).- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study in Ca Substituted YBa2Cu4O8.- NMR Study on Superconducting Nd2CuO3.8F0.2.- 2.5 Optical and Ultrasonic Properties169.- Anisotropic Optical Properties of High-Tc Copper Oxides.- Anisotropic Optical Spectrum of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+z.- Transient Induced Absorption Spectra of YBCO Superconductors Measured with Femtosecond Time Resolution.- Dielectric Constants of YBa2Cu3O7?? Thin Films in the Millimeter Wave Region.- Phonon Raman Scattering of Polycrystalline YBa2Cu4O8 Under Hydrostatic Pressure.- Electronic Structure of Quasi-Particle of Cuprate Superconductors.- 2.6 Magnetic and Microwave Properties.- Microwave Conductivity of Superconducting High-Tc Cuprates.- Harmonic Susceptibilities of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy.- Lower Critical Field and Irreversibility Line in dc ac Magnetization of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Single Crystal.- Anisotropic Vortex State of Single Crystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+?.- Superconducting Volume Fractions in a Mixed-Phase High-Tc Superconducting Sample.- Systematic Measurements of Physical Properties on Ba1?xKxBiOy Prepared on the Basis of the Phase Diagram.- Lower Critical Field Determination in a Three-Dimensionally Textured Thick Rod of Float-Zone-Processed BiSrCaCuO: 2212/Ag.- 3 Chemistry.- 3.1 Synthesis.- Pulsed-Laser Deposition and Characterization of Sr1?xNdxCuOy of Infinite-Layer Structure.- Mechanism of Carrier Doping in the Superconducting Infinite-Layer Compound A1?xCuO2?z (A = Ca1?ySry).- Synthesis of Superconducting Sr-Ca-Cu-O Using High Pressure Techniques.- High-Pressure Synthesis and Superconductivity of the Sr-Ca-Cu-O System.- Ba0.5Sr0.5CuOz: A New Perovskite Related Structure Which Forms at High Pressure of 6GPa.- Synthesis of Infinite-Layered (Ca, Y, Sr) CuO2 by Sol-Gel Method.- Synthesis and Characterization of Infinite Layer Structural M1?xCuO2 (M: Alkaline Earth and Alkali Metal).- Sequential Deposition and Characterization of M1?xCuO2+/-?.- The Cyrstal Structure of Infinite-Layer Sr1?xCuO2?? Thin Films.- Synthesis of Superconducting Cuprates, (Pb(1+x)/2Cu(1?x)/2)(Sr1?yCay)2 (Y1?xCax)Cu2Oz by Means of Encapsulation and Post-Annealing (ECPA) Technique.- Superconductivity Above 70K in GaSr2(Y1?xCax)Cu2Oy.- Synthesis and Characterization of (Tl0.7Pb0.3)(Ba1?xSrx)2Ca3Cu4Oz.- Superconductivity in Reduced Metal Titanates.- New Organic Superconductors: (BEDT-TTF)4M(CN)4H2O (M = Pt and Pd).- Chemistry en Route to Applications of Organic Superconductors.- Synthesis of Electron Doped Copper Oxides Free from 4f Spins.- 3.2 Substitution and Doping.- Control and Optimization of Critical Temperature for the Tl-Based Superconductors.- Carrier Hole Doping by Intercalation in High-Tc Bismuth Cuprates.- Determination of Average Valences of Copper and Thallium Separately in the Superconducting Thallium Cuprates.- Intercalation of High-Tc Oxides with Organic Molecules.- Effect of Post-Annealing on TC in Pb-Doped Bi-2223 Superconductors.- The Variation of Tc Due to Low Temperature Annealing (Aging) at 120 DegreesC in the Low-Tc Phase BSCCO Superconductors.- A Possible Increase of Tc in the 0:2:1:2 Superconductors.- Low Temperature Annealing Effect in La1.85Ca1.15Cu2O6 Superconductor.- Properties of Alkali-Fulleride Superconductors RbxC60.- Alkaline Metals Doping into C60 Thin Films.- Effect of AI-Doping on Crystal Growth and Superconductivity of Bi-2212.- Pressure Effects on Tc of Y2Ba4(Cu1?xCox)7O15.- Effect of Ni Substitution on the Superconducting Properties in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Oy.- Doping Effect in the n-Type Superconductor Ln1.85Ce0.15CuO.- 3.3 Structure and Properties.- Surface Structure and Chemistry of Cuprate Superconductors.- Mapping and Exploiting the Superconducting Phase Diagram in High-Tc Cuprates.- The Patterson Map of Tl-Based Superconductor by the Maximum Entropy Method.- Change in Microstructure of Bi2Sr1.8Ca1.2Cu2Oy by Yttrium, Lanthanum Substitution and Ar Annealing.- Synthesis and 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy of (Pb0.5Fe0.5)Sr2(Y0.5Ca0.5)Cu2Oz (z ? 7).- A Phase Transformation in Zr1?xScxB12.- Transport and Magnetic Properties of Ba4CuRh2O9 Compound with One Dimensional Disorder Chain.- Structural Disorder in High-Tc Superconducting Oxides, Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O.- Features of Structural Transitions in La1.875-xSmxSr0.125CuO4.- The Effect of Lanthanide (Ln) Elements on the Tc of LnBa2Cu4O8.- Structural Transitions and Related Electronic Properties in Ba1?xKxBiO3.- 3.4 Crystal Growth.- Crystal Growth of La2CuO4, YBa2Cu3O7 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by the TSSG Method.- Crystal Growth of Pr2CuO4 System by the TSFZ Method.- Use of a Thermal-Gradient Method and Eds, with Image Processing, To Elucidate the Operative Mechanism(s) During the Formation of Tl-1223.- Conversion Process of Low-Tc Phase into High-Tc Phase in Bi Cuprate System.- Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics in the Sr-Cu-O and Ca-Cu-O Systems.- Annealing Effect on Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Large Crystal Grown by Floating Zone Method.- 4 Flux Pinning.- 4.1 Flux Pinning Properties.- Effect of Twin Planes on Flux Pinning in YBCO Prepared by MPMG Process.- Computer Simulation of Flux Pinning in Type II Superconductors.- TEM Observation of Microstructures in Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3Oy.- Oxygen-Content Dependence of the Flux Pinning in Pb-Substituted Bi-2212 Superconductors.- Impurity Pinning in YBaCuO System Prepared by MMTG and Thermal Diffusion Method.- Experimental Evidence of a Crossover in the Pinning of Vortices in Untwinned Single Crystals of YBa2Cu3O7??.- Enhancement of Critical Current Density on Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy by Neutron Irradiation.- Neutron and Electron Irradiation Effects in Bi-2223.- Anisotropy of Pinning Forces in High-Tc Superconductors.- Anisotropic Flux Pinning in Layered Superconductor 2H-NbSe2?xSx.- Correlation Between Crystal Structure and Irreversibility Magnetic Fields in Oxide and Organic Superconductors.- Effect of Coherence Length in the C-Axis on Irreversibility Properties in Anisotropic High Temperature Superconductors.- Irreversibility Line and Flux Pinning in High-Tc Y1Ba2Cu3O7 Superconductors.- Flux Creep in the Vicinity of Irreversibility Lines.- Magnetic Relaxation in the Melt Processed YBa2Cu3O7?? Crystals.- Pinning in High-Field Superconductors: A Comparison Using Magnetoacoustic Experiments.- Energy Distribution of Flux Pinning Potential in (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy.- Critical Current Density and Depinning of Flux Lines in Epitaxial Thin Films of YBa2Cu3O7.- 4.2 Critical Current Characteristics.- Anisotropy of Resistivity and Critical Current Density in Y1Ba2Cu3O7?y Films.- Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning in Silver Sheathed BiPbSrCaCuO Tapes.- Magnetic-Field and Temperature Dependence of the Critical Current Density in High-Quality Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Thin Films.- Anisotropy of Critical Current and 2D Mixed State in Superconducting Nb/NbZr Multilayers.- Radiation Effects on the Transport Critical Current Density in a Bi1.5Pb0.5Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Ceramic.- 4.3 Electromagnetic Properties.- Hall Probe Magnetometry on High-Tc Superconductors.- Magneto-Optical Observation of Flux Penetration in an a-axis Aligned Bi-2212 Superconductor.- Thickness Dependence of the Flux Density Distribution in Textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Tapes.- The Effect of Sample Size on the Critical Current Density of Polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7?x.- DC Magnetization of Bi-2212 Single Crystal in Field Cooled Process.- Effect of Reversible Fluxoid Motion on Magnetization in Small Superconductors.- Flux Density Distribution in Field-Oriented YBa2Cu3Ox Polycrystals.- Flux Motion Observed by AC Susceptibility Measurement in Bi-2223 and Bi-2212.- Harmonic Susceptibility and Irreversibility Line of YBa2Cu3O7 Films.- Effects of Transport Currents and Static Magnetic Fields on Harmonic Generation in YBCO Ceramics.- Field-Voltage Characteristics of YBCO Weak Link Structures.- Angle-Dependent Broadening of the c-axis Resistive Transition and Its 3D Scaling for Single-Crystal (La1?xSrx)2CuO4 (x = 0.12).- 5 Wires, Tapes and Bulk.- 5.1 Bulk - (1) YBCO.- Growth Mechanism of YBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystal Prepared by Crystal Pulling.- Chemical Doping on the Solution Spun Y-Ba-Cu-O Filament.- Growth of MPMG Processed Y123 Superconductor with Controlled Crystal Orientation.- Crystal Growth of High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox by Floating Zone Method.- Alumina-Doping Effect on Solidification Mechanism of Y-System Superconductors.- Crystal Growth of Bulk YBCO Superconducting Oxides; Effect of Undercooling.- Interface Undercooling During Unidirectional Solidification of 123 Crystal.- Characterization of YBa2Cu3O7?? Single Crystal Grown by Crystal Pulling.- Fabrication and Properties of Long (Y,Ho)-Ba-Cu-0 Rods Prepared by Unidirectional Solidification Technique.- Critical Current Behavior in Fiber Spun YBCO Superconducting Rods.- Preparation of YBa2Cu4O8 Superconducting Bulk at Ambient Oxygen Pressure via Oxalate Gel Route.- Study on the Low-Temperature Melt Growth for Y-123 Superconductor.- Melt Texturing of YBa2Cu3O7?? with PtO2-Additions.- 5.1 Bulk - (2) BSCCO.- Properties and Application of Bi Based Oxide Superconductors Prepared by Laser Pedestal Growth Method.- Influence of Starting Composition on Characteristics of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Fibers Prepared by the Micro-Czochralski Technique.- Heat Treatments After High Temperature Deformation in BPSCCO Sintered Specimens.- Microstructual Control of Bi-System Superconductor Prepared by Partially Melting Process.- Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Single Crystals Using the Temperature Process for Nucleation Control.- The Preparation of High Quality Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Single Crystals by a Self Flux Method.- The Preparation of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics by a Partial Melting Process.- Large Scale Transport Properties of Melt Cast Processed Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox.- Single Crystals of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Characterized by Chemical Etching.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes - (1) YBCO.- Application of CIP Treatment for Forming of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y Superconductive Thick Film on Metal Substrate with Sprayed PSZ Buffer Layer.- Epitaxial Growth of Ba2YCu3O7-y Films by the Dipping-Pyrolysis Process Using a Two-Step Annealing Method.- Microstructural Study and Transporting Properties of Biaxially Aligned YBCO Tapes by Pulsed Laser Deposition.- Synthesis of Superconducting Oxide Film on Metal Substrate by Radio-Frequency Plasma Flash Evaporation.- Composite YBa2Cu3O7-x, Superconductor Prepared by Spray Drying Method.- Fabrication of Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Tapes by Excimer Laser Ablation.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes - (2) BSCCO.- Bi-Based Silver-Sheathed High-Tc Superconducting Wire and Application.- A New Model for the Formation of the 110K BPSCCO Phase.- Influence of Ag Addition on Jc and Mechanical Properties of Ag/Bi2223 Tapes.- Solenoid Coil Using Multilayered Composite Wire of Bi-Based Superconductor.- Properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy/Ag Composite Tapes and Coils Melt-Solidified with Bi2Al4O9.- Enhancement of Jc by Oxygenation in Ag-Sheathed (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+?.- Dependence of Critical Current Density on Tape Thickness in Ag-Sheathed Bi2223 and Bi2212 Tapes.- The Effect of Ag Doping on Critical Current Density in Ag-Sheathed Bi2223 Tapes.- Preparation of Power Conductors Using Bi-Based Superconducting Tapes.- Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of Ag Sheathed (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Tapes.- Fabrication of Ag-Sheathed Y-Substituted Bi-2212 Tapes.- Fabrication of Superconducting Coil by Bi2212 Silver Sheathed Tapes.- Bi-System Oxide Superconducting Tapes Based on Silver-Alloy for Power Current Leads.- Dependence of Critical Current Density on Microstructure in Ag-Sheathed (Bi, Pb)-(Sr, Ba)-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Tapes.- Phase Studies and Superconducting Properties of Ag-Added Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy/Ag Tapes.- Enhancement in Critical Current Density of Bi-2212/Ag Composite Tape Prepared by Screen Printing and Melt Growth.- 5.2 Wires and Tapes - (3) TBCCO.- Field Dependence of the Transport Critical Current in Polycrystalline TlBa2Ca2Cu3Oz Films.- 5.3 Characteristics.- Microstructural Factors Influencing Critical-Current Densities of High-Temperature Superconductors.- Magnetic Properties and Irreversibility Behavior in Ag-Sheathed Bi-Based Superconducting Wires Fabricated Using a Controlled Melt Procedure.- Grain Decoupling Phenomena and ac Losses in Polycrystalline YBCO.- Insulation Materials for Bi-2223 Tapes.- Magnetic Levitation Using MPMG YBaCuO.- Preparation and Properties of Tetragonal CaBaLaCu3Oy Superconductor.- Application for Current Lead Using Bi-Based Oxide Superconductor.- Superconductive Properties and Fluctuation Effect in Ba-Doped Bi-System Oxides.- Microstructual and Characteristics Comparison Between Tl-System and Bi-System Oxide Superconducting Tapes.- Magnetic Shielding Effect of YBCO Prepared by Modified Melt Texture Growth (MMTG) Method.- Mechanical and Superconducting Properties of Melt-Processed YBCO Composites Containing BaZrO3, Ag and 211-Phase.- Investigation of the Bending Effect and the Critical Current Density on a Bi-Based Superconducting Tape.- Preparation and Electrical Properties of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Ceramics.- Progress in the Development of Continuous Manufacturing Processes for HTS Conductors.- Magnetic and Pinning Force Studies of Three-Dimensionally Textured Float-Zone-Processed Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (2212/Ag).- Strain Dependence of Bi-2223 Tape Conductors for Application in High Field Magnets.- 6 Preparation and Properties of Thin Films.- 6.1 Superlattice, Heterostructure and Related.- Superconducting Nature of Ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7 Films.- Surface Characterization of YBCO Thin Films by LEED, XPS and ISS.- In Situ Optical Monitoring of Growth of YBCO Thin Films in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition.- In Situ Optical Diagnostics for Layer-by-Layer CVD of YBaCuO Films.- Transport Property of Epitaxial Bi2Sr2CaCu2CuO8/Bi2Sr2CuO6 Superlattices in Magnetic Field.- Epitaxial Growth of BSCCO Type Structure in Atomic Layer by Layer Deposition by Ion Beam Sputtering.- Structural Characterization of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8/Bi2Sr2CuO6 Superlattices Prepared by MBE Methods.- RHEED Observations of Insulator Film Growths on 80K-Phase Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Single Crystal Surfaces.- Deposition of YBaCuO on Silicon Using PbTi03 Buffer Layer by MOCVD.- PrGaO3-Buffered Substrate for Superconducting YBa2Cu3Oy Epitaxial Films.- New Substrate La1?xNdxGaO3 for High-Tc YBa2Cu3Ox Epitaxial Films.- Fabrication and Properties of MgO/Ba1?xKxBiO3 Heteroepitaxial Structure.- Estimation of Insulator/YBa2Cu3Ox Interface by Capacitance-Voltage Measurement.- 6.2 Orientation Control Growth and Growth Mechanism.- Computer Simulation of Growth Mechanisms in Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films.- Preparation of 1-2-3 Thin Films by Sputtering Using Cylindrical Targets of Metallic Alloys.- Quasi-Lattice-Match Engineering for Preferential Axis Control of YBa2Cu3Ox Thin Films.- Single Phase a-axis YBCO Films Epitaxially Grown on NdGaO3.- DC Plasma Superimposed 94.92MHz Magnetron Sputtering for Fabrication of a-axis Oriented YBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Films.- In-Plane Misoriented Grain Boundary Structures and Superconducting Properties of YBCO Films on MgO Substrate.- Crystal Orientation Control of BiSrCaCuO Thin Films -A (01n) Oriented Film on a CeO2 Buffer Layer.- (110)-Oriented Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films Prepared by MOCVD.- Initial Crystal Growth Stage of BRBO Thin Film.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (1) General.- A Materials System Approach to Optimum Performance in High Temperature Superconducting Thin Films.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (2) Sputtering.- Uniformity on Transition Temperature and Composition in Sputtered Y-Ba-Cu-O Films.- Surface Study of High-Tc Superconducting Thin Films and Related Materials by In Situ Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (3) CVD.- Film Processing of YBa2Cu4O8 by MOCVD.- The Relation Between Deposition Temperature, Superconductivity and Surface Morphology on CVD Process.- Preparation of YbBaCuO Film on Various Substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition at 650 Degrees C.- Substrate Dependence in Formation of Superconductive Bi2Sr2Srn?1CunOy (n = 2,3) Thin Films by MOCVD.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (4) MBE.- An Oxygen Radical Source with High Electron Densities for Preparation of YBCO Thin Films.- Characterization and Superconductive Properties of RBa2Cu3Oy (R = Y, Pr) Films Fabricated Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy with Pure Ozone and Differential Pumping.- Substrate Dominated Morphology of High Tc Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy.- Preparation of Oxide Superconducting Thin Films by MOMBE.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (5) Laser.- Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscopic Studies on Laser Ablation Process.- Deposition of Low Disorder Ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7?x Films on SrTiO3.- Detection of YBCO Film Monocrystalline Domains by Optical Measurements.- Preparation of YBCO Thin Film by Laser Evaporation over Large Area.- Preparation of Ba1?xKxBiO3 Thin Films by Laser Ablation.- 6.3 Thin Film Growth Technologies and Characterization - (6) Others.- Possibility of Low Temperature Growth of YBCO Thin Film by Low Energy Ion Assisted Deposition.- Growth of YBa2Cu3O7?x Thin Films from Metallic Precursor at 650 DegreesC Annealing.- Fabrication of Y123 MOD Films Improved by the Decomposition Process.- Superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox Films Prepared by rf Plasma Flash Evaporation.- Electrochemical Growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films on Ag Substrates by Sequential Deposition.- Preparation of the Tl-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Film.- Ion Bombardment Enhanced Etching for YBaCuO Superconducting Thin Films.- Dry Etching of BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Thin Films Using Argon and Ethane.- 7 Device Application.- 7.1 Multilayer Structures and Junct.- Single Crystal Break Junctions.- Studies of the Proximity Effect and the In-Plane Energy Gap of YBCO Using YBCO-N-YBCO Edge Junctions.- Influence of the Boundary Resistance and Pair Breaking on Josephson Coupling in HTS Weak Links.- Tilt-Boundary Junctions in BiSrCaCuO Films Obtained by Controlling In-Plane Epitaxy.- Transport Properties of EBCO Step Edge Josephson Junctions.- YBCO Step-Edge Josephson Junction by Pulsed Laser Deposition.- YBa2Cu3O7?y SQUID with Step-Edge Junctions.- Electrical Characteristics of All-Oxide S-N-S Junctions.- Numerical Analysis for the Transport Properties of the Oxide S-N-S Junction.- Properties of LaNiO3 Films and YBCO/LaNiO3/Au/Ag/Pb Junctions.- Emitter Junction Analysis for a Dielectric-Base Transistors.- In/BRBO/STO(Nb) Three-Terminal Device Using (Ba,Rb)BiO3 Superconductors.- YBCO-Josephson-Junctions on MgO Fabricated by a Focused Ion Beam.- Anisotropy of the Proximity Effect Between a High-Tc Superconductor and Magnetic Manganese Oxide.- Heterostructure Thin Films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+? and (Pb0.9La0.1)TiO3.- Transport Anisotropy in BSCCO Thin Films.- 7.2 Application to Microwave Devices and Antennas.- High-Tc Superconducting Microwave Devices for Communication Systems.- Bandwidths of Electrically Small Antennas Composed of High-Tc Superconducting Helical Radiators.- Improved Superconducting Active Antennas.- Superconducting Collinear Array Antennas with a Shaped Radiation Pattern.- Superconductive Small Antennas Made of EuBaCuO Thin Films.- Josephson Junction Millimeter-Wave Detector Operative at 70K.- Effects of Bi2O3 Incorporation into YBCO Superconductors for Microwave Detector.- Performance of a Y-Ba-Cu-O Josephson Junction/Filter.- Miniaturized Hairpin Resonator Filter Using High-Tc Thin Film.- Characteristics of Thin Film YBCO Micro-Stripline Resonator by Laser Etching.- Power Handling Capability of Large Area HTS Thin Films at Microwave Frequencies.- HTS/III-V Hybrid Microwave Circuits.- 7.3 Other Superconducting Devices and Basic Properties.- High-Tc Low-Noise dc SQUIDs Operating at 77 K.- Nonbolometric Optical Response of YBa2Cu3Ox Epitaxial Thin Films.- Photo-Response of YBa2Cu3Oy MIS Structure.- Optical Response of DyBa2Cu3O7?x Epitaxial Thin Films.- High Speed YBaCuO/LiNbO3 Travelling-Wave Optical Modulator.- Optical Modulators with Superconducting Electrodes.- Pulse Propagation in 8?m-Wide Coplanar Superconductive Transmission Line.- Temperature-Dependent Focusing of Intense Electron Beams with Bulk Superconductor Lenses (Supertrons).- 8 System Application.- 8.1 Electric Power System and Large Scale System.- HTSC Application in Power Engineering and Nuclear Fusion.- HTS Magnets.- Current Status of Superconducting Magnet for a Maglev System.- R&D on Superconducting Wire for Power Applications in Super-GM.- Test Report of a SMES System Connected to a Power System Simulator.- Dual-Time-Scale Simulation of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage for Enhancement of Electric Power System Stability.- Design of SMES Unit Applicable to Maglev Railway.- Thermal Performance of a Pair of Current Leads Incorporating Bismuth Compound Superconductors.- Development of High-Tc Superconducting Current Lead.- Development of 1kA-Class Go and Return High-Tc Superconducting Bus Bar.- High Current Composite Superconductor Electrical Power Lead.- 5m/2kA High-Tc Cable Conductor.- Development of a 6.6kV/1.5kA-Class Superconductive Fault Current Limiter.- Analysis of the Rapid Quenching Mechanism in a Superconductive Current Limiter by Computer Simulation.- A Study of a High-Tc Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (No. 2): Development of an Element for 100-V Class Power Systems.- 8.2 Magnetic Shielding and Magnetic Bearing.- Magnetic Shield Analysis of Superconductors by Boundary Element Method.- Magnetic Shielding Effect of Overlapped BPSCCO Plates.- Magnetic Shielding of High-Tc Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Cylinders.- On Coupling Coefficient of Mutual Inductance with Bi System Core Under External DC Magnetic Field.- Measurements of Magnetic Field Shielding Effects of NbTi-Cu Multilayer Films by a SQUID-Based Magnetometer.- A New Superconducting Planer Magnet Development from a Magnetic Shielding Device Made of NbTi-Cu Films.- Magnetic Shielding of Grid-Type High-Tc Superconductor Unit.- Magnetic Shielding By High-Tc Superconductor.- YBaCuO with Large Magnetic Repulsive Force.- Magnetic Shielding Effect of Bi(Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O8 Superconductor Prepared by Hot-Forging.- Characterization of Superconducting Magnetic Bearings (Runnout Performance at High Speed Rotation).- An Improvement of the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Superconducting Magnetic Bearings Using MPMG-YBaCuO.- Levitation Properties of YBaCuO Superconductor Prepared by MMTG.- Author Index.- Key Word Index.


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